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## Introduction ![New Model](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.44.30.jpg) **- What is Localtower?** Localtower is a Rails Engine mountable in development environment to help you generate migrations for your Rails application. It's like ActiveAdmin or Sidekiq UI. You plug it in your `config/routes.rb` and it works out of the box. Check the _Installation_ section below for more details. **- How Localtower works?** Localtower gives you a UI to create models and migrations. It will generate a migration file like you would do with `rails generate migration add_index_to_users`. You will see the generated file in `db/migrate/` folder. **- Why creating a UI for Rails migrations?** Rails migrations are well documented in the official [Rails Guides](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_migrations.html) but we often tend to forget some commands or do typo errors. Like writing `add_index :user, :email` instead of `add_index :users, :email` (did you spot the typo?). Working from a UI with a fixed list of commands reduces the chance of making errors. **- When I'm using Localtower, can I still generate migrations from the command line?** Of course! Localtower does not lock you up. You can still generate migrations like you did before. Localtower is just a migration generator. You can also generate a migration from Localtower and then edit it manually before running `rails db:migrate` **- What does happen when I want to remove Localtower?** You just have to remove the gem from your `Gemfile`, run `bundle`, remove the engine in `config/routes.rb`, and that's it! All your previous migrations will stay in `db/migrate/`. You are never locked up with Localtower. You can install or uninstall anytime. Remember, it is just a UI to generate files. Do not hesitate to [open an issue on Github](https://github.com/damln/localtower/issues) and tell me why you don't want it anymore. It will be very valuable for me to understand what I can do better ❤. **- Cool, but there are some migration options that are not available in Localtower, what can I do?** Localtower doesn't implement all the Rails Migrations API. I focused on the most common scenarios. If you need to do something tricky in your migrations, you can still edit the migrations manually. You are also welcome to [open an issue on Github](https://github.com/damln/localtower/issues) to ask for a specific feature. I'm always open to extend the possibilities of Localtower. ## Screenshots ### Create a model ![New Model](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.44.30.jpg) ### Create a migration ![New Migration](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.48.21.jpg) ### See the Migrations (and migrate) ![Migrations](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.50.11.jpg) ## Installation Please use the best localtower version: `>= 2.0.0` See installation process below. Compatibility: - Rails >= 5.2 - Ruby >= 2.3 Add to your `Gemfile` file: ```ruby # In your current group 'development': group :development do # [probably other gems here] gem 'localtower' end # Or as a one liner: gem 'localtower', group: :development ``` Run command in your terminal: ```bash bundle install ``` Add to your `config/routes.rb`: ```ruby MyApp::Application.routes.draw do if Rails.env.development? mount Localtower::Engine, at: 'localtower' end # Your other routes here: # ... end ``` **⚠ IMPORTANT ⚠** Change your config/environments/development.rb: ```ruby Rails.application.configure do # This is the default: # config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load # Change it to: config.active_record.migration_error = false if defined?(Localtower) # ... end ``` If you know how to override this configuration in the gem instead of doing it in your app code, please open an issue and tell me your solution. ## Usage To access the UI, run your local rails server and open your browser at [http://localhost:3000/localtower](http://localhost:3000/localtower). ## Full scenrio ScreenShots ### Create a model ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.44.30.jpg) It will create a migration file: ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.44.42.jpg) ### Create a migration ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.48.21.jpg) It will generate a migration file: ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.48.51.jpg) ### Create another model Now, we add a `Book` model: ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.50.04.jpg) ### All the migrations generated ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damln/localtower/react/public/screenshots/v2.0.0/Screenshot%202024-11-18%20at%2022.50.19.jpg) ## Upgrading I recommend you to upgrade to the latest version which is `2.0.0`. To upgrade, just use the latest version of Localtower. You have nothing else to do. ``` bundle update localtower ``` ## Contribute Thanks for reporting issues, I'll do my best to fix the bugs 💪 ![ga](https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid=G-1XG3EBE2DZ&cid=555&aip=1&t=event&ec=github&ea=visit&dp=readme&dt=gem) ## Run test If you want to contribute to the gem: Create a `spec/dummy/.env` file with the credentials to your PostgreSQL Database. It should look like this: ``` LOCALTOWER_PG_USERNAME="admin" LOCALTOWER_PG_PASSWORD="root_or_smething" ``` drop / create database: ```bash cd spec/dummy bundle exec rails db:drop bundle exec rails db:create rm app/models/*.rb ``` Run the spec: ```bash bundle install bundle exec rspec spec/ ``` ## Deploy latest gem version Only for official contributors. git tag v2.0.0 # change by last version git push --tags rm *.gem gem build localtower.gemspec gem push localtower-*.gem ## Notes Do not hesitate to open issues if you have troubles using the gem. - By Damian Le Nouaille: - Twitter: https://twitter.com/damian_lnd - Website: https://damln.com - Link on RubyGems.org: https://rubygems.org/gems/localtower - Stats on BestGems.org (30k+ downloads): https://bestgems.org/gems/localtower