# rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength require "bigdecimal" require "annotated/constants" require_relative "annotate_models/file_patterns" module AnnotateModels # Annotate Models plugin use this header COMPAT_PREFIX = "== Schema Info".freeze COMPAT_PREFIX_MD = "## Schema Info".freeze PREFIX = "== Schema Information".freeze PREFIX_MD = "## Schema Information".freeze END_MARK = "== Schema Information End".freeze SKIP_ANNOTATION_PREFIX = '# -\*- SkipSchemaAnnotations'.freeze MATCHED_TYPES = %w[test fixture factory serializer scaffold controller helper].freeze # Don't show limit (#) on these column types # Example: show "integer" instead of "integer(4)" NO_LIMIT_COL_TYPES = %w[integer bigint boolean].freeze # Don't show default value for these column types NO_DEFAULT_COL_TYPES = %w[json jsonb hstore].freeze INDEX_CLAUSES = { unique: { default: "UNIQUE", markdown: "_unique_" }, where: { default: "WHERE", markdown: "_where_" }, using: { default: "USING", markdown: "_using_" } }.freeze MAGIC_COMMENT_MATCHER = /(^#\s*encoding:.*(?:\n|r\n))|(^# coding:.*(?:\n|\r\n))|(^# -\*- coding:.*(?:\n|\r\n))|(^# -\*- encoding\s?:.*(?:\n|\r\n))|(^#\s*frozen_string_literal:.+(?:\n|\r\n))|(^# -\*- frozen_string_literal\s*:.+-\*-(?:\n|\r\n))/ class << self def annotate_pattern(options = {}) if options[:wrapper_open] return /(?:^(\n|\r\n)?# (?:#{options[:wrapper_open]}).*(\n|\r\n)?# (?:#{COMPAT_PREFIX}|#{COMPAT_PREFIX_MD}).*?(\n|\r\n)(#.*(\n|\r\n))*(\n|\r\n)*)|^(\n|\r\n)?# (?:#{COMPAT_PREFIX}|#{COMPAT_PREFIX_MD}).*?(\n|\r\n)(#.*(\n|\r\n))*(\n|\r\n)*/ end /^(\n|\r\n)?# (?:#{COMPAT_PREFIX}|#{COMPAT_PREFIX_MD}).*?(\n|\r\n)(#.*(\n|\r\n))*(\n|\r\n)*/o end def model_dir @model_dir.is_a?(Array) ? @model_dir : [@model_dir || "app/models"] end attr_writer :model_dir def root_dir if @root_dir.blank? [""] elsif @root_dir.is_a?(String) @root_dir.split(",") else @root_dir end end attr_writer :root_dir def skip_subdirectory_model_load # This option is set in options[:skip_subdirectory_model_load] # and stops the get_loaded_model method from loading a model from a subdir if @skip_subdirectory_model_load.blank? false else @skip_subdirectory_model_load end end attr_writer :skip_subdirectory_model_load def get_patterns(options, pattern_types = []) current_patterns = [] root_dir.each do |root_directory| Array(pattern_types).each do |pattern_type| patterns = FilePatterns.generate(root_directory, pattern_type, options) current_patterns += if pattern_type.to_sym == :additional_file_patterns patterns else patterns.map { |p| p.sub(/^[\/]*/, "") } end end end current_patterns end # Simple quoting for the default column value def quote(value) case value when NilClass then "NULL" when TrueClass then "TRUE" when FalseClass then "FALSE" when Float, Integer then value.to_s # BigDecimals need to be output in a non-normalized form and quoted. when BigDecimal then value.to_s("F") when Array then value.map { |v| quote(v) } else value.inspect end end def schema_default(klass, column) quote(klass.column_defaults[column.name]) end def retrieve_indexes_from_table(klass) table_name = klass.table_name return [] unless table_name indexes = klass.connection.indexes(table_name) return indexes if indexes.any? || !klass.table_name_prefix # Try to search the table without prefix table_name_without_prefix = table_name.to_s.sub(klass.table_name_prefix, "") if klass.connection.table_exists?(table_name_without_prefix) klass.connection.indexes(table_name_without_prefix) else [] end end # Use the column information in an ActiveRecord class # to create a comment block containing a line for # each column. The line contains the column name, # the type (and length), and any optional attributes def get_schema_info(klass, header, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength info = "# #{header}\n" info << get_schema_header_text(klass, options) max_size = max_schema_info_width(klass, options) md_names_overhead = 6 md_type_allowance = 18 bare_type_allowance = 16 if options[:format_markdown] info << sprintf("# %-#{max_size + md_names_overhead}.#{max_size + md_names_overhead}s | %-#{md_type_allowance}.#{md_type_allowance}s | %s\n", "Name", "Type", "Attributes") info << "# #{"-" * (max_size + md_names_overhead)} | #{"-" * md_type_allowance} | #{"-" * 27}\n" end cols = columns(klass, options) with_comments = with_comments?(klass, options) with_comments_column = with_comments_column?(klass, options) # Precalculate Values cols_meta = cols.map do |col| col_comment = (with_comments || with_comments_column) ? col.comment&.gsub("\n", "\\n") : nil col_type = get_col_type(col) attrs = get_attributes(col, col_type, klass, options) col_name = if with_comments && col_comment "#{col.name}(#{col_comment})" else col.name end simple_formatted_attrs = attrs.join(", ") [col.name, {col_type: col_type, attrs: attrs, col_name: col_name, simple_formatted_attrs: simple_formatted_attrs, col_comment: col_comment}] end.to_h # Output annotation bare_max_attrs_length = cols_meta.map { |_, m| m[:simple_formatted_attrs].length }.max cols.each do |col| col_type = cols_meta[col.name][:col_type] attrs = cols_meta[col.name][:attrs] col_name = cols_meta[col.name][:col_name] simple_formatted_attrs = cols_meta[col.name][:simple_formatted_attrs] col_comment = cols_meta[col.name][:col_comment] if options[:format_rdoc] info << sprintf("# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s%s", "*#{col_name}*::", attrs.unshift(col_type).join(", ")).rstrip + "\n" elsif options[:format_yard] info << sprintf("# @!attribute #{col_name}") + "\n" ruby_class = (col.respond_to?(:array) && col.array) ? "Array<#{map_col_type_to_ruby_classes(col_type)}>" : map_col_type_to_ruby_classes(col_type) info << sprintf("# @return [#{ruby_class}]") + "\n" elsif options[:format_markdown] name_remainder = max_size - col_name.length - non_ascii_length(col_name) type_remainder = (md_type_allowance - 2) - col_type.length info << sprintf("# **`%s`**%#{name_remainder}s | `%s`%#{type_remainder}s | `%s`", col_name, " ", col_type, " ", attrs.join(", ").rstrip).gsub("``", " ").rstrip + "\n" elsif with_comments_column info << format_default(col_name, max_size, col_type, bare_type_allowance, simple_formatted_attrs, bare_max_attrs_length, col_comment) else info << format_default(col_name, max_size, col_type, bare_type_allowance, simple_formatted_attrs) end end if options[:show_indexes] && klass.table_exists? info << get_index_info(klass, options) end if options[:show_foreign_keys] && klass.table_exists? info << get_foreign_key_info(klass, options) end if options[:show_check_constraints] && klass.table_exists? info << get_check_constraint_info(klass, options) end info << get_schema_footer_text(klass, options) end def get_schema_header_text(klass, options = {}) info = "#\n" if options[:format_markdown] info << "# Table name: `#{klass.table_name}`\n" info << "#\n" info << "# ### Columns\n" else info << "# Table name: #{klass.table_name}\n" end info << "#\n" end def get_schema_footer_text(_klass, options = {}) info = "" if options[:format_rdoc] info << "#--\n" info << "# #{END_MARK}\n" info << "#++\n" else info << "#\n" end end def get_index_info(klass, options = {}) index_info = if options[:format_markdown] "#\n# ### Indexes\n#\n" else "#\n# Indexes\n#\n" end indexes = retrieve_indexes_from_table(klass) return "" if indexes.empty? max_size = indexes.collect { |index| index.name.size }.max + 1 indexes.sort_by(&:name).each do |index| index_info << if options[:format_markdown] final_index_string_in_markdown(index) else final_index_string(index, max_size) end end index_info end def get_col_type(col) if (col.respond_to?(:bigint?) && col.bigint?) || /\Abigint\b/ =~ col.sql_type "bigint" else (col.type || col.sql_type).to_s end.dup end def index_columns_info(index) Array(index.columns).map do |col| if index.try(:orders) && index.orders[col.to_s] "#{col} #{index.orders[col.to_s].upcase}" else col.to_s.gsub("\r", '\r').gsub("\n", '\n') end end end def index_unique_info(index, format = :default) index.unique ? " #{INDEX_CLAUSES[:unique][format]}" : "" end def index_where_info(index, format = :default) value = index.try(:where).try(:to_s) if value.blank? "" else " #{INDEX_CLAUSES[:where][format]} #{value}" end end def index_using_info(index, format = :default) value = index.try(:using) && index.using.try(:to_sym) if !value.blank? && value != :btree " #{INDEX_CLAUSES[:using][format]} #{value}" else "" end end def final_index_string_in_markdown(index) details = sprintf( "%s%s%s", index_unique_info(index, :markdown), index_where_info(index, :markdown), index_using_info(index, :markdown) ).strip details = " (#{details})" unless details.blank? sprintf( "# * `%s`%s:\n# * **`%s`**\n", index.name, details, index_columns_info(index).join("`**\n# * **`") ) end def final_index_string(index, max_size) sprintf( "# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s %s%s%s%s", index.name, "(#{index_columns_info(index).join(",")})", index_unique_info(index), index_where_info(index), index_using_info(index) ).rstrip + "\n" end def hide_limit?(col_type, options) excludes = if options[:hide_limit_column_types].blank? NO_LIMIT_COL_TYPES else options[:hide_limit_column_types].split(",") end excludes.include?(col_type) end def hide_default?(col_type, options) excludes = if options[:hide_default_column_types].blank? NO_DEFAULT_COL_TYPES else options[:hide_default_column_types].split(",") end excludes.include?(col_type) end def get_foreign_key_info(klass, options = {}) fk_info = if options[:format_markdown] "#\n# ### Foreign Keys\n#\n" else "#\n# Foreign Keys\n#\n" end return "" unless klass.connection.respond_to?(:supports_foreign_keys?) && klass.connection.supports_foreign_keys? && klass.connection.respond_to?(:foreign_keys) foreign_keys = klass.connection.foreign_keys(klass.table_name) return "" if foreign_keys.empty? format_name = lambda do |fk| return fk.options[:column] if fk.name.blank? options[:show_complete_foreign_keys] ? fk.name : fk.name.gsub(/(?<=^fk_rails_)[0-9a-f]{10}$/, "...") end max_size = foreign_keys.map(&format_name).map(&:size).max + 1 foreign_keys.sort_by { |fk| [format_name.call(fk), fk.column] }.each do |fk| ref_info = "#{fk.column} => #{fk.to_table}.#{fk.primary_key}" constraints_info = "" constraints_info += "ON DELETE => #{fk.on_delete} " if fk.on_delete constraints_info += "ON UPDATE => #{fk.on_update} " if fk.on_update constraints_info.strip! fk_info << if options[:format_markdown] sprintf("# * `%s`%s:\n# * **`%s`**\n", format_name.call(fk), constraints_info.blank? ? "" : " (_#{constraints_info}_)", ref_info) else sprintf("# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s %s %s", format_name.call(fk), "(#{ref_info})", constraints_info).rstrip + "\n" end end fk_info end def get_check_constraint_info(klass, options = {}) cc_info = if options[:format_markdown] "#\n# ### Check Constraints\n#\n" else "#\n# Check Constraints\n#\n" end return "" unless klass.connection.respond_to?(:supports_check_constraints?) && klass.connection.supports_check_constraints? && klass.connection.respond_to?(:check_constraints) check_constraints = klass.connection.check_constraints(klass.table_name) return "" if check_constraints.empty? max_size = check_constraints.map { |check_constraint| check_constraint.name.size }.max + 1 check_constraints.sort_by(&:name).each do |check_constraint| expression = check_constraint.expression ? "(#{check_constraint.expression.squish})" : nil cc_info << if options[:format_markdown] cc_info_markdown = sprintf("# * `%s`", check_constraint.name) cc_info_markdown << sprintf(": `%s`", expression) if expression cc_info_markdown << "\n" else sprintf("# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s %s", check_constraint.name, expression).rstrip + "\n" end end cc_info end # Add a schema block to a file. If the file already contains # a schema info block (a comment starting with "== Schema Information"), # check if it matches the block that is already there. If so, leave it be. # If not, remove the old info block and write a new one. # # == Returns: # true or false depending on whether the file was modified. # # === Options (opts) # :force:: whether to update the file even if it doesn't seem to need it. # :position_in_*:: where to place the annotated section in fixture or model file, # :before, :top, :after or :bottom. Default is :before. # def annotate_one_file(file_name, info_block, position, options = {}) return false unless File.exist?(file_name) old_content = File.read(file_name) return false if /#{SKIP_ANNOTATION_PREFIX}.*\n/o.match?(old_content) # Ignore the Schema version line because it changes with each migration header_pattern = /(^# Table name:.*?\n(#.*[\r]?\n)*[\r]?)/ old_header = old_content.match(header_pattern).to_s new_header = info_block.match(header_pattern).to_s column_pattern = /^#[\t ]+[\w\*\.`]+[\t ]+.+$/ old_columns = old_header && old_header.scan(column_pattern).sort new_columns = new_header && new_header.scan(column_pattern).sort return false if old_columns == new_columns && !options[:force] abort "annotate error. #{file_name} needs to be updated, but annotate was run with `--frozen`." if options[:frozen] # Replace inline the old schema info with the new schema info wrapper_open = options[:wrapper_open] ? "# #{options[:wrapper_open]}\n" : "" wrapper_close = options[:wrapper_close] ? "# #{options[:wrapper_close]}\n" : "" wrapped_info_block = "#{wrapper_open}#{info_block}#{wrapper_close}" old_annotation = old_content.match(annotate_pattern(options)).to_s # if there *was* no old schema info or :force was passed, we simply # need to insert it in correct position if old_annotation.empty? || options[:force] magic_comments_block = magic_comments_as_string(old_content) old_content.gsub!(MAGIC_COMMENT_MATCHER, "") old_content.sub!(annotate_pattern(options), "") new_content = if %w[after bottom].include?(options[position].to_s) magic_comments_block + (old_content.rstrip + "\n\n" + wrapped_info_block) elsif magic_comments_block.empty? magic_comments_block + wrapped_info_block + old_content.lstrip else magic_comments_block + "\n" + wrapped_info_block + old_content.lstrip end else # replace the old annotation with the new one # keep the surrounding whitespace the same space_match = old_annotation.match(/\A(?\s*).*?\n(?\s*)\z/m) new_annotation = space_match[:start] + wrapped_info_block + space_match[:end] new_content = old_content.sub(annotate_pattern(options), new_annotation) end File.open(file_name, "wb") { |f| f.puts new_content } true end def magic_comments_as_string(content) magic_comments = content.scan(MAGIC_COMMENT_MATCHER).flatten.compact if magic_comments.any? magic_comments.join else "" end end def remove_annotation_of_file(file_name, options = {}) if File.exist?(file_name) content = File.read(file_name) return false if /#{SKIP_ANNOTATION_PREFIX}.*\n/o.match?(content) wrapper_open = options[:wrapper_open] ? "# #{options[:wrapper_open]}\n" : "" content.sub!(/(#{wrapper_open})?#{annotate_pattern(options)}/, "") File.open(file_name, "wb") { |f| f.puts content } true else false end end def matched_types(options) types = MATCHED_TYPES.dup types << "admin" if options[:active_admin] =~ Annotated::Constants::TRUE_RE && !types.include?("admin") types << "additional_file_patterns" if options[:additional_file_patterns].present? types end # Given the name of an ActiveRecord class, create a schema # info block (basically a comment containing information # on the columns and their types) and put it at the front # of the model and fixture source files. # # === Options (opts) # :position_in_class:: where to place the annotated section in model file # :position_in_test:: where to place the annotated section in test/spec file(s) # :position_in_fixture:: where to place the annotated section in fixture file # :position_in_factory:: where to place the annotated section in factory file # :position_in_serializer:: where to place the annotated section in serializer file # :exclude_tests:: whether to skip modification of test/spec files # :exclude_fixtures:: whether to skip modification of fixture files # :exclude_factories:: whether to skip modification of factory files # :exclude_serializers:: whether to skip modification of serializer files # :exclude_scaffolds:: whether to skip modification of scaffold files # :exclude_controllers:: whether to skip modification of controller files # :exclude_helpers:: whether to skip modification of helper files # :exclude_sti_subclasses:: whether to skip modification of files for STI subclasses # # == Returns: # an array of file names that were annotated. # def annotate(klass, file, header, options = {}) begin klass.reset_column_information info = get_schema_info(klass, header, options) model_name = klass.name.underscore table_name = klass.table_name model_file_name = File.join(file) annotated = [] if annotate_one_file(model_file_name, info, :position_in_class, options_with_position(options, :position_in_class)) annotated << model_file_name end matched_types(options).each do |key| exclusion_key = :"exclude_#{key.pluralize}" position_key = :"position_in_#{key}" # Same options for active_admin models if key == "admin" exclusion_key = :exclude_class position_key = :position_in_class end next if options[exclusion_key] get_patterns(options, key) .map { |f| resolve_filename(f, model_name, table_name) } .map { |f| expand_glob_into_files(f) } .flatten .each do |f| if annotate_one_file(f, info, position_key, options_with_position(options, position_key)) annotated << f end end end rescue => e warn "Unable to annotate #{file}: #{e.message}" warn "\t" + e.backtrace.join("\n\t") if options[:trace] end annotated end # position = :position_in_fixture or :position_in_class def options_with_position(options, position_in) options.merge(position: options[position_in] || options[:position]) end # Return a list of the model files to annotate. # If we have command line arguments, they're assumed to the path # of model files from root dir. Otherwise we take all the model files # in the model_dir directory. def get_model_files(options) model_files = [] model_files = list_model_files_from_argument unless options[:is_rake] return model_files unless model_files.empty? model_dir.each do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) do list = if options[:ignore_model_sub_dir] Dir["*.rb"].map { |f| [dir, f] } else Dir["**/*.rb"].reject { |f| f["concerns/"] }.map { |f| [dir, f] } end model_files.concat(list) end end model_files rescue SystemCallError warn "No models found in directory '#{model_dir.join("', '")}'." warn "Either specify models on the command line, or use the --model-dir option." warn "Call 'annotate --help' for more info." exit 1 end def list_model_files_from_argument return [] if ARGV.empty? specified_files = ARGV.map { |file| File.expand_path(file) } model_files = model_dir.flat_map do |dir| absolute_dir_path = File.expand_path(dir) specified_files .find_all { |file| file.start_with?(absolute_dir_path) } .map { |file| [dir, file.sub("#{absolute_dir_path}/", "")] } end if model_files.size != specified_files.size puts "The specified file could not be found in directory '#{model_dir.join("', '")}'." puts "Call 'annotate --help' for more info." exit 1 end model_files end private :list_model_files_from_argument # Retrieve the classes belonging to the model names we're asked to process # Check for namespaced models in subdirectories as well as models # in subdirectories without namespacing. def get_model_class(file) model_path = file.gsub(/\.rb$/, "") model_dir.each { |dir| model_path = model_path.gsub(/^#{dir}/, "").gsub(/^\//, "") } begin get_loaded_model(model_path, file) || raise(BadModelFileError.new) rescue LoadError # this is for non-rails projects, which don't get Rails auto-require magic file_path = File.expand_path(file) if File.file?(file_path) && Kernel.require(file_path) retry elsif /\//.match?(model_path) model_path = model_path.split("/")[1..-1].join("/").to_s retry else raise end end end # Retrieve loaded model class def get_loaded_model(model_path, file) unless skip_subdirectory_model_load loaded_model_class = get_loaded_model_by_path(model_path) return loaded_model_class if loaded_model_class end # We cannot get loaded model when `model_path` is loaded by Rails # auto_load/eager_load paths. Try all possible model paths one by one. absolute_file = File.expand_path(file) model_paths = $LOAD_PATH.map(&:to_s) .select { |path| absolute_file.include?(path) } .map { |path| absolute_file.sub(path, "").sub(/\.rb$/, "").sub(/^\//, "") } model_paths .map { |path| get_loaded_model_by_path(path) } .find { |loaded_model| !loaded_model.nil? } end # Retrieve loaded model class by path to the file where it's supposed to be defined. def get_loaded_model_by_path(model_path) ActiveSupport::Inflector.constantize(ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(model_path)) rescue StandardError, LoadError # Revert to the old way but it is not really robust ObjectSpace.each_object(::Class) .select do |c| Class === c && # note: we use === to avoid a bug in activesupport 2.3.14 OptionMerger vs. is_a? c.ancestors.respond_to?(:include?) && # to fix FactoryGirl bug, see https://github.com/ctran/annotate_models/pull/82 c.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) end.detect { |c| ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(c.to_s) == model_path } end def parse_options(options = {}) self.model_dir = split_model_dir(options[:model_dir]) if options[:model_dir] self.root_dir = options[:root_dir] if options[:root_dir] self.skip_subdirectory_model_load = options[:skip_subdirectory_model_load].present? end def split_model_dir(option_value) option_value = option_value.is_a?(Array) ? option_value : option_value.split(",") option_value.map(&:strip).reject(&:empty?) end # We're passed a name of things that might be # ActiveRecord models. If we can find the class, and # if its a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base, # then pass it to the associated block def do_annotations(options = {}) parse_options(options) header = options[:format_markdown] ? PREFIX_MD.dup : PREFIX.dup version = begin ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version rescue 0 end if options[:include_version] && version > 0 header << "\n# Schema version: #{version}" end annotated = [] get_model_files(options).each do |path, filename| annotate_model_file(annotated, File.join(path, filename), header, options) end if annotated.empty? puts "Model files unchanged." else puts "Annotated (#{annotated.length}): #{annotated.join(", ")}" end end def expand_glob_into_files(glob) Dir.glob(glob) end def annotate_model_file(annotated, file, header, options) return false if /#{SKIP_ANNOTATION_PREFIX}.*/o.match?((File.exist?(file) ? File.read(file) : "")) klass = get_model_class(file) do_annotate = klass.is_a?(Class) && klass < ActiveRecord::Base && (!options[:exclude_sti_subclasses] || !(klass.superclass < ActiveRecord::Base && klass.table_name == klass.superclass.table_name)) && !klass.abstract_class? && klass.table_exists? annotated.concat(annotate(klass, file, header, options)) if do_annotate rescue BadModelFileError => e unless options[:ignore_unknown_models] warn "Unable to annotate #{file}: #{e.message}" warn "\t" + e.backtrace.join("\n\t") if options[:trace] end rescue => e warn "Unable to annotate #{file}: #{e.message}" warn "\t" + e.backtrace.join("\n\t") if options[:trace] end def remove_annotations(options = {}) parse_options(options) deannotated = [] deannotated_klass = false get_model_files(options).each do |file| file = File.join(file) begin klass = get_model_class(file) if klass < ActiveRecord::Base && !klass.abstract_class? model_name = klass.name.underscore table_name = klass.table_name model_file_name = file deannotated_klass = true if remove_annotation_of_file(model_file_name, options) get_patterns(options, matched_types(options)) .map { |f| resolve_filename(f, model_name, table_name) } .each do |f| if File.exist?(f) remove_annotation_of_file(f, options) deannotated_klass = true end end end deannotated << klass if deannotated_klass rescue => e warn "Unable to deannotate #{File.join(file)}: #{e.message}" warn "\t" + e.backtrace.join("\n\t") if options[:trace] end end puts "Removed annotations from: #{deannotated.join(", ")}" end def resolve_filename(filename_template, model_name, table_name) filename_template .gsub("%MODEL_NAME%", model_name) .gsub("%PLURALIZED_MODEL_NAME%", model_name.pluralize) .gsub("%TABLE_NAME%", table_name || model_name.pluralize) end def classified_sort(cols) rest_cols = [] timestamps = [] associations = [] id = nil cols.each do |c| if c.name.eql?("id") id = c elsif c.name.eql?("created_at") || c.name.eql?("updated_at") timestamps << c elsif c.name[-3, 3].eql?("_id") associations << c else rest_cols << c end end [rest_cols, timestamps, associations].each { |a| a.sort_by!(&:name) } ([id] << rest_cols << timestamps << associations).flatten.compact end private def with_comments?(klass, options) options[:with_comment] && klass.columns.first.respond_to?(:comment) && klass.columns.any? { |col| !col.comment.nil? } end def with_comments_column?(klass, options) options[:with_comment_column] && klass.columns.first.respond_to?(:comment) && klass.columns.any? { |col| !col.comment.nil? } end def max_schema_info_width(klass, options) cols = columns(klass, options) if with_comments?(klass, options) max_size = cols.map do |column| column.name.size + (column.comment ? width(column.comment) : 0) end.max || 0 max_size += 2 else max_size = cols.map(&:name).map(&:size).max end max_size += options[:format_rdoc] ? 5 : 1 max_size end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def format_default(col_name, max_size, col_type, bare_type_allowance, simple_formatted_attrs, bare_max_attrs_length = 0, col_comment = nil) sprintf( "# %s:%s %s %s", mb_chars_ljust(col_name, max_size), mb_chars_ljust(col_type, bare_type_allowance), mb_chars_ljust(simple_formatted_attrs, bare_max_attrs_length), col_comment ).rstrip + "\n" end def width(string) string.chars.inject(0) { |acc, elem| acc + ((elem.bytesize == 3) ? 2 : 1) } end def mb_chars_ljust(string, length) string = string.to_s padding = length - width(string) if padding > 0 string + (" " * padding) else string[0..length - 1] end end def non_ascii_length(string) string.to_s.chars.reject(&:ascii_only?).length end def map_col_type_to_ruby_classes(col_type) case col_type when "integer" then Integer.to_s when "float" then Float.to_s when "decimal" then BigDecimal.to_s when "datetime", "timestamp", "time" then Time.to_s when "date" then Date.to_s when "text", "string", "binary", "inet", "uuid" then String.to_s when "json", "jsonb" then Hash.to_s when "boolean" then "Boolean" end end def columns(klass, options) cols = klass.columns cols += translated_columns(klass) if ignore_columns = options[:ignore_columns] cols = cols.reject do |col| col.name.match(/#{ignore_columns}/) end end cols = cols.sort_by(&:name) if options[:sort] cols = classified_sort(cols) if options[:classified_sort] cols end ## # Add columns managed by the globalize gem if this gem is being used. def translated_columns(klass) return [] unless klass.respond_to? :translation_class ignored_cols = ignored_translation_table_colums(klass) klass.translation_class.columns.reject do |col| ignored_cols.include? col.name.to_sym end end ## # These are the columns that the globalize gem needs to work but # are not necessary for the models to be displayed as annotations. def ignored_translation_table_colums(klass) # Construct the foreign column name in the translations table # eg. Model: Car, foreign column name: car_id foreign_column_name = [ klass.table_name.to_s.singularize, "_id" ].join.to_sym [ :id, :created_at, :updated_at, :locale, foreign_column_name ] end ## # Get the list of attributes that should be included in the annotation for # a given column. def get_attributes(column, column_type, klass, options) attrs = [] attrs << "default(#{schema_default(klass, column)})" unless column.default.nil? || hide_default?(column_type, options) attrs << "unsigned" if column.respond_to?(:unsigned?) && column.unsigned? attrs << "not null" unless column.null attrs << "primary key" if klass.primary_key && (klass.primary_key.is_a?(Array) ? klass.primary_key.collect(&:to_sym).include?(column.name.to_sym) : column.name.to_sym == klass.primary_key.to_sym) if column_type == "decimal" column_type << "(#{column.precision}, #{column.scale})" elsif !%w[spatial geometry geography].include?(column_type) if column.limit && !options[:format_yard] if column.limit.is_a? Array attrs << "(#{column.limit.join(", ")})" else column_type << "(#{column.limit})" unless hide_limit?(column_type, options) end end end # Check out if we got an array column attrs << "is an Array" if column.respond_to?(:array) && column.array # Check out if we got a geometric column # and print the type and SRID if column.respond_to?(:geometry_type) attrs << [column.geometry_type, column.try(:srid)].compact.join(", ") elsif column.respond_to?(:geometric_type) && column.geometric_type.present? attrs << [column.geometric_type.to_s.downcase, column.try(:srid)].compact.join(", ") end # Check if the column has indices and print "indexed" if true # If the index includes another column, print it too. if options[:simple_indexes] && klass.table_exists? # Check out if this column is indexed indices = retrieve_indexes_from_table(klass) if indices = indices.select { |ind| ind.columns.include? column.name } indices.sort_by(&:name).each do |ind| next if ind.columns.is_a?(String) ind = ind.columns.reject! { |i| i == column.name } attrs << (ind.empty? ? "indexed" : "indexed => [#{ind.join(", ")}]") end end end attrs end end class BadModelFileError < LoadError def to_s "file doesn't contain a valid model class" end end end