# :stopdoc: ENV['RC_ARCHS'] = '' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ require "mkmf" require "rbconfig" require "fileutils" require "shellwords" require "pathname" # # helpful constants # PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')) REQUIRED_LIBXML_VERSION = "2.6.21" RECOMMENDED_LIBXML_VERSION = "2.9.3" # The gem version constraint in the Rakefile is not respected at install time. # Keep this version in sync with the one in the Rakefile ! REQUIRED_MINI_PORTILE_VERSION = "~> 2.5.0" REQUIRED_PKG_CONFIG_VERSION = "~> 1.1" # Keep track of what versions of what libraries we build against OTHER_LIBRARY_VERSIONS = {} NOKOGIRI_HELP_MESSAGE = <<~HELP USAGE: ruby #{$0} [options] Flags that are always valid: --use-system-libraries Use system libraries instead of building and using the packaged libraries --disable-clean Do not clean out intermediate files after successful build Flags only used when using system libraries: --with-opt-dir=DIRECTORY Look for headers and libraries in DIRECTORY --with-zlib-dir=DIR Look for zlib header and library in DIRECTORY --with-iconv-dir=DIRECTORY Look for iconv header and library in DIRECTORY --with-xml2-dir=DIRECTORY Look for xml2 headers and library in DIRECTORY --with-xml2-lib=DIRECTORY Look for xml2 library in DIRECTORY --with-xslt-include=DIRECTORY Look for xslt headers in DIRECTORY --with-xslt-dir=DIRECTORY Look for xslt headers and library in DIRECTORY --with-xslt-lib=DIRECTORY Look for xslt library in DIRECTORY --with-xslt-include=DIRECTORY Look for xslt headers in DIRECTORY --with-exslt-dir=DIRECTORY Look for exslt headers and library in DIRECTORY --with-exslt-lib=DIRECTORY Look for exslt library in DIRECTORY --with-exslt-include=DIRECTORY Look for exslt headers in DIRECTORY Flags only used when building and using the packaged libraries: --disable-static Do not statically link packaged libraries, instead use shared libraries --enable-cross-build Enable cross-build mode. (You probably do not want to set this manually.) Environment variables used: NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES When set, even if nil or blank, use system libraries instead of building and using the packaged libraries. Equivalent to `--use-system-libraries`. CC Use this path to invoke the compiler instead of `RbConfig::CONFIG['CC']` CPPFLAGS If this string is accepted by the C preprocessor, add it to the flags passed to the C preprocessor CFLAGS If this string is accepted by the compiler, add it to the flags passed to the compiler LDFLAGS If this string is accepted by the linker, add it to the flags passed to the linker LIBS Add this string to the flags passed to the linker HELP # # utility functions # def windows? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mingw32|mswin/ end def solaris? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /solaris/ end def darwin? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /darwin/ end def openbsd? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /openbsd/ end def aix? RbConfig::CONFIG["target_os"] =~ /aix/ end def nix? ! (windows? || solaris? || darwin?) end def concat_flags *args args.compact.join(" ") end def local_have_library(lib, func=nil, headers=nil) have_library(lib, func, headers) or have_library("lib#{lib}", func, headers) end LOCAL_PACKAGE_RESPONSE = Object.new def LOCAL_PACKAGE_RESPONSE.%(package) package ? "yes: #{package}" : "no" end # wrapper around MakeMakefil#pkg_config and the PKGConfig gem def try_package_configuration(pc) if !ENV.key?("NOKOGIRI_TEST_PKG_CONFIG_GEM") # try MakeMakefile#pkg_config, which uses the system utility `pkg-config`. return if checking_for("#{pc} using `pkg_config`", LOCAL_PACKAGE_RESPONSE) do pkg_config(pc) end end # `pkg-config` probably isn't installed, which appears to be the case for lots of freebsd systems. # let's fall back to the pkg-config gem, which knows how to parse .pc files, and wrap it with the # same logic as MakeMakefile#pkg_config begin require 'rubygems' gem 'pkg-config', REQUIRED_PKG_CONFIG_VERSION require 'pkg-config' checking_for("#{pc} using pkg-config gem version #{PKGConfig::VERSION}", LOCAL_PACKAGE_RESPONSE) do if PKGConfig.have_package(pc) cflags = PKGConfig.cflags(pc) ldflags = PKGConfig.libs_only_L(pc) libs = PKGConfig.libs_only_l(pc) Logging::message "pkg-config gem found package configuration for %s\n", pc Logging::message "cflags: %s\nldflags: %s\nlibs: %s\n\n", cflags, ldflags, libs [cflags, ldflags, libs] end end rescue LoadError message "Please install either the `pkg-config` utility or the `pkg-config` rubygem.\n" end end # set up mkmf to link against the library if we can find it def have_package_configuration(opt: nil, pc: nil, lib:, func:, headers:) if opt dir_config(opt) dir_config("opt") end # see if we have enough path info to do this without trying any harder if !ENV.key?("NOKOGIRI_TEST_PKG_CONFIG") return true if local_have_library(lib, func, headers) end try_package_configuration(pc) if pc # verify that we can compile and link against the library local_have_library(lib, func, headers) end def ensure_package_configuration(opt: nil, pc: nil, lib:, func:, headers:) have_package_configuration(opt: opt, pc: pc, lib: lib, func: func, headers: headers) or abort_could_not_find_library(lib) end def ensure_func(func, headers=nil) have_func(func, headers) or abort_could_not_find_library(lib) end def preserving_globals values = [$arg_config, $INCFLAGS, $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, $DLDFLAGS, $LIBPATH, $libs].map(&:dup) yield ensure $arg_config, $INCFLAGS, $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, $DLDFLAGS, $LIBPATH, $libs = values end def abort_could_not_find_library(lib) abort "-----\n#{caller[0]}\n#{lib} is missing. Please locate mkmf.log to investigate how it is failing.\n-----" end def chdir_for_build # When using rake-compiler-dock on Windows, the underlying Virtualbox shared # folders don't support symlinks, but libiconv expects it for a build on # Linux. We work around this limitation by using the temp dir for cooking. build_dir = ENV['RCD_HOST_RUBY_PLATFORM'].to_s =~ /mingw|mswin|cygwin/ ? '/tmp' : '.' Dir.chdir(build_dir) do yield end end def sh_export_path path # because libxslt 1.1.29 configure.in uses AC_PATH_TOOL which treats ":" # as a $PATH separator, we need to convert windows paths from # # C:/path/to/foo # # to # # /C/path/to/foo # # which is sh-compatible, in order to find things properly during # configuration return path if !windows? match = Regexp.new("^([A-Z]):(/.*)").match(path) if match && match.length == 3 return File.join("/", match[1], match[2]) end path end def libflag_to_filename(ldflag) case ldflag when /\A-l(.+)/ "lib#{$1}.#{$LIBEXT}" end end def using_system_libraries? # NOTE: TruffleRuby uses this env var as it does not support using static libraries yet. arg_config('--use-system-libraries', ENV.key?("NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES")) end def have_libxml_headers?(version=nil) source = if version.nil? <<~SRC #include SRC else version_int = sprintf "%d%2.2d%2.2d", *(version.split(".")) <<~SRC #include #if LIBXML_VERSION < #{version_int} # error libxml2 is older than #{version} #endif SRC end try_cpp source end def try_link_iconv(using = nil) checking_for(using ? "iconv using #{using}" : 'iconv') do ['', '-liconv'].any? do |opt| preserving_globals do yield if block_given? try_link(<<~'SRC', opt) #include #include int main(void) { iconv_t cd = iconv_open("", ""); iconv(cd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } SRC end end end end def iconv_configure_flags # give --with-iconv-dir and --with-opt-dir first priority ["iconv", "opt"].each do |target| config = preserving_globals { dir_config(target) } if config.any? && try_link_iconv("--with-#{target}-* flags") { dir_config(target) } idirs, ldirs = config.map do |dirs| Array(dirs).flat_map do |dir| dir.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end if dirs end return [ '--with-iconv=yes', *("CPPFLAGS=#{idirs.map { |dir| '-I' + dir }.join(' ')}" if idirs), *("LDFLAGS=#{ldirs.map { |dir| '-L' + dir }.join(' ')}" if ldirs), ] end end if try_link_iconv return ['--with-iconv=yes'] end config = preserving_globals { have_package_configuration('libiconv') } if config && try_link_iconv('pkg-config libiconv') { have_package_configuration('libiconv') } cflags, ldflags, libs = config return [ '--with-iconv=yes', "CPPFLAGS=#{cflags}", "LDFLAGS=#{ldflags}", "LIBS=#{libs}", ] end abort_could_not_find_library "libiconv" end def process_recipe(name, version, static_p, cross_p) require 'rubygems' gem 'mini_portile2', REQUIRED_MINI_PORTILE_VERSION require 'mini_portile2' message "Using mini_portile version #{MiniPortile::VERSION}\n" if name != "libxml2" && name != "libxslt" OTHER_LIBRARY_VERSIONS[name] = version end MiniPortile.new(name, version).tap do |recipe| recipe.target = File.join(PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR, "ports") # Prefer host_alias over host in order to use i586-mingw32msvc as # correct compiler prefix for cross build, but use host if not set. recipe.host = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"].empty? ? RbConfig::CONFIG["host"] : RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"] recipe.patch_files = Dir[File.join(PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR, "patches", name, "*.patch")].sort recipe.configure_options << "--libdir=#{File.join(recipe.path, "lib")}" yield recipe env = Hash.new do |hash, key| hash[key] = "#{ENV[key]}" # (ENV[key].dup rescue '') end recipe.configure_options.flatten! recipe.configure_options.delete_if do |option| case option when /\A(\w+)=(.*)\z/ if env.key?($1) env[$1] = concat_flags(env[$1], $2) else env[$1] = $2 end true else false end end if static_p recipe.configure_options += [ "--disable-shared", "--enable-static", ] env["CFLAGS"] = concat_flags(env["CFLAGS"], "-fPIC") else recipe.configure_options += [ "--enable-shared", "--disable-static", ] end if cross_p recipe.configure_options += [ "--target=#{recipe.host}", "--host=#{recipe.host}", ] end if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_cpu'] == 'universal' %w[CFLAGS LDFLAGS].each do |key| unless env[key].include?('-arch') env[key] = concat_flags(env[key], RbConfig::CONFIG['ARCH_FLAG']) end end end recipe.configure_options += env.map do |key, value| "#{key}=#{value.strip}" end checkpoint = "#{recipe.target}/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}-#{recipe.host}.installed" if File.exist?(checkpoint) message "Building Nokogiri with a packaged version of #{name}-#{version}.\n" else message <<~EOM ---------- IMPORTANT NOTICE ---------- Building Nokogiri with a packaged version of #{name}-#{version}. Configuration options: #{recipe.configure_options.shelljoin} EOM unless recipe.patch_files.empty? message "The following patches are being applied:\n" recipe.patch_files.each do |patch| message " - %s\n" % File.basename(patch) end end message <<~EOM The Nokogiri maintainers intend to provide timely security updates, but if this is a concern for you and want to use your OS/distro system library instead, then abort this installation process and install nokogiri as instructed at: https://nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html#install-with-system-libraries EOM message <<~EOM if name == 'libxml2' Note, however, that nokogiri cannot guarantee compatiblity with every version of libxml2 that may be provided by OS/package vendors. EOM chdir_for_build do recipe.cook end FileUtils.touch checkpoint end recipe.activate end end def copy_packaged_libraries_headers(to_path:, from_recipes:) FileUtils.rm_rf(to_path, secure: true) FileUtils.mkdir(to_path) from_recipes.each do |recipe| FileUtils.cp_r(Dir[File.join(recipe.path, 'include/*')], to_path) end end def do_help print NOKOGIRI_HELP_MESSAGE exit! 0 end def do_clean root = Pathname(PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR) pwd = Pathname(Dir.pwd) # Skip if this is a development work tree unless (root + '.git').exist? message "Cleaning files only used during build.\n" # (root + 'tmp') cannot be removed at this stage because # nokogiri.so is yet to be copied to lib. # clean the ports build directory Pathname.glob(pwd.join('tmp', '*', 'ports')) do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir, verbose: true) end if enable_config('static') # ports installation can be safely removed if statically linked. FileUtils.rm_rf(root + 'ports', verbose: true) else FileUtils.rm_rf(root + 'ports' + 'archives', verbose: true) end end exit! 0 end # # main # do_help if arg_config('--help') do_clean if arg_config('--clean') if openbsd? && !using_system_libraries? if `#{ENV['CC'] || '/usr/bin/cc'} -v 2>&1` !~ /clang/ ENV['CC'] ||= find_executable('egcc') or abort "Please install gcc 4.9+ from ports using `pkg_add -v gcc`" end append_cppflags "-I/usr/local/include" end if ENV['CC'] RbConfig::CONFIG['CC'] = RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] = ENV['CC'] end # use same c compiler for libxml and libxslt ENV['CC'] = RbConfig::CONFIG['CC'] # adopt environment config append_cflags(ENV["CFLAGS"].split(/\s+/)) if !ENV["CFLAGS"].nil? append_cppflags(ENV["CPPFLAGS"].split(/\s+/)) if !ENV["CPPFLAGS"].nil? append_ldflags(ENV["LDFLAGS"].split(/\s+/)) if !ENV["LDFLAGS"].nil? $LIBS = concat_flags($LIBS, ENV["LIBS"]) append_cflags("-g") # always include debugging information append_cflags("-Winline") # we use at least one inline function in the C extension append_cflags("-Wmissing-noreturn") # good to have no matter what Ruby was compiled with append_cflags("-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future") if darwin? # append_cflags(["-Wcast-qual", "-Wwrite-strings"]) # these tend to be noisy, but on occasion useful during development # Add SDK-specific include path for macOS and brew versions before v2.2.12 (2020-04-08) [#1851, #1801] macos_mojave_sdk_include_path = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/libxml2" if using_system_libraries? && darwin? && Dir.exist?(macos_mojave_sdk_include_path) append_cppflags("-I#{macos_mojave_sdk_include_path}") end # Work around a character escaping bug in MSYS by passing an arbitrary double-quoted parameter to gcc. # See https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw/bugs/2142 append_cppflags(' "-Idummypath"') if windows? if using_system_libraries? message "Building nokogiri using system libraries.\n" ensure_package_configuration(opt: "zlib", pc: "zlib", lib: "z", headers: "zlib.h", func: "gzdopen") ensure_package_configuration(opt: "xml2", pc: "libxml-2.0", lib: "xml2", headers: "libxml/parser.h", func: "xmlParseDoc") ensure_package_configuration(opt: "xslt", pc: "libxslt", lib: "xslt", headers: "libxslt/xslt.h", func: "xsltParseStylesheetDoc") ensure_package_configuration(opt: "exslt", pc: "libexslt", lib: "exslt", headers: "libexslt/exslt.h", func: "exsltFuncRegister") have_libxml_headers?(REQUIRED_LIBXML_VERSION) or abort "ERROR: libxml2 version #{REQUIRED_LIBXML_VERSION} or later is required!" have_libxml_headers?(RECOMMENDED_LIBXML_VERSION) or warn "WARNING: libxml2 version #{RECOMMENDED_LIBXML_VERSION} or later is highly recommended, but proceeding anyway." else message "Building nokogiri using packaged libraries.\n" static_p = enable_config("static", true) message "Static linking is #{static_p ? "enabled" : "disabled"}.\n" cross_build_p = enable_config("cross-build") message "Cross build is #{cross_build_p ? "enabled" : "disabled"}.\n" require 'yaml' dependencies = YAML.load_file(File.join(PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR, "dependencies.yml")) dir_config('zlib') if cross_build_p || windows? zlib_recipe = process_recipe("zlib", dependencies["zlib"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://zlib.net/fossils/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["zlib"]["sha256"] }] if windows? class << recipe attr_accessor :cross_build_p def configure Dir.chdir work_path do mk = File.read 'win32/Makefile.gcc' File.open 'win32/Makefile.gcc', 'wb' do |f| f.puts "BINARY_PATH = #{path}/bin" f.puts "LIBRARY_PATH = #{path}/lib" f.puts "INCLUDE_PATH = #{path}/include" mk.sub!(/^PREFIX\s*=\s*$/, "PREFIX = #{host}-") if cross_build_p f.puts mk end end end def configured? Dir.chdir work_path do !! (File.read('win32/Makefile.gcc') =~ /^BINARY_PATH/) end end def compile execute "compile", "make -f win32/Makefile.gcc" end def install execute "install", "make -f win32/Makefile.gcc install" end end recipe.cross_build_p = cross_build_p else class << recipe def configure cflags = concat_flags(ENV["CFLAGS"], "-fPIC", "-g") execute "configure", ["env", "CHOST=#{host}", "CFLAGS=#{cflags}", "./configure", "--static", configure_prefix] end def compile if host=~/darwin/ execute "compile", "make AR=#{host}-libtool" else super end end end end end unless nix? libiconv_recipe = process_recipe("libiconv", dependencies["libiconv"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["libiconv"]["sha256"] }] cflags = concat_flags(ENV["CFLAGS"], "-O2", "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE", "-g") recipe.configure_options += [ "CPPFLAGS=-Wall", "CFLAGS=#{cflags}", "CXXFLAGS=#{cflags}", "LDFLAGS=" ] end end else if darwin? && !have_header('iconv.h') abort <<~EOM.chomp ----- The file "iconv.h" is missing in your build environment, which means you haven't installed Xcode Command Line Tools properly. To install Command Line Tools, try running `xcode-select --install` on terminal and follow the instructions. If it fails, open Xcode.app, select from the menu "Xcode" - "Open Developer Tool" - "More Developer Tools" to open the developer site, download the installer for your OS version and run it. ----- EOM end end unless windows? preserving_globals { local_have_library('z', 'gzdopen', 'zlib.h') } or abort 'zlib is missing; necessary for building libxml2' end libxml2_recipe = process_recipe("libxml2", dependencies["libxml2"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://xmlsoft.org/sources/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["libxml2"]["sha256"] }] cflags = concat_flags(ENV["CFLAGS"], "-O2", "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE", "-g") if zlib_recipe recipe.configure_options << "--with-zlib=#{zlib_recipe.path}" cflags = concat_flags(cflags, "-I#{zlib_recipe.path}/include") end if libiconv_recipe recipe.configure_options << "--with-iconv=#{libiconv_recipe.path}" else recipe.configure_options += iconv_configure_flags end if darwin? && !cross_build_p recipe.configure_options += ["RANLIB=/usr/bin/ranlib", "AR=/usr/bin/ar"] end recipe.configure_options += [ "--without-python", "--without-readline", "--with-c14n", "--with-debug", "--with-threads", "CFLAGS=#{cflags}", ] end libxslt_recipe = process_recipe("libxslt", dependencies["libxslt"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://xmlsoft.org/sources/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["libxslt"]["sha256"] }] cflags = concat_flags(ENV["CFLAGS"], "-O2", "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE", "-g") if darwin? && !cross_build_p recipe.configure_options += ["RANLIB=/usr/bin/ranlib", "AR=/usr/bin/ar"] end recipe.configure_options += [ "--without-python", "--without-crypto", "--with-debug", "--with-libxml-prefix=#{sh_export_path(libxml2_recipe.path)}", "CFLAGS=#{cflags}", ] end append_cppflags("-DNOKOGIRI_PACKAGED_LIBRARIES") append_cppflags("-DNOKOGIRI_PRECOMPILED_LIBRARIES") if cross_build_p $LIBPATH = ["#{zlib_recipe.path}/lib"] | $LIBPATH if zlib_recipe $LIBPATH = ["#{libiconv_recipe.path}/lib"] | $LIBPATH if libiconv_recipe $libs = $libs.shellsplit.tap do |libs| [libxml2_recipe, libxslt_recipe].each do |recipe| libname = recipe.name[/\Alib(.+)\z/, 1] File.join(recipe.path, "bin", "#{libname}-config").tap do |config| # call config scripts explicit with 'sh' for compat with Windows $CPPFLAGS = `sh #{config} --cflags`.strip << ' ' << $CPPFLAGS `sh #{config} --libs`.strip.shellsplit.each do |arg| case arg when /\A-L(.+)\z/ # Prioritize ports' directories if $1.start_with?(PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR + '/') $LIBPATH = [$1] | $LIBPATH else $LIBPATH = $LIBPATH | [$1] end when /\A-l./ libs.unshift(arg) else $LDFLAGS << ' ' << arg.shellescape end end end patches_string = recipe.patch_files.map { |path| File.basename(path) }.join(' ') append_cppflags(%Q[-DNOKOGIRI_#{recipe.name.upcase}_PATCHES="\\\"#{patches_string}\\\""]) case libname when 'xml2' # xslt-config --libs or pkg-config libxslt --libs does not include # -llzma, so we need to add it manually when linking statically. if static_p && preserving_globals { local_have_library('lzma') } # Add it at the end; GH #988 libs << '-llzma' end when 'xslt' # xslt-config does not have a flag to emit options including # -lexslt, so add it manually. libs.unshift('-lexslt') end end end.shelljoin if static_p $libs = $libs.shellsplit.map do |arg| case arg when '-lxml2' File.join(libxml2_recipe.path, 'lib', libflag_to_filename(arg)) when '-lxslt', '-lexslt' File.join(libxslt_recipe.path, 'lib', libflag_to_filename(arg)) else arg end end.shelljoin end ensure_func("xmlParseDoc", "libxml/parser.h") ensure_func("xsltParseStylesheetDoc", "libxslt/xslt.h") ensure_func("exsltFuncRegister", "libexslt/exslt.h") end have_func('xmlHasFeature') or abort("xmlHasFeature() is missing.") # introduced in libxml 2.6.21 have_func('xmlFirstElementChild') # introduced in libxml 2.7.3 have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetParserStructuredErrors') # introduced in libxml 2.6.24 have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetValidStructuredErrors') # introduced in libxml 2.6.21 have_func('xmlSchemaSetValidStructuredErrors') # introduced in libxml 2.6.23 have_func('xmlSchemaSetParserStructuredErrors') # introduced in libxml 2.6.23 have_func('vasprintf') other_library_versions_string = OTHER_LIBRARY_VERSIONS.map { |k,v| [k,v].join(":") }.join(",") append_cppflags(%Q[-DNOKOGIRI_OTHER_LIBRARY_VERSIONS="\\\"#{other_library_versions_string}\\\""]) unless using_system_libraries? if cross_build_p # When precompiling native gems, copy packaged libraries' headers to ext/nokogiri/include # These are packaged up by the cross-compiling callback in the ExtensionTask copy_packaged_libraries_headers(to_path: File.join(PACKAGE_ROOT_DIR, "ext/nokogiri/include"), from_recipes: [libxml2_recipe, libxslt_recipe]) else # When compiling during installation, install packaged libraries' header files into ext/nokogiri/include copy_packaged_libraries_headers(to_path: "include", from_recipes: [libxml2_recipe, libxslt_recipe]) $INSTALLFILES << ["include/**/*.h", "$(rubylibdir)"] end end create_makefile('nokogiri/nokogiri') if enable_config('clean', true) # Do not clean if run in a development work tree. File.open('Makefile', 'at') do |mk| mk.print <<~EOF all: clean-ports clean-ports: $(DLLIB) \t-$(Q)$(RUBY) $(srcdir)/extconf.rb --clean --#{static_p ? 'enable' : 'disable'}-static EOF end end # :startdoc: