/* obj_load.c * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of Peter Ohler nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ruby.h" #include "base64.h" #include "ox.h" static void instruct(PInfo pi, const char *target, Attr attrs); static void add_text(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed); static void add_element(PInfo pi, const char *ename, Attr attrs, int hasChildren); static void end_element(PInfo pi, const char *ename); static VALUE parse_time(const char *text, VALUE clas); static VALUE parse_xsd_time(const char *text, VALUE clas); static VALUE parse_double_time(const char *text, VALUE clas); static VALUE parse_regexp(const char *text); static VALUE get_var_sym_from_attrs(Attr a, void *encoding); static VALUE get_obj_from_attrs(Attr a, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class); static VALUE get_class_from_attrs(Attr a, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class); static VALUE classname2class(const char *name, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class); static unsigned long get_id_from_attrs(PInfo pi, Attr a); static CircArray circ_array_new(void); static void circ_array_free(CircArray ca); static void circ_array_set(CircArray ca, VALUE obj, unsigned long id); static VALUE circ_array_get(CircArray ca, unsigned long id); static void debug_stack(PInfo pi, const char *comment); static void fill_indent(PInfo pi, char *buf, size_t size); struct _ParseCallbacks _ox_obj_callbacks = { instruct, /* instruct, */ 0, /* add_doctype, */ 0, /* add_comment, */ 0, /* add_cdata, */ add_text, add_element, end_element, }; ParseCallbacks ox_obj_callbacks = &_ox_obj_callbacks; extern ParseCallbacks ox_gen_callbacks; inline static VALUE str2sym(const char *str, void *encoding) { VALUE sym; #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H if (0 != encoding) { VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(str); rb_enc_associate(rstr, (rb_encoding*)encoding); sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); } else { sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(str)); } #else sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(str)); #endif return sym; } inline static ID name2var(const char *name, void *encoding) { VALUE *slot; ID var_id; if ('0' <= *name && *name <= '9') { var_id = INT2NUM(atoi(name)); } else if (Qundef == (var_id = ox_cache_get(ox_attr_cache, name, &slot))) { #ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H if (0 != encoding) { VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(name); VALUE sym; rb_enc_associate(rstr, (rb_encoding*)encoding); sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); var_id = SYM2ID(sym); } else { var_id = rb_intern(name); } #else var_id = rb_intern(name); #endif *slot = var_id; } return var_id; } inline static VALUE resolve_classname(VALUE mod, const char *class_name, Effort effort, VALUE base_class) { VALUE clas; ID ci = rb_intern(class_name); switch (effort) { case TolerantEffort: if (rb_const_defined_at(mod, ci)) { clas = rb_const_get_at(mod, ci); } else { clas = Qundef; } break; case AutoEffort: if (rb_const_defined_at(mod, ci)) { clas = rb_const_get_at(mod, ci); } else { clas = rb_define_class_under(mod, class_name, base_class); } break; case StrictEffort: default: /* raise an error if name is not defined */ clas = rb_const_get_at(mod, ci); break; } return clas; } inline static VALUE classname2obj(const char *name, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class) { VALUE clas = classname2class(name, pi, base_class); if (Qundef == clas) { return Qnil; } else { return rb_obj_alloc(clas); } } #if HAS_RSTRUCT inline static VALUE structname2obj(const char *name) { VALUE ost; const char *s = name; for (; 1; s++) { if ('\0' == *s) { s = name; break; } else if (':' == *s) { s += 2; break; } } ost = rb_const_get(ox_struct_class, rb_intern(s)); /* use encoding as the indicator for Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.x */ #if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT return rb_struct_alloc_noinit(ost); #else return rb_struct_new(ost); #endif } #endif inline static VALUE parse_ulong(const char *s, PInfo pi) { unsigned long n = 0; for (; '\0' != *s; s++) { if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') { n = n * 10 + (*s - '0'); } else { raise_error("Invalid number for a julian day", pi->str, pi->s); } } return ULONG2NUM(n); } /* 2010-07-09T10:47:45.895826162+09:00 */ inline static VALUE parse_time(const char *text, VALUE clas) { VALUE t; if (Qnil == (t = parse_double_time(text, clas)) && Qnil == (t = parse_xsd_time(text, clas))) { VALUE args[1]; /*printf("**** time parse\n"); */ *args = rb_str_new2(text); t = rb_funcall2(ox_time_class, ox_parse_id, 1, args); } return t; } static VALUE classname2class(const char *name, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class) { VALUE *slot; VALUE clas; if (Qundef == (clas = ox_cache_get(ox_class_cache, name, &slot))) { char class_name[1024]; char *s; const char *n = name; clas = rb_cObject; for (s = class_name; '\0' != *n; n++) { if (':' == *n) { *s = '\0'; n++; if (':' != *n) { raise_error("Invalid classname, expected another ':'", pi->str, pi->s); } if (Qundef == (clas = resolve_classname(clas, class_name, pi->options->effort, base_class))) { return Qundef; } s = class_name; } else { *s++ = *n; } } *s = '\0'; if (Qundef != (clas = resolve_classname(clas, class_name, pi->options->effort, base_class))) { *slot = clas; } } return clas; } static VALUE get_var_sym_from_attrs(Attr a, void *encoding) { for (; 0 != a->name; a++) { if ('a' == *a->name && '\0' == *(a->name + 1)) { return name2var(a->value, encoding); } } return Qundef; } static VALUE get_obj_from_attrs(Attr a, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class) { for (; 0 != a->name; a++) { if ('c' == *a->name && '\0' == *(a->name + 1)) { return classname2obj(a->value, pi, base_class); } } return Qundef; } #if HAS_RSTRUCT static VALUE get_struct_from_attrs(Attr a) { for (; 0 != a->name; a++) { if ('c' == *a->name && '\0' == *(a->name + 1)) { return structname2obj(a->value); } } return Qundef; } #endif static VALUE get_class_from_attrs(Attr a, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class) { for (; 0 != a->name; a++) { if ('c' == *a->name && '\0' == *(a->name + 1)) { return classname2class(a->value, pi, base_class); } } return Qundef; } static unsigned long get_id_from_attrs(PInfo pi, Attr a) { for (; 0 != a->name; a++) { if ('i' == *a->name && '\0' == *(a->name + 1)) { unsigned long id = 0; const char *text = a->value; char c; for (; '\0' != *text; text++) { c = *text; if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { id = id * 10 + (c - '0'); } else { raise_error("bad number format", pi->str, pi->s); } } return id; } } return 0; } static CircArray circ_array_new() { CircArray ca; ca = ALLOC(struct _CircArray); ca->objs = ca->obj_array; ca->size = sizeof(ca->obj_array) / sizeof(VALUE); ca->cnt = 0; return ca; } static void circ_array_free(CircArray ca) { if (ca->objs != ca->obj_array) { xfree(ca->objs); } xfree(ca); } static void circ_array_set(CircArray ca, VALUE obj, unsigned long id) { if (0 < id) { unsigned long i; if (ca->size < id) { unsigned long cnt = id + 512; if (ca->objs == ca->obj_array) { ca->objs = ALLOC_N(VALUE, cnt); memcpy(ca->objs, ca->obj_array, sizeof(VALUE) * ca->cnt); } else { REALLOC_N(ca->objs, VALUE, cnt); } ca->size = cnt; } id--; for (i = ca->cnt; i < id; i++) { ca->objs[i] = Qundef; } ca->objs[id] = obj; if (ca->cnt <= id) { ca->cnt = id + 1; } } } static VALUE circ_array_get(CircArray ca, unsigned long id) { VALUE obj = Qundef; if (id <= ca->cnt) { obj = ca->objs[id - 1]; } return obj; } static VALUE parse_regexp(const char *text) { const char *te; int options = 0; te = text + strlen(text) - 1; #if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT for (; text < te && '/' != *te; te--) { switch (*te) { case 'i': options |= ONIG_OPTION_IGNORECASE; break; case 'm': options |= ONIG_OPTION_MULTILINE; break; case 'x': options |= ONIG_OPTION_EXTEND; break; default: break; } } #endif return rb_reg_new(text + 1, te - text - 1, options); } static void instruct(PInfo pi, const char *target, Attr attrs) { if (0 == strcmp("xml", target)) { #if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT for (; 0 != attrs->name; attrs++) { if (0 == strcmp("encoding", attrs->name)) { pi->options->rb_enc = rb_enc_find(attrs->value); } } #endif } } static void add_text(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed) { if (!closed) { raise_error("Text not closed", pi->str, pi->s); } if (DEBUG <= pi->options->trace) { char indent[128]; fill_indent(pi, indent, sizeof(indent)); printf("%s '%s' to type %c\n", indent, text, pi->h->type); } switch (pi->h->type) { case NoCode: case StringCode: pi->h->obj = rb_str_new2(text); #if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(pi->h->obj, pi->options->rb_enc); } #endif if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, pi->h->obj, (unsigned long)pi->id); } break; case FixnumCode: { long n = 0; char c; int neg = 0; if ('-' == *text) { neg = 1; text++; } for (; '\0' != *text; text++) { c = *text; if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { n = n * 10 + (c - '0'); } else { raise_error("bad number format", pi->str, pi->s); } } if (neg) { n = -n; } pi->h->obj = LONG2NUM(n); break; } case FloatCode: pi->h->obj = rb_float_new(strtod(text, 0)); break; case SymbolCode: { VALUE sym; VALUE *slot; if (Qundef == (sym = ox_cache_get(ox_symbol_cache, text, &slot))) { sym = str2sym(text, pi->options->rb_enc); *slot = sym; } pi->h->obj = sym; break; } case DateCode: { VALUE args[1]; *args = parse_ulong(text, pi); pi->h->obj = rb_funcall2(ox_date_class, ox_jd_id, 1, args); break; } case TimeCode: pi->h->obj = parse_time(text, ox_time_class); break; case String64Code: { unsigned long str_size = b64_orig_size(text); VALUE v; char *str = ALLOCA_N(char, str_size + 1); from_base64(text, (uchar*)str); v = rb_str_new(str, str_size); #if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(v, pi->options->rb_enc); } #endif if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, v, (unsigned long)pi->h->obj); } pi->h->obj = v; break; } case Symbol64Code: { VALUE sym; VALUE *slot; unsigned long str_size = b64_orig_size(text); char *str = ALLOCA_N(char, str_size + 1); from_base64(text, (uchar*)str); if (Qundef == (sym = ox_cache_get(ox_symbol_cache, str, &slot))) { sym = str2sym(str, pi->options->rb_enc); *slot = sym; } pi->h->obj = sym; break; } case RegexpCode: if ('/' == *text) { pi->h->obj = parse_regexp(text); } else { unsigned long str_size = b64_orig_size(text); char *str = ALLOCA_N(char, str_size + 1); from_base64(text, (uchar*)str); pi->h->obj = parse_regexp(str); } break; case BignumCode: pi->h->obj = rb_cstr_to_inum(text, 10, 1); break; default: pi->h->obj = Qnil; break; } } static void add_element(PInfo pi, const char *ename, Attr attrs, int hasChildren) { Attr a; Helper h; unsigned long id; if (TRACE <= pi->options->trace) { char buf[1024]; char indent[128]; char *s = buf; char *end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 2; s += snprintf(s, end - s, " <%s%s", (hasChildren) ? "" : "/", ename); for (a = attrs; 0 != a->name; a++) { s += snprintf(s, end - s, " %s=%s", a->name, a->value); } *s++ = '>'; *s++ = '\0'; if (DEBUG <= pi->options->trace) { debug_stack(pi, buf); } else { fill_indent(pi, indent, sizeof(indent)); printf("%s%s\n", indent, buf); } } if (0 == pi->h) { /* top level object */ pi->h = pi->helpers; if (0 != (id = get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs))) { pi->circ_array = circ_array_new(); } } else { pi->h++; } if ('\0' != ename[1]) { raise_error("Invalid element name", pi->str, pi->s); } h = pi->h; h->type = *ename; h->var = get_var_sym_from_attrs(attrs, pi->options->rb_enc); switch (h->type) { case NilClassCode: h->obj = Qnil; break; case TrueClassCode: h->obj = Qtrue; break; case FalseClassCode: h->obj = Qfalse; break; case StringCode: /* h->obj will be replaced by add_text if it is called */ h->obj = ox_empty_string; if (0 != pi->circ_array) { pi->id = get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs); circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, pi->id); } break; case FixnumCode: case FloatCode: case SymbolCode: case Symbol64Code: case RegexpCode: case BignumCode: case ComplexCode: case DateCode: case TimeCode: case RationalCode: /* sub elements read next */ /* value will be read in the following add_text */ h->obj = Qundef; break; case String64Code: h->obj = Qundef; if (0 != pi->circ_array) { pi->id = get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs); } break; case ArrayCode: h->obj = rb_ary_new(); if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } break; case HashCode: h->obj = rb_hash_new(); if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } break; case RangeCode: h->obj = rb_range_new(ox_zero_fixnum, ox_zero_fixnum, Qfalse); break; case RawCode: if (hasChildren) { h->obj = ox_parse(pi->s, ox_gen_callbacks, &pi->s, pi->options); if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } } else { h->obj = Qnil; } break; case ExceptionCode: h->obj = get_obj_from_attrs(attrs, pi, rb_eException); if (0 != pi->circ_array && Qnil != h->obj) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } break; case ObjectCode: h->obj = get_obj_from_attrs(attrs, pi, ox_bag_clas); if (0 != pi->circ_array && Qnil != h->obj) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } break; case StructCode: #if HAS_RSTRUCT h->obj = get_struct_from_attrs(attrs); if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } #else raise_error("Ruby structs not supported with this verion of Ruby", pi->str, pi->s); #endif break; case ClassCode: h->obj = get_class_from_attrs(attrs, pi, ox_bag_clas); break; case RefCode: h->obj = Qundef; if (0 != pi->circ_array) { h->obj = circ_array_get(pi->circ_array, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } if (Qundef == h->obj) { raise_error("Invalid circular reference", pi->str, pi->s); } break; default: raise_error("Invalid element name", pi->str, pi->s); break; } if (DEBUG <= pi->options->trace) { debug_stack(pi, " -----------"); } } static void end_element(PInfo pi, const char *ename) { if (TRACE <= pi->options->trace) { char indent[128]; if (DEBUG <= pi->options->trace) { char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "", ename); debug_stack(pi, buf); } else { fill_indent(pi, indent, sizeof(indent)); printf("%s\n", indent, ename); } } if (0 != pi->h && pi->helpers <= pi->h) { Helper h = pi->h; if (ox_empty_string == h->obj) { /* special catch for empty strings */ h->obj = rb_str_new2(""); } pi->obj = h->obj; pi->h--; if (pi->helpers <= pi->h) { switch (pi->h->type) { case ArrayCode: rb_ary_push(pi->h->obj, h->obj); break; case ExceptionCode: case ObjectCode: if (Qnil != pi->h->obj) { rb_ivar_set(pi->h->obj, h->var, h->obj); } break; case StructCode: #if HAS_RSTRUCT rb_struct_aset(pi->h->obj, h->var, h->obj); #else raise_error("Ruby structs not supported with this verion of Ruby", pi->str, pi->s); #endif break; case HashCode: h->type = KeyCode; pi->h++; break; case RangeCode: #if HAS_RSTRUCT if (ox_beg_id == h->var) { RSTRUCT_PTR(pi->h->obj)[0] = h->obj; } else if (ox_end_id == h->var) { RSTRUCT_PTR(pi->h->obj)[1] = h->obj; } else if (ox_excl_id == h->var) { RSTRUCT_PTR(pi->h->obj)[2] = h->obj; } else { raise_error("Invalid range attribute", pi->str, pi->s); } #else raise_error("Ruby structs not supported with this verion of Ruby", pi->str, pi->s); #endif break; case KeyCode: rb_hash_aset((pi->h - 1)->obj, pi->h->obj, h->obj); pi->h--; break; case ComplexCode: #ifdef T_COMPLEX if (Qundef == pi->h->obj) { pi->h->obj = h->obj; } else { pi->h->obj = rb_complex_new(pi->h->obj, h->obj); } #else raise_error("Complex Objects not implemented in Ruby 1.8.7", pi->str, pi->s); #endif break; case RationalCode: #ifdef T_RATIONAL if (Qundef == pi->h->obj) { pi->h->obj = h->obj; } else { #ifdef RUBINIUS_RUBY pi->h->obj = rb_Rational(pi->h->obj, h->obj); #else pi->h->obj = rb_rational_new(pi->h->obj, h->obj); #endif } #else raise_error("Rational Objects not implemented in Ruby 1.8.7", pi->str, pi->s); #endif break; default: raise_error("Corrupt parse stack, container is wrong type", pi->str, pi->s); break; } } } if (0 != pi->circ_array && pi->helpers > pi->h) { circ_array_free(pi->circ_array); pi->circ_array = 0; } if (DEBUG <= pi->options->trace) { debug_stack(pi, " ----------"); } } static VALUE parse_double_time(const char *text, VALUE clas) { long v = 0; long v2 = 0; const char *dot = 0; char c; for (; '.' != *text; text++) { c = *text; if (c < '0' || '9' < c) { return Qnil; } v = 10 * v + (long)(c - '0'); } dot = text++; for (; '\0' != *text && text - dot <= 6; text++) { c = *text; if (c < '0' || '9' < c) { return Qnil; } v2 = 10 * v2 + (long)(c - '0'); } for (; text - dot <= 9; text++) { v2 *= 10; } #if HAS_NANO_TIME return rb_time_nano_new(v, v2); #else return rb_time_new(v, v2 / 1000); #endif } typedef struct _Tp { int cnt; char end; char alt; } *Tp; static VALUE parse_xsd_time(const char *text, VALUE clas) { long cargs[10]; long *cp = cargs; long v; int i; char c; struct _Tp tpa[10] = { { 4, '-', '-' }, { 2, '-', '-' }, { 2, 'T', 'T' }, { 2, ':', ':' }, { 2, ':', ':' }, { 2, '.', '.' }, { 9, '+', '-' }, { 2, ':', ':' }, { 2, '\0', '\0' }, { 0, '\0', '\0' } }; Tp tp = tpa; struct tm tm; for (; 0 != tp->cnt; tp++) { for (i = tp->cnt, v = 0; 0 < i ; text++, i--) { c = *text; if (c < '0' || '9' < c) { if (tp->end == c || tp->alt == c) { break; } return Qnil; } v = 10 * v + (long)(c - '0'); } c = *text++; if (tp->end != c && tp->alt != c) { return Qnil; } *cp++ = v; } tm.tm_year = (int)cargs[0] - 1900; tm.tm_mon = (int)cargs[1] - 1; tm.tm_mday = (int)cargs[2]; tm.tm_hour = (int)cargs[3]; tm.tm_min = (int)cargs[4]; tm.tm_sec = (int)cargs[5]; #if HAS_NANO_TIME return rb_time_nano_new(mktime(&tm), cargs[6]); #else return rb_time_new(mktime(&tm), cargs[6] / 1000); #endif } /* debug functions */ static void fill_indent(PInfo pi, char *buf, size_t size) { if (0 != pi->h) { size_t cnt = pi->h - pi->helpers + 1; if (size < cnt + 1) { cnt = size - 1; } memset(buf, ' ', cnt); buf += cnt; } *buf = '\0'; } static void debug_stack(PInfo pi, const char *comment) { char indent[128]; Helper h; fill_indent(pi, indent, sizeof(indent)); printf("%s%s\n", indent, comment); if (0 != pi->h) { for (h = pi->helpers; h <= pi->h; h++) { const char *clas = "---"; const char *key = "---"; if (Qundef != h->obj) { VALUE c = rb_obj_class(h->obj); clas = rb_class2name(c); } if (Qundef != h->var) { if (HashCode == h->type) { VALUE v; v = rb_funcall2(h->var, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, 0); key = StringValuePtr(v); } else if (ObjectCode == (h - 1)->type || ExceptionCode == (h - 1)->type || RangeCode == (h - 1)->type || StructCode == (h - 1)->type) { key = rb_id2name(h->var); } else { printf("%s*** corrupt stack ***\n", indent); } } printf("%s [%c] %s : %s\n", indent, h->type, clas, key); } } }