module Daigaku module Terminal require 'os' require 'open-uri' require 'zip' require_relative 'output' class Courses < Thor include Terminal::Output desc 'list', 'List your available daigaku courses' def list courses = Loading::Courses.load(Daigaku.config.courses_path) say_info courses_list_text(courses) end method_option :github, type: :string, aliases: '-g', desc: 'Download Github repository' desc 'download [URL] [OPTIONS]', 'Download a new daigaku course from [URL]' def download(url = nil) use_initial_course = url.nil? && options[:github].nil? url = github_repo(Daigaku.config.initial_course) if use_initial_course url = github_repo(options[:github]) if options[:github] url_given = (url =~ /\A#{URI::regexp(['http', 'https'])}\z/) github = use_initial_course || options[:github] || url.match(/github\.com/) raise Download::NoUrlError unless url_given raise Download::NoZipFileUrlError unless File.basename(url) =~ /\.zip/ courses_path = Daigaku.config.courses_path FileUtils.makedirs(courses_path) unless Dir.exist?(courses_path) file_name = File.join(courses_path, url.split('/').last), 'w') { |file| file << open(url).read } course_name = unzip(file_name, github) scaffold_solutions say_info "Successfully downloaded the course \"#{course_name}\"!" rescue Download::NoUrlError => e print_download_warning(url, "\"#{url}\" is not a valid URL!") rescue Download::NoZipFileUrlError => e print_download_warning(url, "\"#{url}\" is not a URL of a *.zip file!") rescue Exception => e print_download_warning(url, e.message) ensure FileUtils.rm(file_name) if File.exist?(file_name.to_s) end private def courses_list_text(courses) if courses.empty? text = Terminal.text :courses_empty else text = [ "Available daigaku courses:\n", * { |course| "* #{File.basename(course.path)}\n" } ].join("\n") end "#{text}\n#{Terminal.text :hint_course_download}" end def github_repo(user_and_repo) "{user_and_repo}/archive/" end def unzip(file_path, github = false) target_dir = File.dirname(file_path) course_name = nil do |zip_file| zip_file.each do |entry| if github first, *others = entry.to_s.split('/') directory = File.join(first.split('-')[0..-2].join('-'), others) else directory = entry.to_s end course_name ||= directory.split('/').first.gsub(/_+/, ' ') zip_file.extract(entry, "#{target_dir}/#{directory}") { true } end end FileUtils.rm(file_path) course_name end def scaffold_solutions generator = generator.prepare generator.scaffold(Daigaku.config.courses_path, Daigaku.config.solutions_path) end def print_download_warning(url, text) message = [ "Error while downloading course from URL \"#{url}\"", "#{text}\n", Terminal.text(:hint_course_download) ].join("\n") say_warning message end end end end