module Refinery module Core class Engine < ::Rails::Engine extend Refinery::Engine isolate_namespace Refinery engine_name :refinery class << self # Register all decorators from app/decorators/ and registered plugins' paths. def register_decorators! Decorators.register! Rails.root, Refinery::Plugins.registered.pathnames end # Performs the Refinery inclusion process which extends the currently loaded Rails # applications with Refinery's controllers and helpers. The process is wrapped by # a before_inclusion and after_inclusion step that calls procs registered by the # Refinery::Engine#before_inclusion and Refinery::Engine#after_inclusion class methods def refinery_inclusion! before_inclusion_procs.each(&:call) Refinery.include_once(::ApplicationController, Refinery::ApplicationController) ::ApplicationController.send :helper, Refinery::Core::Engine.helpers after_inclusion_procs.each(&:call) end end config.autoload_paths += %W( #{config.root}/lib ) # Include the refinery controllers and helpers dynamically config.to_prepare &method(:refinery_inclusion!).to_proc after_inclusion &method(:register_decorators!).to_proc # Wrap errors in spans config.to_prepare do ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, instance| "#{html_tag}".html_safe end end initializer "refinery.will_paginate" do WillPaginate.per_page = 20 end initializer "register refinery_core plugin" do Refinery::Plugin.register do |plugin| plugin.pathname = root = 'refinery_core' plugin.class_name = 'RefineryEngine' plugin.hide_from_menu = true plugin.always_allow_access = true plugin.menu_match = /refinery\/(refinery_)?core$/ end end initializer "register refinery_dialogs plugin" do Refinery::Plugin.register do |plugin| plugin.pathname = root = 'refinery_dialogs' plugin.hide_from_menu = true plugin.always_allow_access = true plugin.menu_match = /refinery\/(refinery_)?dialogs/ end end initializer "refinery.routes", :after => :set_routes_reloader_hook do |app| Refinery::Core::Engine.routes.append do get "#{Refinery::Core.backend_route}/*path" => 'admin#error_404' end end initializer "refinery.autoload_paths" do |app| app.config.autoload_paths += [ Rails.root.join('app', 'presenters'), Rails.root.join('vendor', '**', '**', 'app', 'presenters'),{|r| r.join('**', 'app', 'presenters')} ].flatten end # set the manifests and assets to be precompiled initializer "refinery.assets.precompile" do |app| app.config.assets.precompile += [ "refinery/*", "refinery/icons/*", "wymeditor/lang/*", "wymeditor/skins/refinery/*", "wymeditor/skins/refinery/**/*", "modernizr-min.js", "admin.js" ] end # active model fields which may contain sensitive data to filter initializer "refinery.params.filter" do |app| app.config.filter_parameters += [:password, :password_confirmation] end initializer "refinery.encoding" do |app| app.config.encoding = 'utf-8' end initializer "refinery.memory_store" do |app| app.config.cache_store = :memory_store end config.after_initialize do Refinery.register_extension(Refinery::Core) end end end end