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  <h6 id="header">RMagick 2.6.0 User's Guide and Reference</h6>

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  <h1>class Image::Info - Optional method arguments</h1>

  <div id="toc">
    <h2>Table of Contents</h2>

    <h3>instance methods</h3>

      <li><a href="#aset">[]=</a></li>

      <li><a href="#aref">[]</a></li>

      <li><a href="#channel">channel</a></li>

      <li><a href="#define">define</a></li>

      <li><a href="#undefine">undefine</a></li>

    <h3>attribute methods</h3>

    <div class="toccol">
        <li><a href="#antialias">antialias</a></li>

        <li><a href="#attenuate">attenuate</a></li>

        <li><a href="#authenticate">authenticate</a></li>

        <li><a href="#background_color">background_color</a></li>

        <li><a href="#border_color">border_color</a></li>

        <li><a href="#caption">caption</a></li>

        <li><a href="#colorspace">colorspace</a></li>

        <li><a href="#comment">comment</a></li>

        <li><a href="#compression">compression</a></li>

        <li><a href="#delay">delay</a></li>

        <li><a href="#density">density</a></li>

        <li><a href="#depth">depth</a></li>

        <li><a href="#dispose">dispose</a></li>

        <li><a href="#dither">dither</a></li>

    <div class="toccol">
        <li><a href="#extract">extract</a></li>

        <li><a href="#filename">filename</a></li>

        <li><a href="#fill">fill</a></li>

        <li><a href="#font">font</a></li>

        <li><a href="#format">format</a></li>

        <li><a href="#fuzz">fuzz</a></li>

        <li><a href="#gravity">gravity</a></li>

        <li><a href="#image_type">image_type</a></li>

        <li><a href="#interlace">interlace</a></li>

        <li><a href="#label">label</a></li>

        <li><a href="#matte_color">matte_color</a></li>

        <li><a href="#monitor">monitor</a></li>

        <li><a href="#monochrome">monochrome</a></li>

        <li><a href="#orientation">orientation</a></li>

    <div class="toccol">
        <li><a href="#origin">origin</a></li>

        <li><a href="#page">page</a></li>

        <li><a href="#pointsize">pointsize</a></li>

        <li><a href="#quality">quality</a></li>

        <li><a href="#sampling_factor">sampling_factor</a></li>

        <li><a href="#server_name">server_name</a></li>

        <li><a href="#size">size</a></li>

        <li><a href="#stroke">stroke</a></li>

        <li><a href="#stroke_width">stroke_width</a></li>

        <li><a href="#tile_offset">tile_offset</a></li>

        <li><a href="#texture">texture</a></li>

        <li><a href="#undercolor">undercolor</a></li>

        <li><a href="#units">units</a></li>

        <li><a href="#view">view</a></li>

  <div id="intro">
    <h2>The Image::Info class</h2>

    <p>Some <code>Image</code> and <code>ImageList</code> methods,
    such as <code>read</code> and <code>write</code>, accept an
    "optional arguments" block in which you can set attributes that
    modify the method's output. These attributes belong to the
    <code>Image::Info</code> class. The <code>Image::Info</code>
    class exists only to accept optional arguments for those
    <code>Image</code> and <code>ImageList</code> methods.</p>

    <p>This page explains the methods defined in the
    <code>Image::Info</code> class. Generally, each
    <code>Image</code> or <code>ImageList</code> method that uses
    the <code>Image::Info</code> class to get optional arguments
    will only accept some of the attributes listed on this page,
    that is, only those attributes that are meaningful for the
    particular method. Any other attributes that you set are
    ignored. Also, some attributes are only used by a subset of the
    image formats. See the ImageMagick documentation for more

    <p>Remember, you do not ever need to create an
    <code>Image::Info</code> object. The object is created for you
    before the optional arguments block is entered and destroyed
    after the block is exited.</p>

    <p>All the attributes in the <code>Image::Info</code> class are
    read/write. For simplicity, and because usually you only set
    these attributes, this page only describes the setter version
    of each attribute method.</p>

  <h2 class="methods">instance methods</h2>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="aset">[]=</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>[<span class=
    "arg">format</span>, <span class="arg">key</span>] =
    <span class="arg">value</span> -&gt; <span class=
    "arg">self</span><br />
    <span class="arg">self</span>[<span class="arg">key</span>] =
    <span class="arg">value</span> -&gt; <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Define an option. An alternative to <a href=
    "#define">define</a>, below. Use this method to set options for
    reading or writing certain image formats. The list of supported
    options changes from release to release. For a list of the
    valid image formats, keys, and values, refer to the
    documentation for the -define option for the release of
    ImageMagick installed on your system.</p>



      <dd>An image format name such as "ps" or "tiff". (Depending
      on the key, this argument may be omitted.)</dd>


      <dd>A string that identifies the option.</dd>


      <dd>The value of the option. <span class="arg">Value</span>
      can be any object that responds to <code>to_s</code>. Use
      <code>nil</code> to set the key to a null value.</dd>



self["tiff", "bits-per-sample"] = 2

    <h4>Magick API</h4>


  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="aref">[]</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>[<span class=
    "arg">format</span>, <span class="arg">key</span>] -&gt;
    <em>value</em><br />
    <span class="arg">self</span>[<span class="arg">key</span>]
    -&gt; <em>value</em></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Returns the value of the specified option for the specified



      <dd>An image format name such as "ps" or "tiff". (Depending
      on the key, this argument may be omitted.)</dd>


      <dd>A string that identifies the option.</dd>


    <p>The value of the option. Always a string.</p>

self["tiff", "bits-per-sample"] &raquo; 2

    <h4>Magick API</h4>


  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="channel">channel</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.channel([<span class=
    "arg">channel</span> [, <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Restrict the method to the specified channel(s). This
    attribute is set-only.</p>


    <p>The arguments may be any <a href=
    "constants.html#ChannelType">ChannelType</a> values.</p>


    <p>If you call <code>channel</code> with no arguments,
    <em>all</em> channels are included. If you do not call
    <code>channel</code> at all, the channels used do not include
    the alpha channel.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="define">define</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.define(<span class=
    "arg">format</span>, <span class="arg">key</span>[,
    <span class="arg">value</span>])</p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Define a format-specific option. See <a href=
    "#aset">[]=</a>, above.</p>



      <dd>An image format name such as "ps" or "tiff".</dd>


      <dd>A string that identifies the option.</dd>


      <dd>The value of the option. <span class="arg">Value</span>
      can be any object that responds to <code>to_s</code>. If
      omitted, the key is simply defined to an null value.</dd>



self.define("tiff", "bits-per-sample", 2)

    <h4>Magick API</h4>


  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="undefine">undefine</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.undefine(<span class=
    "arg">format</span>, <span class="arg">key</span>)</p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Delete an option definition set by <a href="#aset">[]=</a>
    or <a href="#define">define</a>. This is not the same as
    setting the option to a null value. The <code>undefine</code>
    method removes the option name from the list of options for the
    specified format.</p>



      <dd>An image format name such as "ps" or "tiff".</dd>


      <dd>A string that identifies the option.</dd>



self.undefine("tiff", "bits-per-sample")


  <h2 class="methods">attribute methods</h2>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="antialias">antialias</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>antialias= <span class=
    "arg"><code>true</code></span> or <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p><span class="imquote">Control antialiasing of rendered
    Postscript and Postscript or TrueType fonts.</span> The default
    is <code>true</code>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="attenuate">attenuate</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.attenuate= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">Lessen (or intensify) when adding noise to
    an image.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="authenticate">authenticate</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>authenticate= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">Decrypt an image with this password.</p>

    <p>This attribute can be used to specify the password to be
    used when reading an image or image sequence that is in an
    encrypted format, such as PDF.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="background_color">background_color</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>background_color= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">pixel</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the image background color. The default is "white".</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#color_names">color name</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Pixel">Pixel</a>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="border_color">border_color</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>border_color= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">pixel</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the image border color. The default is "#dfdfdf".</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#color_names">color name</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Pixel">Pixel</a>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="caption">caption</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>caption= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>When used with <a href="image1.html#read">Image.read</a>,
    assigns a caption to an image. The caption is an image
img = Magick::Image.read("xc:white") do
  self.caption = "a new caption"
  self.size = "20x20"
p img.first.properties &raquo; {"caption"=&gt;"a new caption"}
p img.first['caption'] &raquo; "a new caption"


    <p>A string.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="colorspace">colorspace</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>colorspace= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the image pixel interpretation.</p>

    <h4>Arguments</h4>A <a href=
    "constants.html#ColorspaceType">ColorspaceType</a> constant.

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="comment">comment</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>comment= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">Use this option to assign a specific comment
    to the image, when writing to an image format that supports


    <p class="imquote">You can include the image filename, type,
    width, height, or other image attribute by embedding special
    format characters listed under the <a href=
    "draw.html#annotate">annotate</a> method.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="compression">compression</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>compression= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the type of compression used when writing the
    image. Only some image formats support compression. For those
    that do, only some compression types are supported. If you
    specify an compression type that is not supported, the default
    compression type (usually NoCompression) is used instead.</p>

    <p>Some compression types support varying levels of
    compression. See the <a href=
    "#quality"><code>quality</code></a> attribute.</p>

    <p>The following table shows the image formats that support
    compression. For each format, the right-hand column shows the
    supported compression types. The default compression type is
    shown in <strong>bold</strong>.</p>

    <table class="simple_table" summary=
    "supported compression types by image format">
        Supported Compression Types


        <th>Compression Types</th>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, RLECompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, RLECompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, JPEGCompression</td>




        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, JPEGCompression</td>






        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, RLECompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, JPEGCompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, FaxCompression,


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, RLECompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, JPEGCompression,
        LZWCompression, ZipCompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, JPEGCompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, ZIPCompression</td>


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, RLECompression</td>


        <td><strong>RLECompression</strong>, FaxCompression,
        JPEGCompression, LZWCompression, NoCompression</td>


        <td><strong>FaxCompression</strong>, JPEGCompression,
        LZWCompression, NoCompression, RLECompression,


        <td><strong>NoCompression</strong>, FaxCompression,
        Group4Compression, JPEGCompression, LZWCompression,
        RLECompression, ZipCompression</td>


    <ol id="compression_notes">
      <li>NoCompression is accepted for all image formats. Except
      as noted in the table, it is the default.</li>

      <li>This table is based on my examination of the ImageMagick
      source code. It is not necessarily complete and it may
      contain mistakes. If you need an authoritative list, you
      should consult the ImageMagick developers.</li>

    <h4>Arguments</h4>A <a href=
    "constants.html#CompressionType">CompressionType</a> constant.

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="density">density</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>density= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">geometry</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels.
    The default density is "72.0x72.0". This attribute can be used
    when writing JBIG, PCL, PS, PS2, and PS3 format images.</p>

    <p>This attribute can also be used to specify the width and
    height of HISTOGRAM format images. For HISTOGRAM, the default
    is 256x200.</p>


    <p>The argument can be either a string in the form "XxY" where
    "X" is the horizontal resolution and "Y" is the vertical
    resolution, or a <a href="struct.html#Geometry">Geometry</a>
    object where <code>width</code> is the horizontal resolution
    and <code>height</code> is the vertical resolution.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="delay">delay</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>delay= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">This attribute is useful for regulating the
    animation of image sequences. <em>delay</em>/100 seconds must
    expire before the display of the next image. The default is no
    delay between each showing of the image sequence. The maximum
    delay is 65535.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="depth">depth</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>depth= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the image depth.</p>


    <p>Either 8, 16, or 32. You can specify 16 and 32 only when
    ImageMagick was compiled with a QuantumDepth that allows these
    depth values.</p>

    <p>Use <code>depth</code> to specify the depth of CMYK, GRAY,
    RGB, RGBA, MAP, and XC format images. See also <a href=

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="dispose">dispose</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>dispose= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">The argument indicates the way in which the
    graphic is to be treated after being displayed.</p>


    <p>A <a href="constants.html#DisposeType">DisposeType</a>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="dither">dither</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>dither= <span class=
    "arg"><code>true</code></span> or <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>This attribute can be used when writing GIF images.</p>

    <p class="imquote">Apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the
    image. The basic strategy of dithering is to trade intensity
    resolution for spatial resolution by averaging the intensities
    of several neighboring pixels. Images which suffer from severe
    contouring when reducing colors can be improved with this

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="extract">extract</h3>

    <p><span class="arg"><em>self.</em></span>extract= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">geometry</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies a portion of an image to be extracted when the
    image is constituted. This attribute can be used to identify a
    subset of an image that is otherwise too large to keep in


    <p>Either a geometry string or a <a href=
    "struct.html#Geometry">Geometry</a> object. For example:
    <code>self.extract = "200x200+100+100"</code>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="filename">filename</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>filename= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>See <a href="image1.html#capture">capture</a>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="fill">fill</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>fill= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">pixel</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the fill color to use when creating an image with
    the "caption:" format..</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#color_names">color name</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Pixel">pixel</a>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="font">font</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>font= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the text rendering font.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="format">format</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>format= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the image format, "GIF" or "JPG" for example.</p>


    <p>See <a href=

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="fuzz">fuzz</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>fuzz= <span class=
    "arg">number</span> or <span class="arg">string</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the level of "fuzziness" for comparing pixels. By
    default the pixels must be identical to be considered equal.
    The larger the <code>fuzz</code> value the more difference is
    tolerated. See <a href=


    <p>The argument may be a numeric value or a string in the form
    "NN%". In the second case, the argument is computed as a
    percentage of <a href=
    "constants.html#Miscellaneous_constants">QuantumRange</a>. For
    example, a value of '5%' sets <code>fuzz</code> to

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="gravity">gravity</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>gravity= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">The direction text gravitates to when
    annotating the image.</p>

    <p class="imquote">The direction you choose specifies where to
    position the text when annotating the image. For example, a
    gravity of <code>CenterGravity</code> forces the text to be
    centered within the image. By default, the image gravity is

    <p>This attribute can be used to position the text when
    creating an image with the "caption:" format.</p>


    <p>A <a href="constants.html#GravityType">GravityType</a>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="image_type">image_type</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>image_type= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>The image type classification. For example, GrayscaleType.
    Don't confuse this attribute with the <a href=
    "#format">format</a> such as "GIF" or "JPG".</p>


    <p>An <a href="constants.html#ImageType">ImageType</a>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="interlace">interlace</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>interlace= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p><span class="imquote">[S]pecify the type of interlacing
    scheme for raw image formats such as RGB or YUV. NoInterlace
    means do not interlace, LineInterlace uses scanline
    interlacing, and PlaneInterlace uses plane interlacing.
    PartitionInterlace is like PlaneInterlace except the different
    planes are saved to individual files (e.g. image.R, image.G,
    and image.B). Use LineInterlace or PlaneInterlace to create an
    interlaced GIF or progressive JPEG image.</span> The default is


    <p>An <a href="constants.html#InterlaceType">InterlaceType</a>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="label">label</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>label= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p><span class="imquote">Use this option to assign a specific
    label to the image, when writing to an image format that
    supports labels, such as TIFF, PNG, MIFF, or PostScript. You
    can include the the image filename, type, width, height, or
    other image attribute by embedding special format
    characters.</span> See <a href=
    "draw.html#annotate">annotate</a> for details.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="matte_color">matte_color</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>matte_color= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">pixel</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the image transparent color. The default is


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#color_names">color name</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Pixel">pixel</a>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="monitor">monitor</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>monitor= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set a <code>Proc</code> object as a progress monitor. This
    proc can be used to monitor the progress of methods that accept
    optional arguments such as <code>read</code> and
    <code>write</code>. To stop monitoring, set the monitor to
    <code>nil</code>. See <a href=
    "imageattrs.html#monitor">Image#monitor</a> for more information
    about the proc. This attribute is set-only.</p>

    <p>If you assign a monitor to an image with
    <code>self.monitor=</code> when the image is created, the image
    object inherits the monitor. Any methods applied to the new
    image will be monitored as well.</p>

    <p>This method supercedes the <code>Magick.set_monitor</code>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="monochrome">monochrome</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>monochrome= <span class=
    "arg"><code>true</code></span> or <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Transform the image to black and white on input. Only the
    EPT, PDF, and PS formats respect this attribute.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="orientation">orientation</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.orientation=<span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the orientation of the image pixels.</p>


    <p>An <a href=
    "constants.html#OrientationType">OrientationType</a> value.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="origin">origin</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.origin=<span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">geometry</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the image origin.</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#geometry">geometry string</a> of the
    form <code>+x+y</code> (a "-" may be used instead of "+" to
    indicate a negative offset) or a <a href=
    "struct.html#Geometry">Geometry</a> object.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="page">page</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>page= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">geometry</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the equivalent size of the Postscript page. The default
    is "612x792&gt;".</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#geometry">geometry string</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Geometry">Geometry</a> object.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="pointsize">pointsize</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>pointsize= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the font size in points. Useful when creating "caption:"
    format images, for example.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="quality">quality</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>quality= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>The compression level for JPEG, MPEG, JPEG-2000, MIFF, MNG,
    and PNG image format. Corresponds to ImageMagick's -quality
    option. The default is 75. See <em><a href=
    "comtasks.html#compressing">Compressing image

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="sampling_factor">sampling_factor</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>sampling_factor= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">sampling factors used by JPEG or MPEG-2
    encoder and YUV decoder/encoder.</p>

    <p class="imquote">This attribute specifies the sampling
    factors to be used by the JPEG encoder for chroma downsampling.
    If this attribute is omitted, the JPEG library will use its own
    default values. When reading or writing the YUV format and when
    writing the M2V (MPEG-2) format, use sampling-factor="2x1" to
    specify the 4:2:2 downsampling method.</p>


    <p>A string in the form

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="server_name">server_name</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>server_name= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the X11 display to obtain fonts from.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="size">size</h3>

    <p><span class="arg"><em>self.</em>size= <em>string</em></span>
    or <span class="arg">geometry</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set the width and height of the image when reading a
    <a href="imusage.html#builtin_formats">built-in image
    format</a> that does not have an inherent size, or when reading
    an image from a multi-resolution file format such as Photo CD,
    JBIG, or JPEG.</p>

    <p>Use <code>size</code> to specify the width and height of
    images in the CMYK, DIB, EMF, GRAY, RGB, RGBA, UYVY, YUV, or XC
    formats, the width and height of some <a href=
    "imusage.html#builtin_formats">built in formats</a>, or the
    subimage size of PTIF-format images.</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#geometry">geometry string</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Geometry">Geometry</a> object.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="stroke">stroke</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>stroke= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">pixel</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the stroke color to use when creating an image
    with the "caption:" format..</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#color_names">color name</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Pixel">pixel</a>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="stroke_width">stroke_width</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>stroke_width=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the stroke width to use when creating an image
    with the "caption:" format..</p>


    <p>The stroke width.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="texture">texture</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.texture= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Set a texture to tile onto the image background. Corresponds
    to the -texture option to ImageMagick's convert and mogrify
    commands. This attribute is set-only.</p>


    <p>An image</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="tile_offset">tile_offset</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self</span>.tile_offset= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">geometry</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p class="imquote">Specifies the offset for tile images,
    relative to the background image it will be tiled on.</p>

    <p>This attribute is useful with the "tile:" and "pattern:"
    image formats.</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#geometry">geometry string</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Geometry">Geometry</a> object.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="undercolor">undercolor</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>undercolor= <span class=
    "arg">string</span> or <span class="arg">pixel</span></p>

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the undercolor color to use when creating an image
    with the "caption:" format..</p>


    <p>A <a href="imusage.html#color_names">color name</a> or a
    <a href="struct.html#Pixel">pixel</a>.</p>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="units">units</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>units= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>Specifies the units of image resolution.</p>


    <p>A <a href="constants.html#ResolutionType">ResolutionType</a>

  <div class="sig">
    <h3 id="view">view</h3>

    <p><span class="arg">self.</span>view= <span class=

  <div class="desc">

    <p>FlashPix viewing parameters.</p>

  <p class="spacer">&nbsp;</p>

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