name Fluidvision settings settings background #F4F4F4F2 caret #000000 foreground #000000 invisibles #BFBFBF lineHighlight #00000012 selection #FFD793 name Comment scope comment settings background #DDEEFEF2 fontStyle foreground #386F90 name Variable scope variable settings fontStyle italic foreground #20498D name Keyword scope keyword settings fontStyle bold foreground #5B91E1 name Number scope constant.numeric settings fontStyle bold foreground #C34F0A name User-defined constant scope constant settings fontStyle italic foreground #C5060B name Built-in constant scope constant.language settings fontStyle italic foreground #585CF6 name String scope string settings fontStyle foreground #840E0B name String interpolation scope constant.character.escaped, constant.character.escape, string source settings fontStyle foreground #26B31A name Preprocessor line scope other.preprocessor settings fontStyle foreground #1A921C name Preprocessor directive scope settings fontStyle bold foreground #0C450D name Function name scope, settings fontStyle bold foreground #1B4B9D name Class name scope settings fontStyle italic name Inherited class name scope entity.other.inherited-class settings fontStyle italic name Function parameter scope variable.parameter settings fontStyle italic name Function argument and result types scope storage.type.method settings fontStyle foreground #70727E name Section scope meta.section, declaration.section settings fontStyle italic name Library function scope support.function settings fontStyle bold foreground #3C4C72 name Library object scope support.class, support.type settings fontStyle bold foreground #2D5579 name Library constant scope support.constant settings fontStyle bold foreground #619A1C name Library variable scope support.other.variable settings fontStyle bold foreground #21439C name JS: Operator scope keyword.operator.js settings foreground #687687 name Invalid scope invalid settings background #990000 foreground #FFFFFF name Invalid trailing whitespace scope invalid.trailing-whitespace settings background #FFD0D0 name Embedded source scope text source, string.unquoted settings background #427FF530 name Markup XML declaration scope meta.xml-processing, declaration.xml-processing settings fontStyle foreground #68685B name Markup DOCTYPE scope meta.doctype, declaration.doctype settings fontStyle foreground #888888 name Markup DTD scope meta.doctype.DTD, declaration.doctype.DTD settings fontStyle italic name Markup tag scope meta.tag, declaration.tag settings fontStyle foreground #1C3981 name Markup name of tag scope settings fontStyle bold foreground #001D56 name Markup tag attribute scope entity.other.attribute-name settings fontStyle italic foreground #000000 name Markup: Heading scope markup.heading settings fontStyle bold foreground #0C07FF name Markup: Quote scope markup.quote settings fontStyle italic foreground #000000 name Markup: List scope markup.list settings foreground #B90690 uuid DC7472B7-F1A6-4FCA-BE26-0E5DA236F2A4