class Avo::ResourceComponent < Avo::BaseComponent include Avo::Concerns::ChecksAssocAuthorization include Avo::Concerns::RequestMethods include Avo::Concerns::HasResourceStimulusControllers attr_reader :fields_by_panel attr_reader :has_one_panels attr_reader :has_many_panels attr_reader :has_as_belongs_to_many_panels attr_reader :resource_tools attr_reader :resource attr_reader :view def can_create? return authorize_association_for(:create) if @reflection.present? @resource.authorization.authorize_action(:create, raise_exception: false) end def can_delete? return authorize_association_for(:destroy) if @reflection.present? @resource.authorization.authorize_action(:destroy, raise_exception: false) end def can_detach? return false if @reflection.blank? || @resource.record.blank? || !authorize_association_for(:detach) # If the inverse_of is a belongs_to, we need to check if it's optional in order to know if we can detach it. if inverse_of.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::BelongsToReflection) inverse_of.options[:optional] else true end end def detach_path return "/" if @reflection.blank? helpers.resource_detach_path(params[:resource_name], params[:id],, @resource.record_param) end def can_see_the_edit_button? # Disable edit for ArrayResources return false if @resource.resource_type_array? return authorize_association_for(:edit) if @reflection.present? @resource.authorization.authorize_action(:edit, raise_exception: false) end def can_see_the_destroy_button? # Disable destroy for ArrayResources return false if @resource.resource_type_array? @resource.authorization.authorize_action(:destroy, raise_exception: false) end def can_see_the_actions_button? return authorize_association_for(:act_on) if @reflection.present? @resource.authorization.authorize_action(:act_on, raise_exception: false) && !has_reflection_and_is_read_only end def destroy_path args = {record: @resource.record, resource: @resource} args[:referrer] = if params[:via_resource_class].present? back_path # If we're deleting a resource from a parent resource, we need to go back to the parent resource page after the deletion elsif @parent_resource.present? helpers.resource_path(record: @parent_record, resource: @parent_resource) end helpers.resource_path(**args) end def main_panel @main_panel ||= @resource.get_items.find do |item| item.is_main_panel? end end def sidebars return [] if Avo.license.lacks_with_trial(:resource_sidebar) @sidebars ||= @item.items .select do |item| item.is_sidebar? end .map do |sidebar| sidebar.hydrate(view: view, resource: resource) end end def has_reflection_and_is_read_only if @reflection.present? && && resource = Avo.resource_manager.get_resource_by_model_class( helpers.params, view: view, user: helpers._current_user) fields = resource.get_field_definitions filtered_fields = fields.filter { |f| == } else return false end if filtered_fields.present? filtered_fields.find { |f| == }.is_disabled? else false end end def render_control(control) send :"render_#{control.type}", control end def render_cards_component if Avo.plugin_manager.installed?(:avo_dashboards) render cards: @resource.detect_cards.visible_cards, classes: "pb-4 sm:grid-cols-3" end end private def via_resource? (params[:via_resource_class].present? || params[:via_relation_class].present?) && params[:via_record_id].present? end def keep_referrer_params referrer_params end def render_back_button(control) return if back_path.blank? || is_a_related_resource? tippy = control.title ? :tooltip : nil a_link back_path, style: :text, title: control.title, data: {tippy: tippy}, icon: "heroicons/outline/arrow-left" do control.label end end def render_actions_list(actions_list) return unless can_see_the_actions_button? render actions: @actions, resource: @resource, view: @view, exclude: actions_list.exclude, include: actions_list.include, style:, color: actions_list.color, label: actions_list.label, size: actions_list.size, icon: actions_list.icon, title: actions_list.title, as_row_control: instance_of?(Avo::Index::ResourceControlsComponent) ) end def render_delete_button(control) # If the resource is a related resource, we use the can_delete? policy method because it uses # authorize_association_for(:destroy). # Otherwise we use the can_see_the_destroy_button? policy method because it do no check for association # only for authorize_action . policy_method = is_a_related_resource? ? :can_delete? : :can_see_the_destroy_button? return unless send policy_method a_link destroy_path, style: :text, color: :red, icon: "avo/trash", form_class: "flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:inline-flex", title: control.title, aria_label: control.title, data: { turbo_confirm: t("avo.are_you_sure", item:, turbo_method: :delete, target: "control:destroy", control: :destroy, tippy: control.title ? :tooltip : nil, "resource-id": @resource.record_param, } do control.label end end def render_save_button(control) return unless can_see_the_save_button? data_attributes = { turbo_confirm: @resource.confirm_on_save ? t("avo.are_you_sure") : nil } add_stimulus_attributes_for(@resource, data_attributes, "saveButton") a_button color: :primary, style: :primary, loading: true, type: :submit, icon: "avo/save", data: data_attributes do control.label end end def render_edit_button(control) return unless can_see_the_edit_button? a_link edit_path, color: :primary, style: :primary, title: control.title, data: {tippy: control.title ? :tooltip : nil}, icon: "avo/edit" do control.label end end def render_detach_button(control) return unless is_a_related_resource? && can_detach? a_link detach_path, icon: "avo/detach", form_class: "flex flex-col sm:flex-row sm:inline-flex", style: :text, data: { turbo_method: :delete, turbo_confirm: "Are you sure you want to detach this #{title}." } do control.label || t("avo.detach_item", item: title).humanize end end def render_create_button(control) return unless can_see_the_create_button? a_link create_path, color: :primary, style: :primary, icon: "heroicons/outline/plus", data: { target: :create } do control.label end end def render_attach_button(control) return unless can_attach? a_link attach_path, icon: "heroicons/outline/link", color: :primary, style: :text, data: { turbo_frame: Avo::MODAL_FRAME_ID, target: :attach } do control.label end end def render_link_to(link) a_link link.path, color: link.color, style:, icon: link.icon, icon_class: link.icon_class, title: link.title, target:, class: link.classes, size: link.size, data: { **, tippy: link.title ? :tooltip : nil, } do link.label end end def render_action(action) return if !can_see_the_actions_button? return if !action.action.visible_in_view(parent_resource: @parent_resource) a_link action.path, color: action.color, style:, icon: action.icon, icon_class: action.icon_class, title: action.title, size: action.size, data: { controller: "actions-picker", turbo_frame: Avo::MODAL_FRAME_ID, action_name: action.action.action_name, tippy: action.title ? :tooltip : nil, action: "click->actions-picker#visitAction", turbo_prefetch: false, # When action has record present behave as standalone and keep always active. "actions-picker-target": (action.action.standalone || action.action.record.present?) ? "standaloneAction" : "resourceAction", disabled: action.action.disabled? } do action.label end end def is_a_related_resource? @reflection.present? && @resource.record.present? end def inverse_of current_reflection = @reflection.active_record.reflect_on_all_associations.find do |reflection| == end inverse_of = current_reflection.inverse_of if inverse_of.blank? && Rails.env.development? puts "WARNING! Avo uses the 'inverse_of' option to determine the inverse association and figure out if the association permit or not detaching." # Ex: Please configure the 'inverse_of' option for the ':users' association on the 'Project' model. puts "Please configure the 'inverse_of' option for the '#{current_reflection.macro} :#{}' association on the '#{}' model." puts "Otherwise the detach button will be visible by default.\n\n" end inverse_of end end