module Lux class Application module Routes # generate get, get?, post, post? ... # get {} # get foo: 'main/bar', only: [:show], except: [:index] %w{get head post delete put patch}.each do |m| define_method('%s?' % m) do |*args, &block| cm = current.request.request_method cm = 'GET' if cm == 'HEAD' return unless cm == m.upcase if block # get? { ... } elsif args.first # post api: 'api#call' map *args else true end end end # Matches if there is not root in nav # Example calls MainController.action(:index) if in root # ``` # root 'main#index' # ``` def root target call target unless nav.root end # standard route match # match '/:city/people', Main::PeopleController def match base, target base = base.split('/').slice(1, 100) base.each_with_index do |el, i| if el[0,1] == ':' params[el.sub(':','').to_sym] = nav.path[i] else return unless el == nav.path[i] end end call target end # Matches given subdomain name def subdomain name return unless nav.subdomain == name.to_s yield Lux.error.not_found 'Subdomain "%s" matched but nothing called' % name end # Main routing object, maps path part to target # if path part is positively matched with `test?` method, target is called with `call` method # ``` # map api: ApiController # map api: 'api' # map [:api, ApiController] # map 'main/root' do # map [:login, :signup] => 'main/root' # map :city do # map 'city' do # map :about # end # ``` def map route_object = nil, target = nil &block return @magic unless route_object return if response.body? route_object = [route_object, target] if target if block_given? # map 'admin' do ... if test?(route_object) yield nav.root nav.unshift end return end klass = nil route = nil action = nil opts = {} case route_object when String # map 'root#call' nav.shift catch(:done) { call route_object } when Hash route = route_object.keys.first klass = route_object.values.first if route_object.keys.length > 1 opts = route_object.dup opts.delete route end if route.class == Array # map [:foo, :bar] => 'root' for route_action in route if test?(route_action) call klass, route_action end end return elsif route.is_a?(String) && route[0,1] == '/' # map '/skils/:skill' => 'main/skills#show' return match route, klass end when Array # map [:foo, 'main/root'] route, klass, opts = *route_object else Lux.error 'Unsupported route type "%s"' % route_object.class end test?(route) ? call(klass, nil, opts) : nil end # Calls target action in a controller, if no action is given, defaults to :call # ``` # call :api_router # call { 'string' } # call proc { [400, {}, 'error: ...'] } # call [200, {}, ['ok']] # call Main::UsersController # call Main::UsersController, :index # call [Main::UsersController, :index] # call 'main/orgs' -> index, show # call 'main/orgs#show' -> show # call 'main/orgs?list' -> list_index, list_show # provies namespace in controller # ``` def call object=nil, action=nil, opts=nil, &block # log original app caller root = Lux.root.join('app/').to_s sources = { |it| it.include?(root) }.map { |it| 'app/' + it.sub(root, '').split(':in').first } action = action.gsub('-', '_').to_sym if action && action.is_a?(String) namespace = nil object ||= block if block_given? Lux.log { ' Routed from: %s' % sources.join(' ') } if sources.first case object when Symbol return send(object) when Hash object = [object.keys.first, object.values.first] when String if object.include?('#') object, action = object.split('#') else action = if nav.root == :id nav.path[1] || :show else nav.path[0] || :index end end when Array if object[0].class == Integer && object[1].class == Hash # [200, {}, 'ok'] for key, value in object[1] response.header key, value end response.status object[0] response.body object[2].is_a?(Array) ? object[2].first : object[2] else object, action = object end when Proc case data = when Array response.status = data.first response.body data[2].is_a?(Array) ? data[2][0] : data[2] else response.body data end end if object.is_a?(String) object = ('%s_controller' % object).classify.constantize end if [Module, Class].include?(object.class) && object.respond_to?(:call) response.rack object end if object.respond_to?(:source_location) current.files_in_use object.source_location end opts ||= {} action ||= nav.path.last || :index if opts[:only] && !opts[:only].include?(action.to_sym) Lux.error.not_found Lux.env.show_errors? ? "Action :#{action} not allowed on #{object}, allowed are: #{opts[:only]}" : nil end if opts[:except] && opts[:except].include?(action.to_sym) Lux.error.not_found Lux.env.show_errors? ? "Action :#{action} not allowed on #{object}, forbidden are: #{opts[:except]}" : nil end if object.respond_to?(:action) object.action action.to_sym end throw :done if response.body? end # Tests current root against the string to get a mach. # Used by map function def test? route root = nav.root.to_s ok = case route when String root == route.sub(/^\//,'') when Symbol route.to_s == root when Regexp !!(route =~ root) when Array !! else false end nav.shift if ok end end end end