require 'json' module GrapeDoc class Generator attr_reader :options def initialize(opts={}) raise(ArgumentError,'invalid options given') unless opts.class <= Hash @options = { 'format' => 'html', 'path' => File.join(Helpers.doc_folder_path,'api_doc.html') }.merge(opts.reduce({}){|m,o| m.merge!(o[0].to_s => o[1]) ;m}) process_head process_table_of_content process_endpoints end def document @api_doc ||= end def save File.write self.options['path'], document.to_textile.to_html true;rescue;false end;alias save! save private def process_head document.add :h1, "Rest Api Documentation (#{RackTestPoc.root.split(File::Separator)[-1]})" end def process_table_of_content #TODO: Table of content here! end def process_endpoints # Iterates over all subclasses (direct and indirect) Helpers.each_grape_class do |rest_api_model| rest_api_model.routes.each do |route| next if route.route_path =~ /\(\.:format\)\(\.:format\)$/ document.add :h2, "#{route.route_method.to_s.upcase}: #{route.route_path}" document.add :h3, 'Request' document.add :h4, 'description' var = case route.route_description when Hash (route.route_description.find{|k,v| k == 'desc' || k == :desc } || [])[1] || '' when Array route.route_description else route.route_description.to_s end document.add :list,[*var] if route.route_params.length > 0 document.add :h4, 'params' route.route_params.each do |key,value| document.add :list,[ document.create(:text,key.to_s,:bold), document.create(:list,{ |k,v| "#{k}: #{v}" }) ] end end route_path_var = route.route_path.to_s.sub(/\(\.:format\)$/,'') @poc_data ||= Helpers.poc_data if @poc_data && @poc_data.find{|k,v| k =~ /^#{route_path_var}/ } route_method_var = route.route_method.to_s.upcase poc_cases ={|k,v| k =~ /^#{route_path_var}\.?/ && v.keys.include?(route_method_var) } document.add :h3,'Response' poc_cases.each do |poc_path,poc_data| poc_opts = poc_data[route_method_var] || next document.add :h4,'example' document.add :h5,'curl sample' document.add :raw,[ "$ curl ", "-X #{route_method_var} ", "\"http://#{ -> { poc_opts['response']['headers']['HTTP_HOST'] rescue '' }.call}", "#{poc_path}?","#{poc_opts['request']['query']['raw']}\" ", poc_opts['request']['headers'].map{|k,v| "-H \"#{k}: #{v}\"" }.join(' ') ].join document.add :list,[ "status code: #{poc_opts['response']['status']}", "format type: #{poc_opts['response']['format']}" ] document.add :h6,'raw body' document.add :raw,poc_opts['response']['raw_body'] if JSON.respond_to?(:pretty_generate) document.add :h6,'json formatted body with Class types' document.add :raw, JSON.pretty_generate( ApiDocParts::Parser.typer(poc_opts['response']['body']) ) end end if -> { @poc_data[route_path_var][route.route_method.to_s.upcase] rescue nil }.call poc_opts = @poc_data[route_path_var][route.route_method.to_s.upcase] end end end end end end class << self def new(*args)*args) end def generate(*args)*args).save end;alias save generate end end