require 'tempfile' require 'socket' # just for gethostname! require 'pathname' module Redwood class SendmailCommandFailed < StandardError; end class EditMessageMode < LineCursorMode DECORATION_LINES = 1 FORCE_HEADERS = %w(From To Cc Bcc Subject) MULTI_HEADERS = %w(To Cc Bcc) NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS = %w(Message-id Date) HookManager.register "signature", <<EOS Generates a message signature. Variables: header: an object that supports string-to-string hashtable-style access to the raw headers for the message. E.g., header["From"], header["To"], etc. from_email: the email part of the From: line, or nil if empty Return value: A string (multi-line ok) containing the text of the signature, or nil to use the default signature, or :none for no signature. EOS HookManager.register "before-edit", <<EOS Modifies message body and headers before editing a new message. Variables should be modified in place. Variables: header: a hash of headers. See 'signature' hook for documentation. body: an array of lines of body text. Return value: none EOS HookManager.register "mentions-attachments", <<EOS Detects if given message mentions attachments the way it is probable that there should be files attached to the message. Variables: header: a hash of headers. See 'signature' hook for documentation. body: an array of lines of body text. Return value: True if attachments are mentioned. EOS HookManager.register "crypto-mode", <<EOS Modifies cryptography settings based on header and message content, before editing a new message. This can be used to set, for example, default cryptography settings. Variables: header: a hash of headers. See 'signature' hook for documentation. body: an array of lines of body text. crypto_selector: the UI element that controls the current cryptography setting. Return value: none EOS HookManager.register "sendmail", <<EOS Sends the given mail. If this hook doesn't exist, the sendmail command configured for the account is used. The message will be saved after this hook is run, so any modification to it will be recorded. Variables: message: RMail::Message instance of the mail to send account: Account instance matching the From address Return value: True if mail has been sent successfully, false otherwise. EOS attr_reader :status attr_accessor :body, :header bool_reader :edited register_keymap do |k| k.add :send_message, "Send message", 'y' k.add :edit_message_or_field, "Edit selected field", 'e' k.add :edit_to, "Edit To:", 't' k.add :edit_cc, "Edit Cc:", 'c' k.add :edit_subject, "Edit Subject", 's' k.add :default_edit_message, "Edit message (default)", :enter k.add :alternate_edit_message, "Edit message (alternate, asynchronously)", 'E' k.add :save_as_draft, "Save as draft", 'P' k.add :attach_file, "Attach a file", 'a' k.add :delete_attachment, "Delete an attachment", 'd' k.add :move_cursor_right, "Move selector to the right", :right, 'l' k.add :move_cursor_left, "Move selector to the left", :left, 'h' end def initialize opts={} @header = opts.delete(:header) || {} @header_lines = [] @body = opts.delete(:body) || [] if opts[:attachments] @attachments = opts[:attachments].values @attachment_names = opts[:attachments].keys else @attachments = [] @attachment_names = [] end begin hostname ="/etc/mailname", "r").gets.chomp rescue nil end hostname = Socket.gethostname if hostname.nil? or hostname.empty? @message_id = "<#{}-sup-#{rand 10000}@#{hostname}>" @edited = false @sig_edited = false @selectors = [] @selector_label_width = 0 @async_mode = nil "before-edit", :header => @header, :body => @body @account_selector = nil # only show account selector if there is more than one email address if $config[:account_selector] && AccountManager.user_emails.length > 1 ## Duplicate e-mail strings to prevent a "can't modify frozen ## object" crash triggered by the String::display_length() ## method in util.rb user_emails_copy = [] AccountManager.user_emails.each { |e| user_emails_copy.push e.dup } @account_selector = "Account:", AccountManager.user_emails + [nil], user_emails_copy + ["Customized"] if @header["From"] =~ /<?(\S+@(\S+?))>?$/ # TODO: this is ugly. might implement an AccountSelector and handle # special cases more transparently. account_from = @account_selector.can_set_to?($1) ? $1 : nil @account_selector.set_to account_from else @account_selector.set_to nil end # A single source of truth might better than duplicating this in both # @account_user and @account_selector. @account_user = @header["From"] add_selector @account_selector end @crypto_selector = if CryptoManager.have_crypto? "Crypto:", [:none] + CryptoManager::OUTGOING_MESSAGE_OPERATIONS.keys, ["None"] + CryptoManager::OUTGOING_MESSAGE_OPERATIONS.values end add_selector @crypto_selector if @crypto_selector if @crypto_selector "crypto-mode", :header => @header, :body => @body, :crypto_selector => @crypto_selector end super opts regen_text end def lines; @text.length + (@selectors.empty? ? 0 : (@selectors.length + DECORATION_LINES)) end def [] i if @selectors.empty? @text[i] elsif i < @selectors.length @selectors[i].line @selector_label_width elsif i == @selectors.length "" else @text[i - @selectors.length - DECORATION_LINES] end end ## hook for subclasses. i hate this style of programming. def handle_new_text header, body; end def edit_message_or_field lines = (@selectors.empty? ? 0 : DECORATION_LINES) + @selectors.size if lines > curpos return elsif (curpos - lines) >= @header_lines.length default_edit_message else edit_field @header_lines[curpos - lines] end end def edit_to; edit_field "To" end def edit_cc; edit_field "Cc" end def edit_subject; edit_field "Subject" end def save_message_to_file sig = sig_lines.join("\n") @file = ["sup.#{*::/, '').camel_to_hyphy}", ".eml"] @file.puts format_headers(@header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS).first @file.puts begin text = @body.join("\n") rescue Encoding::CompatibilityError text = { |x| x.fix_encoding! }.join("\n") debug "encoding problem while writing message, trying to rescue, but expect errors: #{text}" end @file.puts text @file.puts sig if ($config[:edit_signature] and !@sig_edited) @file.close end def set_sig_edit_flag sig = sig_lines.join("\n") if $config[:edit_signature] pbody = { |x| x.fix_encoding! }.join("\n").fix_encoding! blen = pbody.length slen = sig.length if blen > slen and pbody[blen-slen..blen] == sig @sig_edited = false @body = pbody[0..blen-slen].fix_encoding!.split("\n") else @sig_edited = true end end end def default_edit_message if $config[:always_edit_async] return edit_message_async else return edit_message end end def alternate_edit_message if $config[:always_edit_async] return edit_message else return edit_message_async end end def edit_message old_from = @header["From"] if @account_selector begin save_message_to_file rescue SystemCallError => e BufferManager.flash "Can't save message to file: #{e.message}" return end editor = $config[:editor] || ENV['EDITOR'] || "/usr/bin/vi" mtime = File.mtime @file.path BufferManager.shell_out "#{editor} #{@file.path}" @edited = true if File.mtime(@file.path) > mtime return @edited unless @edited header, @body = parse_file @file.path @header = header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS set_sig_edit_flag if @account_selector and @header["From"] != old_from @account_user = @header["From"] @account_selector.set_to nil end handle_new_text @header, @body rerun_crypto_selector_hook update @edited end def edit_message_async begin save_message_to_file rescue SystemCallError => e BufferManager.flash "Can't save message to file: #{e.message}" return end @mtime = File.mtime @file.path # put up buffer saying you can now edit the message in another # terminal or app, and continue to use sup in the meantime. subject = @header["Subject"] || "" @async_mode = self, @file.path, subject BufferManager.spawn "Waiting for message \"#{subject}\" to be finished", @async_mode # hide ourselves, and wait for signal to resume from async mode ... buffer.hidden = true end def edit_message_async_resume being_killed=false buffer.hidden = false @async_mode = nil BufferManager.raise_to_front buffer if !being_killed @edited = true if File.mtime(@file.path) > @mtime header, @body = parse_file @file.path @header = header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS set_sig_edit_flag handle_new_text @header, @body update true end def killable? if !@async_mode.nil? return false if !@async_mode.killable? if File.mtime(@file.path) > @mtime @edited = true header, @body = parse_file @file.path @header = header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS handle_new_text @header, @body update end end !edited? || BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("Discard message?") end def unsaved?; edited? end def attach_file fn = BufferManager.ask_for_filename :attachment, "File name (enter for browser): " return unless fn begin Dir[fn].each do |f| @attachments << RMail::Message.make_file_attachment(f) @attachment_names << f end update rescue SystemCallError => e BufferManager.flash "Can't read #{fn}: #{e.message}" end end def delete_attachment i = curpos - @attachment_lines_offset - (@selectors.empty? ? 0 : DECORATION_LINES) - @selectors.size if i >= 0 && i < @attachments.size && BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("Delete attachment #{@attachment_names[i]}?") @attachments.delete_at i @attachment_names.delete_at i update end end protected def rerun_crypto_selector_hook if @crypto_selector && !@crypto_selector.changed_by_user "crypto-mode", :header => @header, :body => @body, :crypto_selector => @crypto_selector end end def mime_encode string string = [string].pack('M') # basic quoted-printable string.gsub!(/=\n/,'') # .. remove trailing newline string.gsub!(/_/,'=5F') # .. encode underscores string.gsub!(/\?/,'=3F') # .. encode question marks string.gsub!(/ /,'_') # .. translate space to underscores "=?utf-8?q?#{string}?=" end def mime_encode_subject string return string if string.ascii_only? mime_encode string end RE_ADDRESS = /(.+)( <.*@.*>)/ # Encode "bælammet mitt <>" into # "=?utf-8?q?b=C3=A6lammet_mitt?= <> def mime_encode_address string return string if string.ascii_only? string.sub(RE_ADDRESS) { |match| mime_encode($1) + $2 } end def move_cursor_left if curpos < @selectors.length @selectors[curpos].roll_left buffer.mark_dirty update if @account_selector else col_left end end def move_cursor_right if curpos < @selectors.length @selectors[curpos].roll_right buffer.mark_dirty update if @account_selector else col_right end end def add_selector s @selectors << s @selector_label_width = [@selector_label_width, s.label.length].max end def update if @account_selector if @account_selector.val.nil? @header["From"] = @account_user else @header["From"] = AccountManager.full_address_for @account_selector.val end end regen_text buffer.mark_dirty if buffer end def regen_text header, @header_lines = format_headers(@header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS) + [""] @text = header + [""] + @body @text += sig_lines unless @sig_edited @attachment_lines_offset = 0 unless @attachments.empty? @text += [""] @attachment_lines_offset = @text.length @text += (0 ... @attachments.size).map { |i| [[:attachment_color, "+ Attachment: #{@attachment_names[i]} (#{@attachments[i].body.size.to_human_size})"]] } end end def parse_file fn do |f| header = Source.parse_raw_email_header(f).inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k.capitalize] = v; h } # lousy HACK body = { |l| l.chomp } header.delete_if { |k, v| NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS.member? k } header.each { |k, v| header[k] = parse_header k, v } [header, body] end end def parse_header k, v if MULTI_HEADERS.include?(k) do |name| (p = ContactManager.contact_for(name)) && p.full_address || name end else v end end def format_headers header header_lines = [] headers = (FORCE_HEADERS + (header.keys - FORCE_HEADERS)).map do |h| lines = make_lines "#{h}:", header[h] lines.length.times { header_lines << h } lines end.flatten.compact [headers, header_lines] end def make_lines header, things case things when nil, [] [header + " "] when String [header + " " + things] else if things.empty? [header] else things.map_with_index do |name, i| raise "an array: #{name.inspect} (things #{things.inspect})" if Array === name if i == 0 header + " " + name else (" " * (header.display_length + 1)) + name end + (i == things.length - 1 ? "" : ",") end end end end def send_message return false if !edited? && !BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("Message unedited. Really send?") return false if $config[:confirm_no_attachments] && mentions_attachments? && @attachments.size == 0 && !BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("You haven't added any attachments. Really send?")#" stupid ruby-mode return false if $config[:confirm_top_posting] && top_posting? && !BufferManager.ask_yes_or_no("You're top-posting. That makes you a bad person. Really send?") #" stupid ruby-mode from_email = if @header["From"] =~ /<?(\S+@(\S+?))>?$/ $1 else end acct = AccountManager.account_for(from_email) || AccountManager.default_account BufferManager.flash "Sending..." begin date = m = build_message date if HookManager.enabled? "sendmail" if not "sendmail", :message => m, :account => acct warn "Sendmail hook was not successful" return false end else IO.popen(acct.sendmail, "w:UTF-8") { |p| p.puts m } raise SendmailCommandFailed, "Couldn't execute #{acct.sendmail}" unless $? == 0 end SentManager.write_sent_message(date, from_email) { |f| f.puts sanitize_body(m.to_s) } BufferManager.kill_buffer buffer BufferManager.flash "Message sent!" true rescue SystemCallError, SendmailCommandFailed, CryptoManager::Error => e warn "Problem sending mail: #{e.message}" BufferManager.flash "Problem sending mail: #{e.message}" false end end def save_as_draft DraftManager.write_draft { |f| write_message f, false } BufferManager.kill_buffer buffer BufferManager.flash "Saved for later editing." end def build_message date m = m.header["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=#{$encoding}" m.body = @body.join("\n") m.body += "\n" + sig_lines.join("\n") unless @sig_edited ## body must end in a newline or GPG signatures will be WRONG! m.body += "\n" unless m.body =~ /\n\Z/ m.body = m.body.fix_encoding! ## there are attachments, so wrap body in an attachment of its own unless @attachments.empty? body_m = m body_m.header["Content-Disposition"] = "inline" m = m.add_part body_m @attachments.each do |a| a.body = a.body.fix_encoding! if a.body.kind_of? String m.add_part a end end ## do whatever crypto transformation is necessary if @crypto_selector && @crypto_selector.val != :none from_email = Person.from_address(@header["From"]).email to_email = [@header["To"], @header["Cc"], @header["Bcc"]] { |p| Person.from_address(p).email } if m.multipart? m.each_part {|p| p = transfer_encode p} else m = transfer_encode m end m = CryptoManager.send @crypto_selector.val, from_email, to_email, m end ## finally, set the top-level headers @header.each do |k, v| next if v.nil? || v.empty? m.header[k] = case v when String (k.match(/subject/i) ? mime_encode_subject(v).dup.fix_encoding! : mime_encode_address(v)).dup.fix_encoding! when Array ( { |v| mime_encode_address v }.join ", ").dup.fix_encoding! end end m.header["Date"] = date.rfc2822 m.header["Message-Id"] = @message_id m.header["User-Agent"] = "Sup/#{Redwood::VERSION}" m.header["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] ||= '8bit' m.header["MIME-Version"] = "1.0" if m.multipart? m end ## TODO: remove this. redundant with write_full_message_to. ## ## this is going to change soon: draft messages (currently written ## with full=false) will be output as yaml. def write_message f, full=true, raise ArgumentError, "no pre-defined date: header allowed" if @header["Date"] f.puts format_headers(@header).first f.puts <<EOS Date: #{date.rfc2822} Message-Id: #{@message_id} EOS if full f.puts <<EOS Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline User-Agent: Redwood/#{Redwood::VERSION} EOS end f.puts f.puts sanitize_body(@body.join("\n")) f.puts sig_lines if full unless $config[:edit_signature] end protected def edit_field field case field when "Subject" text = BufferManager.ask :subject, "Subject: ", @header[field] if text @header[field] = parse_header field, text update end else default = case field when *MULTI_HEADERS @header[field] ||= [] @header[field].join(", ") else @header[field] end contacts = BufferManager.ask_for_contacts :people, "#{field}: ", default if contacts text = { |s| s.full_address }.join(", ") @header[field] = parse_header field, text if @account_selector and field == "From" @account_user = @header["From"] @account_selector.set_to nil end rerun_crypto_selector_hook update end end end private def sanitize_body body body.gsub(/^From /, ">From ") end def mentions_attachments? if HookManager.enabled? "mentions-attachments" "mentions-attachments", :header => @header, :body => @body else @body.any? { |l| l.fix_encoding! =~ /^[^>]/ && l.fix_encoding! =~ /\battach(ment|ed|ing|)\b/i } end end def top_posting? { |x| x.fix_encoding! }.join("\n").fix_encoding! =~ /(\S+)\s*Excerpts from.*\n(>.*\n)+\s*\Z/ end def sig_lines p = Person.from_address(@header["From"]) from_email = p && ## first run the hook hook_sig = "signature", :header => @header, :from_email => from_email return [] if hook_sig == :none return ["", "-- "] + hook_sig.split("\n") if hook_sig ## no hook, do default signature generation based on config.yaml return [] unless from_email sigfn = (AccountManager.account_for(from_email) || AccountManager.default_account).signature if sigfn && File.exists?(sigfn) ["", "-- "] + File.readlines(sigfn).map { |l| l.chomp } else [] end end def transfer_encode msg_part ## return the message unchanged if it's already encoded if (msg_part.header["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] == "base64" || msg_part.header["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] == "quoted-printable") return msg_part end ## encode to quoted-printable for all text/* MIME types, ## use base64 otherwise if msg_part.header["Content-Type"] =~ /text\/.*/ msg_part.header["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = 'quoted-printable' msg_part.body = [msg_part.body].pack('M') else msg_part.header["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = 'base64' msg_part.body = [msg_part.body].pack('m') end msg_part end end end