## Fluent::Mixin::RewriteTagName [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-mixin-rewrite-tag-name.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-mixin-rewrite-tag-name)
## Overview
Fluentd mixin plugin to provides placeholder function for rewriting tag for your any plugins as like [fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter](https://github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter). It will let you get easy to implement tag placeholder for your own plugins.
## Placeholders
It supportes these placeholder for rewriting tag.
- `${tag}`
- `__TAG__`
- `{$tag_parts[n]}`
- `__TAG_PARTS[n]__`
- `${hostname}`
- `__HOSTNAME__`
The placeholder of `{$tag_parts[n]}` and `__TAG_PARTS[n]__` acts accessing the index which split the tag with "." (dot).
For example with `td.apache.access` tag, it will get `td` by `${tag_parts[0]}` and `apache` by `${tag_parts[1]}`.
* To support upcase placeholder, set `enable_placeholder_upcase true` in configuration.
* Currently, range expression ```${tag_parts[0..2]}``` is not supported.
#### Placeholder Option
* `hostname_command`
By default, execute command as `hostname` to get full hostname.
On your needs, it could override hostname command using `hostname_command` option.
It comes short hostname with `hostname_command hostname -s` configuration specified.
## Configuration
Adding this mixin plugin, it will enabled to use these placeholder in your plugins.
# input plugin example
# output plugin example
type foo_bar
# it will be rewrited to be 'customprefix.test.foo'.
tag customprefix.${tag}
Another examples are written in [unit test](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-mixin-rewrite-tag-name/blob/master/test/mixin/test_rewrite_tag_name.rb).
## Usage
#### 1. edit gemspec
add dependency for .gemspec file like below. For more detail, see [gemspec example](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-anonymizer/blob/master/fluent-plugin-anonymizer.gemspec)
spec.add_runtime_dependency "fluent-mixin-rewrite-tag-name"
#### 2. activate fluent-mixin-rewrite-tag-name for your plugin
It is the instruction in the case of adding `fluent-plugin-foobar`.
$ cd fluent-plugin-foobar
$ vim fluent-plugin-foobar.gemspec # edit gemspec
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle # or just type `bundle install`
#### 3. edit your plugin to implement
It is a quick guide to enable your plugin to use RewriteTagNameMixin.
The key points of implmentation is just four below.
* add `require 'fluent/mixin/rewrite_tag_name'` at the top of source
* in the case of output plugin, add `include Fluent::HandleTagNameMixin`
this is required if you will use 'remove_tag_prefix' option together
* add `include Fluent::Mixin::RewriteTagName` in class after HandleTagNameMixin
* add `emit_tag = tag.dup` and `filter_record(emit_tag, time, record)` before `Engine.emit`
##### implement example for input plugin
require 'fluent/mixin/rewrite_tag_name'
module Fluent
class FooBarInput < Fluent::Input
Plugin.register_input('foo_bar', self)
# ...snip...
include Fluent::HandleTagNameMixin
include Fluent::Mixin::RewriteTagName
config_param :hostname_command, :string, :default => 'hostname'
# ...snip...
def configure(conf)
# ...snip...
# add a error handling
if ( !@tag && !@remove_tag_prefix && !@remove_tag_suffix && !@add_tag_prefix && !@add_tag_suffix )
raise Fluent::ConfigError, "foo_bar: missing remove_tag_prefix, remove_tag_suffix, add_tag_prefix or add_tag_suffix."
# ...snip...
def emit_message(tag, message)
emit_tag = tag.dup
filter_record(emit_tag, time, message)
Engine.emit(emit_tag, Engine.now, message)
# ...snip...
##### implement example for output plugin
require 'fluent/mixin/rewrite_tag_name'
class Fluent
class FooBarOutput < Fluent::Output
Fluent::Plugin.register_output('foo_bar', self)
include Fluent::Mixin::RewriteTagName
config_param :hostname_command, :string, :default => 'hostname'
# ...snip...
def configure(conf)
# ...snip...
# add a error handling
if ( !@tag && !@remove_tag_prefix && !@remove_tag_suffix && !@add_tag_prefix && !@add_tag_suffix )
raise Fluent::ConfigError, "foo_bar: missing remove_tag_prefix, remove_tag_suffix, add_tag_prefix or add_tag_suffix."
# ...snip...
def emit(tag, es, chain)
es.each do |time, record|
emit_tag = tag.dup
filter_record(emit_tag, time, record)
Fluent::Engine.emit(emit_tag, time, record)
# ...snip...
## Case Study
These cool plugins are using this mixin!
* [fluent-plugin-anonymizer](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-anonymizer/)
* switchable tag template variable like 'tag', 'tag_format'
* support range tag_parts like [fluent-plugin-forest](https://github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-forest/compare/v0.2.2...master)
* support tag_prefix and tag_suffix placeholder like [fluent-plugin-record-reformer](https://github.com/sonots/fluent-plugin-record-reformer)
* merge into [fluentd/lib/fluent/mixin.rb](https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/blob/master/lib/fluent/mixin.rb) as RewriteTagNameMixin module.
Pull requests are very welcome!!
## Copyright
Copyright © 2014- Kentaro Yoshida ([@yoshi_ken](https://twitter.com/yoshi_ken))
## License
Apache License, Version 2.0