import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Immutable from 'seamless-immutable'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { propsToCamelCase } from 'foremanReact/common/helpers'; import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import { Grid, Row, Col, Alert } from 'patternfly-react'; import ModalProgressBar from 'foremanReact/components/common/ModalProgressBar'; import PermissionDenied from 'foremanReact/components/PermissionDenied'; import ManageManifestModal from './Manifest/'; import { MANAGE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID } from './Manifest/ManifestConstants'; import { SubscriptionsTable } from './components/SubscriptionsTable'; import SubscriptionsToolbar from './components/SubscriptionsToolbar'; import { filterRHSubscriptions } from './SubscriptionHelpers'; import api, { orgId } from '../../services/api'; import { CONTENT_DISCONNECTED } from '../Settings/SettingsConstants'; import { createSubscriptionParams } from './SubscriptionActions.js'; import { SUBSCRIPTION_TABLE_NAME, SUBSCRIPTION_WATCH_URL } from './SubscriptionConstants'; import './SubscriptionsPage.scss'; class SubscriptionsPage extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { selectedRows: [], availableQuantitiesLoaded: false, }; } componentDidMount() { this.props.resetTasks(); const { id } = this.props.organization; if (id) { // navigating from another react page this.loadData(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { handleStartTask, handleFinishedTask, isTaskPending, isPollingTask, hasUpstreamConnection, loadAvailableQuantities, organization, isManifestImported, pingUpstreamSubscriptions, settings, subscriptions, task, } = this.props; const { disconnected } = settings; if (task) { if (isPollingTask) { if (prevProps.isTaskPending && !isTaskPending) { handleFinishedTask(task); } } else { handleStartTask(task); } } if (organization) { if (!prevProps.organization || !== { this.loadData(); } if (disconnected === false && disconnected !== prevProps.settings.disconnected) { if (isManifestImported) { pingUpstreamSubscriptions(); this.state.availableQuantitiesLoaded = false; } } } if (hasUpstreamConnection) { const subscriptionsChanged = subscriptions.results !== prevProps.subscriptions.results; if (subscriptionsChanged || !this.state.availableQuantitiesLoaded) { const poolIds = filterRHSubscriptions(subscriptions.results).map(subs =>; if (poolIds.length > 0) { loadAvailableQuantities({ poolIds }); this.state.availableQuantitiesLoaded = true; } } } } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.cancelPollTasks(); } getDisabledReason(deleteButton) { const { hasUpstreamConnection, task, settings, isManifestImported, } = this.props; const { disconnected } = settings; let disabledReason = null; if (disconnected) { disabledReason = __('This is disabled because disconnected mode is enabled.'); } else if (task) { disabledReason = __('This is disabled because a manifest related task is in progress.'); } else if (deleteButton && !disabledReason) { disabledReason = __('This is disabled because no subscriptions are selected.'); } else if (!isManifestImported) { disabledReason = __('This is disabled because no manifest has been uploaded.'); } else if (!hasUpstreamConnection) { disabledReason = __('This is disabled because no connection could be made to the upstream Subscription Allocation.'); } return disabledReason; } handleSelectedRowsChange = (selectedRows) => { this.setState({ selectedRows }); }; async loadData() { const { loadSetting, loadSubscriptions, loadTableColumns, loadTables, pollTasks, subscriptionTableSettings, } = this.props; pollTasks(); loadSetting(CONTENT_DISCONNECTED); loadSubscriptions(); await loadTables(); loadTableColumns(subscriptionTableSettings); } render() { const currentOrg = orgId(); const { deleteModalOpened, openDeleteModal, closeDeleteModal, deleteButtonDisabled, disableDeleteButton, enableDeleteButton, searchQuery, updateSearchQuery, simpleContentAccess, settings, hasUpstreamConnection, task, activePermissions, subscriptions, subscriptionTableSettings, isManifestImported, } = this.props; // Basic permissions - should we even show this page? if (subscriptions.missingPermissions && subscriptions.missingPermissions.length > 0) { return ; } // Granular permissions const permissions = propsToCamelCase(activePermissions); const { canDeleteManifest, canManageSubscriptionAllocations, canImportManifest, canEditOrganizations, } = permissions; const { disconnected } = settings; const disableManifestActions = !!task || disconnected || !hasUpstreamConnection; const openManageManifestModal = () => this.props.setModalOpen({ id: MANAGE_MANIFEST_MODAL_ID }); const tableColumns = Immutable.asMutable(subscriptions.tableColumns, { deep: true }); const onSearch = (search) => { this.props.loadSubscriptions({ search }); }; const getAutoCompleteParams = search => ({ endpoint: '/subscriptions/auto_complete_search', params: { organization_id: currentOrg, search, }, }); const onDeleteSubscriptions = (selectedRows) => { this.props.deleteSubscriptions(selectedRows); this.handleSelectedRowsChange([]); closeDeleteModal(); }; const toggleDeleteButton = rowsSelected => (rowsSelected ? enableDeleteButton() : disableDeleteButton()); const csvParams = createSubscriptionParams({ search: searchQuery }); const getEnabledColumns = (columns) => { const enabledColumns = []; columns.forEach((column) => { if (column.value) { enabledColumns.push(column.key); } }); return enabledColumns; }; const toolTipOnclose = (columns) => { const enabledColumns = getEnabledColumns(columns); const { loadTableColumns, createColumns, updateColumns } = this.props; loadTableColumns({ columns: enabledColumns }); if (isEmpty(subscriptionTableSettings)) { createColumns({ name: SUBSCRIPTION_TABLE_NAME, columns: enabledColumns }); } else { const options = { ...subscriptionTableSettings }; options.columns = enabledColumns; updateColumns(options); } }; const toolTipOnChange = (columns) => { const { loadTableColumns } = this.props; loadTableColumns({ columns: getEnabledColumns(columns) }); }; const columns = subscriptions.selectedTableColumns; const emptyStateData = { header: __('There are no Subscriptions to display'), description: __('Import a Manifest to manage your Entitlements.'), action: { onClick: () => openManageManifestModal(), title: __('Import a Manifest'), }, }; return (


{'/subscriptions.csv', csvParams); }} tableColumns={tableColumns} toolTipOnChange={toolTipOnChange} toolTipOnclose={toolTipOnclose} />
{simpleContentAccess && ( This organization has Simple Content Access enabled. Hosts can consume from all repositories in their Content View regardless of subscription status.
Learn more about your overall subscription usage at {' '}Subscription Watch.
); } } SubscriptionsPage.propTypes = { pingUpstreamSubscriptions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadSubscriptions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadAvailableQuantities: PropTypes.func.isRequired, uploadManifest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, deleteManifest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, resetTasks: PropTypes.func.isRequired, updateQuantity: PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadTableColumns: PropTypes.func.isRequired, simpleContentAccess: PropTypes.bool, isManifestImported: PropTypes.bool, settings: PropTypes.shape({ disconnected: PropTypes.bool, }), subscriptions: PropTypes.shape({ // Disabling rule as existing code failed due to an eslint-plugin-react update /* eslint-disable react/forbid-prop-types */ tableColumns: PropTypes.array, selectedTableColumns: PropTypes.array, missingPermissions: PropTypes.array, results: PropTypes.array, /* eslint-enable react/forbid-prop-types */ }).isRequired, activePermissions: PropTypes.shape({ can_delete_manifest: PropTypes.bool, can_manage_subscription_allocations: PropTypes.bool, }), organization: PropTypes.shape({ id: PropTypes.number, owner_details: PropTypes.shape({ upstreamConsumer: PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string, webUrl: PropTypes.string, uuid: PropTypes.string, }), }), }), task: PropTypes.shape({ id: PropTypes.string, progress: PropTypes.number, humanized: PropTypes.shape({ action: PropTypes.string, }), pending: PropTypes.bool, }), isTaskPending: PropTypes.bool, isPollingTask: PropTypes.bool, pollTasks: PropTypes.func.isRequired, cancelPollTasks: PropTypes.func.isRequired, handleStartTask: PropTypes.func.isRequired, handleFinishedTask: PropTypes.func.isRequired, hasUpstreamConnection: PropTypes.bool, loadSetting: PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadTables: PropTypes.func.isRequired, createColumns: PropTypes.func.isRequired, updateColumns: PropTypes.func.isRequired, subscriptionTableSettings: PropTypes.shape({}), deleteSubscriptions: PropTypes.func.isRequired, refreshManifest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, searchQuery: PropTypes.string, updateSearchQuery: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setModalOpen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, deleteModalOpened: PropTypes.bool, openDeleteModal: PropTypes.func.isRequired, closeDeleteModal: PropTypes.func.isRequired, deleteButtonDisabled: PropTypes.bool, disableDeleteButton: PropTypes.func.isRequired, enableDeleteButton: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; SubscriptionsPage.defaultProps = { task: undefined, isTaskPending: undefined, isPollingTask: undefined, organization: undefined, searchQuery: '', deleteModalOpened: false, deleteButtonDisabled: true, subscriptionTableSettings: {}, simpleContentAccess: false, isManifestImported: false, hasUpstreamConnection: false, activePermissions: { can_import_manifest: false, can_manage_subscription_allocations: false, }, settings: { disconnected: true, }, }; export default SubscriptionsPage;