# AngularVelocity ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'angular_velocity' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install angular_velocity ## Usage $ rails g angular_velocity:install -f $ rm public/index.html File are created under app/assets/javascripts// And jasmine specs are created under spec/javascripts// ## Commands $ rails g angular_velocity:install This command installs Angular and Jasmine into your Rails project. You can confirm Angular is installed by going to: http://localhost:3000/. Also, you can confirm jasmine is installed by going to: http://localhost:3000/specs The directory structure created will resemble: --app
$ rails g angular_velocity:contoller This command creates a contoller template for angular along with the spec for testing. The controller is place in: --app
$ rails g angular_velocity:service This command creates a service template for angular along with the spec for testing. The service is place in: --app
$ rails g angular_velocity:scaffold This command creates all angular files and jasmine files plus the rails controller and model files for a resource. --app
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