#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'tk' require 'tkextlib/tile' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' include Tk::Tile opts = OpenStruct.new opts.projects = [] opts.current = -1 ARGV.options do |opt| opt.on('-p x,y,z', "--projects x,y,z", Array, "List of projects to display.") do |projs| opts.projects = projs end opt.on('-c', '--current CURRENT', String, "Set the current task.") do |cur| opts.current = opts.projects.index(cur) end opt.parse! end if opts.projects.empty? raise 'No Projects' if ARGV.empty? opts.projects = ARGV.split(',') end opts.current = opts.projects.index(opts.current) if opts.current == -1 root = TkRoot.new { title "Pratt Main" } button_holder = Frame.new(root){ padding "5 5 5 5" } button_holder_top = Frame.new(button_holder) { padding "5 5 5 5" } project_combo = TCombobox.new(button_holder_top) project_combo.values = opts.projects project_combo.current = opts.current || 0 project_combo.pack('side' => 'bottom', 'fill' => 'y') change = proc { Process.detach( fork { system("ruby bin/pratt --project '#{project_combo.get}' --change --begin --unlock") } ) exit } quit = proc { Process.detach( fork { system("ruby bin/pratt --project '#{project_combo.get}' --end --unlock --quit") } ) exit } start = proc { Process.detach( fork { system("ruby bin/pratt --project '#{project_combo.get}' --begin --unlock") } ) exit } Label.new(button_holder_top) { text "What will you be working on?" }.pack('side' => 'top', :fill => 'y') button_holder_bottom = Frame.new(button_holder) { padding "5 5 5 5" } TkButton.new(button_holder_bottom) do text 'Start' command start underline 0 end.pack :side => 'left', :fill => 'y' root.bind("Alt-s", start) #root.bind("Return", start) TkButton.new(button_holder_bottom) do text 'Change' command change underline 0 end.pack :side => 'left', :fill => 'y' root.bind("Alt-c", change) TkButton.new(button_holder_bottom) do text 'Quit' command quit underline 0 end.pack :side => 'right', :fill => 'y' root.bind("Alt-q", quit) root.bind("Control-q", quit) root.bind("Destroy", quit) button_holder_top.pack( :side => 'top' , :fill => 'y') button_holder_bottom.pack(:side => 'bottom', :fill => 'y') button_holder.pack( :side => 'top', :fill => 'y') Tk.mainloop