module Konstructor module KonstructorMethodHook # Experimental and currently not used method_added hook approach protecting against method_added # overrides that are not calling super (hopefully, there is no such code in the wild). # # Since method_added hook is idempotent, there would be no harm done even if # overridding method_added actually had super call and Konstructor's hook would be # called twice as a result of this. def self.setup(base) method_added_method = base.method(:method_added) if method_added_method.source_location method_added_file_path = method_added_method.source_location.first return if method_added_file_path.include?('konstructor_method_hook') end base.instance_exec do private alias konstructor_super_method_added method_added def method_added(name) @konstructor ||= @konstructor.method_added_to_klass(name) konstructor_super_method_added(name) end end end end end