# typed: true require 'date' require 'json' require 'rbconfig' module Datadog module Core module Diagnostics # A holistic collection of the environment in which ddtrace is running. # This logger should allow for easy reporting by users to Datadog support. # module EnvironmentLogger class << self # Outputs environment information to {Datadog.logger}. # Executes only once for the lifetime of the program. def log!(transport_responses) return if (defined?(@executed) && @executed) || !log? @executed = true data = EnvironmentCollector.new.collect!(transport_responses) data.reject! { |_, v| v.nil? } # Remove empty values from hash output log_environment!(data.to_json) log_error!('Agent Error'.freeze, data[:agent_error]) if data[:agent_error] rescue => e Datadog.logger.warn("Failed to collect environment information: #{e} Location: #{Array(e.backtrace).first}") end private def log_environment!(line) Datadog.logger.info("DATADOG CONFIGURATION - #{line}") end def log_error!(type, error) Datadog.logger.warn("DATADOG DIAGNOSTIC - #{type}: #{error}") end # Are we logging the environment data? def log? startup_logs_enabled = Datadog.configuration.diagnostics.startup_logs.enabled if startup_logs_enabled.nil? !repl? # Suppress logs if we running in a REPL else startup_logs_enabled end end REPL_PROGRAM_NAMES = %w[irb pry].freeze def repl? REPL_PROGRAM_NAMES.include?($PROGRAM_NAME) end end end # Collects environment information for diagnostic logging class EnvironmentCollector # @return [String] current time in ISO8601 format def date DateTime.now.iso8601 end # Best portable guess of OS information. # @return [String] platform string def os_name RbConfig::CONFIG['host'.freeze] end # @return [String] ddtrace version def version DDTrace::VERSION::STRING end # @return [String] "ruby" def lang Core::Environment::Ext::LANG end # Supported Ruby language version. # Will be distinct from VM version for non-MRI environments. # @return [String] def lang_version Core::Environment::Ext::LANG_VERSION end # @return [String] configured application environment def env Datadog.configuration.env end # @return [Boolean, nil] def enabled Datadog.configuration.tracing.enabled end # @return [String] configured application service name def service Datadog.configuration.service end # @return [String] configured application version def dd_version Datadog.configuration.version end # @return [String] target agent URL for trace flushing def agent_url # Retrieve the effect agent URL, regardless of how it was configured transport = Tracing.send(:tracer).writer.transport adapter = transport.client.api.adapter adapter.url end # Error returned by Datadog agent during a tracer flush attempt # @return [String] concatenated list of transport errors def agent_error(transport_responses) error_responses = transport_responses.reject(&:ok?) return nil if error_responses.empty? error_responses.map(&:inspect).join(','.freeze) end # @return [Boolean, nil] debug mode enabled in configuration def debug !!Datadog.configuration.diagnostics.debug end # @return [Boolean, nil] analytics enabled in configuration def analytics_enabled !!Datadog.configuration.tracing.analytics.enabled end # @return [Numeric, nil] tracer sample rate configured def sample_rate sampler = Datadog.configuration.tracing.sampler return nil unless sampler sampler.sample_rate(nil) rescue nil end # DEV: We currently only support SimpleRule instances. # DEV: These are the most commonly used rules. # DEV: We should expand support for other rules in the future, # DEV: although it is tricky to serialize arbitrary rules. # # @return [Hash, nil] sample rules configured def sampling_rules sampler = Datadog.configuration.tracing.sampler return nil unless sampler.is_a?(Tracing::Sampling::PrioritySampler) && sampler.priority_sampler.is_a?(Tracing::Sampling::RuleSampler) sampler.priority_sampler.rules.map do |rule| next unless rule.is_a?(Tracing::Sampling::SimpleRule) { name: rule.matcher.name, service: rule.matcher.service, sample_rate: rule.sampler.sample_rate(nil) } end.compact end # @return [Hash, nil] concatenated list of global tracer tags configured def tags tags = Datadog.configuration.tags return nil if tags.empty? hash_serializer(tags) end # @return [Boolean, nil] runtime metrics enabled in configuration def runtime_metrics_enabled Datadog.configuration.runtime_metrics.enabled end # Concatenated list of integrations activated, with their gem version. # Example: "rails@6.0.3,rack@2.2.3" # # @return [String, nil] def integrations_loaded integrations = instrumented_integrations return if integrations.empty? integrations.map { |name, integration| "#{name}@#{integration.class.version}" }.join(','.freeze) end # Ruby VM name and version. # Examples: "ruby-2.7.1", "jruby-", "truffleruby-20.1.0" # @return [String, nil] def vm # RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION returns the VM version, which # will differ from RUBY_VERSION for non-mri VMs. if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION) "#{RUBY_ENGINE}-#{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}" else # Ruby < 2.3 doesn't support RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION "#{RUBY_ENGINE}-#{RUBY_VERSION}" end end # @return [Boolean, nil] partial flushing enabled in configuration def partial_flushing_enabled !!Datadog.configuration.tracing.partial_flush.enabled end # @return [Boolean, nil] priority sampling enabled in configuration def priority_sampling_enabled !!Datadog.configuration.tracing.priority_sampling end # @return [Boolean, nil] health metrics enabled in configuration def health_metrics_enabled !!Datadog.configuration.diagnostics.health_metrics.enabled end # TODO: Populate when profiling is implemented # def profiling_enabled # end # TODO: Populate when automatic log correlation is implemented # def logs_correlation_enabled # end # @return [Hash] environment information available at call time def collect!(transport_responses) { date: date, os_name: os_name, version: version, lang: lang, lang_version: lang_version, env: env, enabled: enabled, service: service, dd_version: dd_version, agent_url: agent_url, agent_error: agent_error(transport_responses), debug: debug, analytics_enabled: analytics_enabled, sample_rate: sample_rate, sampling_rules: sampling_rules, tags: tags, runtime_metrics_enabled: runtime_metrics_enabled, integrations_loaded: integrations_loaded, vm: vm, partial_flushing_enabled: partial_flushing_enabled, priority_sampling_enabled: priority_sampling_enabled, health_metrics_enabled: health_metrics_enabled, **instrumented_integrations_settings } end private def instrumented_integrations Datadog.configuration.tracing.instrumented_integrations end # Capture all active integration settings into "integrationName_settingName: value" entries. def instrumented_integrations_settings instrumented_integrations.flat_map do |name, integration| integration.configuration.to_h.flat_map do |setting, value| next [] if setting == :tracer # Skip internal Ruby objects # Convert value to a string to avoid custom #to_json # handlers possibly causing errors. [[:"integration_#{name}_#{setting}", value.to_s]] end end.to_h end # Outputs "k1:v1,k2:v2,..." def hash_serializer(h) h.map { |k, v| "#{k}:#{v}" }.join(','.freeze) end end end end end