#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } require 'tempfile' require 'logger' require 'fileutils' require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'configurability/config' ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Configurability::Config do include Configurability::SpecHelpers TEST_CONFIG = %{ --- section: subsection: subsubsection: value listsection: - list - values - are - neat mergekey: Yep. textsection: |- With some text as the value ...and another line. }.gsub(/^\t/, '') before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end it "can dump itself as YAML" do Configurability::Config.new.dump.strip.should == "--- {}" end it "returns nil as its change description" do Configurability::Config.new.changed_reason.should be_nil() end it "autogenerates accessors for non-existant struct members" do config = Configurability::Config.new config.plugins.filestore.maxsize = 1024 config.plugins.filestore.maxsize.should == 1024 end it "merges values loaded from the config with any defaults given" do config = Configurability::Config.new( TEST_CONFIG, :defaultkey => "Oh yeah." ) config.defaultkey.should == "Oh yeah." end it "yields itself if a block is given at creation" do yielded_self = nil config = Configurability::Config.new { yielded_self = self } yielded_self.should equal( config ) end it "passes itself as the block argument if a block of arity 1 is given at creation" do arg_self = nil yielded_self = nil config = Configurability::Config.new do |arg| yielded_self = self arg_self = arg end yielded_self.should_not equal( config ) arg_self.should equal( config ) end it "supports both Symbols and Strings for Hash-like access" do config = Configurability::Config.new( TEST_CONFIG ) config[:section]['subsection'][:subsubsection].should == 'value' end it "autoloads predicates for its members" do config = Configurability::Config.new( TEST_CONFIG ) config.mergekey?.should be_true() config.mergemonkey?.should be_false() config.section?.should be_true() config.section.subsection?.should be_true() config.section.subsection.subsubsection?.should be_true() config.section.monkeysubsection?.should be_false() end context "a config with nil keys" do NIL_KEY_CONFIG = %{ --- trap_on: "low disk space alert": ~: notepad: patterns: - pattern1 - pattern2 }.gsub(/^\t{2}/, '') before( :each ) do @config = Configurability::Config.new( NIL_KEY_CONFIG ) end it "doesn't raise a NoMethodError when loading (issue #1)" do @config[:trap_on]['low disk space alert'][nil][:notepad][:patterns]. should == [ 'pattern1', 'pattern2' ] end it "knows that it has a nil member" do @config[:trap_on]['low disk space alert'].should have_member( nil ) end end context "created with in-memory YAML source" do before(:each) do @config = Configurability::Config.new( TEST_CONFIG ) end it "responds to methods which are the same as struct members" do @config.should respond_to( :section ) @config.section.should respond_to( :subsection ) @config.should_not respond_to( :pork_sausage ) end it "contains values specified in the source" do # section: # subsection: # subsubsection: value @config.section.subsection.subsubsection.should == 'value' # listsection: # - list # - values # - are # - neat @config.listsection.should == %w[list values are neat] # mergekey: Yep. @config.mergekey.should == 'Yep.' # textsection: |- # With some text as the value # ...and another line. @config.textsection.should == "With some text as the value\n...and another line." end it "returns struct members as an Array of Symbols" do @config.members.should be_an_instance_of( Array ) @config.members.should have_at_least( 4 ).things @config.members.each do |member| member.should be_an_instance_of( Symbol) end end it "is able to iterate over sections" do @config.each do |key, struct| key.should be_an_instance_of( Symbol) end end it "dumps values specified in the source" do @config.dump.should =~ /^section:/ @config.dump.should =~ /^\s+subsection:/ @config.dump.should =~ /^\s+subsubsection:/ @config.dump.should =~ /^- list/ end it "provides a human-readable description of itself when inspected" do @config.inspect.should =~ /4 sections/i @config.inspect.should =~ /mergekey/ @config.inspect.should =~ /textsection/ @config.inspect.should =~ /from memory/i end it "raises an exception when reloaded" do expect { @config.reload }.to raise_exception( RuntimeError, /can't reload from an in-memory source/i ) end end # saving if changed since loaded context " whose internal values have been changed since loaded" do before(:each) do @config = Configurability::Config.new( TEST_CONFIG ) @config.section.subsection.anothersection = 11451 end ### Specifications it "should report that it is changed" do @config.changed?.should == true end it "should report that its internal struct was modified as the reason for the change" do @config.changed_reason.should =~ /struct was modified/i end end # loading from a file context " loaded from a file" do before(:all) do @tmpfile = Tempfile.new( 'test.conf', '.' ) @tmpfile.print( TEST_CONFIG ) @tmpfile.close end after(:all) do @tmpfile.delete end before(:each) do @config = Configurability::Config.load( @tmpfile.path ) end ### Specifications it "remembers which file it was loaded from" do @config.path.should == Pathname( @tmpfile.path ).expand_path end it "writes itself back to the same file by default" do @config.port = 114411 @config.write otherconfig = Configurability::Config.load( @tmpfile.path ) otherconfig.port.should == 114411 end it "includes the name of the file in its inspect output" do @config.inspect.should include( File.basename(@tmpfile.path) ) end it "yields itself if a block is given at load-time" do yielded_self = nil config = Configurability::Config.load( @tmpfile.path ) do yielded_self = self end yielded_self.should equal( config ) end it "passes itself as the block argument if a block of arity 1 is given at load-time" do arg_self = nil yielded_self = nil config = Configurability::Config.load( @tmpfile.path ) do |arg| yielded_self = self arg_self = arg end yielded_self.should_not equal( config ) arg_self.should equal( config ) end it "doesn't re-read its source file if it hasn't changed" do @config.path.should_not_receive( :read ) Configurability.should_not_receive( :configure_objects ) @config.reload.should be_false() end end # reload if file changes context " whose file changes after loading" do before(:all) do @tmpfile = Tempfile.new( 'test.conf', '.' ) @tmpfile.print( TEST_CONFIG ) @tmpfile.close end after(:all) do @tmpfile.delete end before(:each) do old_date = Time.now - 3600 File.utime( old_date, old_date, @tmpfile.path ) @config = Configurability::Config.load( @tmpfile.path ) now = Time.now + 10 File.utime( now, now, @tmpfile.path ) end ### Specifications it "reports that it is changed" do @config.should be_changed end it "reports that its source was updated as the reason for the change" do @config.changed_reason.should =~ /source.*updated/i end it "re-reads its file when reloaded" do @config.path.should_receive( :read ).and_return( TEST_CONFIG ) Configurability.should_receive( :configure_objects ).with( @config ) @config.reload.should be_true() end it "reapplies its defaults when reloading" do config = Configurability::Config.load( @tmpfile.path, :defaultskey => 8 ) config.reload config.defaultskey.should == 8 end end # merging context " created by merging two other configs" do before(:each) do @config1 = Configurability::Config.new @config2 = Configurability::Config.new( TEST_CONFIG ) @merged = @config1.merge( @config2 ) end ### Specifications it "should contain values from both" do @merged.mergekey.should == @config2.mergekey end end end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: