require "spec_helper" describe Spree::Gateway::KomojuCreditCard, type: :model do subject { } let(:komoju_gateway) { double(ActiveMerchant::Billing::KomojuGateway, purchase: response) } let(:response) { double(ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response) } before do allow(ActiveMerchant::Billing::KomojuGateway).to receive(:new) { komoju_gateway } end describe "#purchase" do let(:money) { 1000.0 } let(:source) do double("credit card", gateway_payment_profile_id: payment_profile_id, gateway_customer_profile_id: nil, to_active_merchant: details) end let(:currency) { "JPY" } let(:details) { double("payment details") } let(:options) do { email: "", login: "api_key", shipping: 100.0, tax: 200.0, subtotal: 800.0, discount: 100.0, currency: currency, billing_address: { phone: "09011112222" } } end context "with no payment profile id" do let(:payment_profile_id) { nil } it "calls provider#purchase with original options" do expect(komoju_gateway).to receive(:purchase).with(998.0, details, options) { response } expect(subject.purchase(money, source, options)).to eq(response) end end context "with a payment profile id" do let(:payment_profile_id) { "tok_123" } it "calls provider#purchase with profile id" do expect(komoju_gateway).to receive(:purchase).with(998.0, "tok_123", options) { response } expect(subject.purchase(money, source, options)).to eq(response) end end end describe "#credit" do let(:cent_amount) { 10000 } let(:response_code) { "external_payment_id" } let(:source) { double("credit card") } it "receives cents amount" do expect(komoju_gateway).to receive(:refund).with(cent_amount, response_code, {}), source, response_code, {}) end context "when currency is JPY" do it "receives dollar amount" do expect(komoju_gateway).to receive(:refund).with(100.0, response_code, {}), source, response_code, {currency: "JPY"}) end end end describe "#void" do let(:response_code) { "external_payment_id" } let(:source) { double("credit card") } it "voids payment" do expect(komoju_gateway).to receive(:void).with(response_code) subject.void(response_code, source, {}) end end describe "#cancel" do let(:response_code) { "external_payment_id" } it "voids payment" do expect(komoju_gateway).to receive(:void).with(response_code) subject.void(response_code, double("source"), {}) end end describe "#create_profile" do let(:payment) { double("payment", source: source) } let(:details) { double("payment details") } context "source has credit card and no gateway_payment_profile_id" do let(:source) { double("credit card", gateway_payment_profile_id: nil, number: "4111111111111111", to_active_merchant: details) } before do allow(response).to receive(:params).and_return("id" => "tok_123") expect(komoju_gateway).to receive(:store).with(details, {}) { response } end context "response is success" do before do allow(response).to receive(:success?).and_return(true) allow(source).to receive(:update_attributes!) end it "stores token" do subject.create_profile(payment) end it "updates source with payment profile id" do allow(komoju_gateway).to receive(:store).with(details, {}) { response } expect(source).to receive(:update_attributes!).with(gateway_payment_profile_id: "tok_123") subject.create_profile(payment) end end context "response is failure" do before do allow(response).to receive(:success?).and_return(false) allow(response).to receive(:message).and_return("error message") end it "calls gateway_error on payment" do expect(payment).to receive(:gateway_error).with("error message") subject.create_profile(payment) end end end context "source has no number" do let(:source) { double("credit card", gateway_payment_profile_id: nil, number: nil, to_active_merchant: details) } it "does not try to store the payment details" do expect(komoju_gateway).not_to receive(:store) subject.create_profile(payment) end end context "source already has a payment profile id" do let(:source) { double("credit card", gateway_payment_profile_id: "tok_123", number: nil, to_active_merchant: details) } it "does not try to store the payment details" do expect(komoju_gateway).not_to receive(:store) subject.create_profile(payment) end end end end