require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "spec_helper")) startup_merb require "mongrel" describe Merb::Request, "#method" do [:get, :head, :put, :delete].each do |method| it "should use the HTTP if it was a #{method.to_s.upcase}" do fake_request(:request_method => method.to_s).method.should == method end it "should use the _method body params for #{method.to_s.upcase} when it came in as a POST" do request = fake_request({:request_method => "POST"}, :post_body => "_method=#{method}") request.method.should == method end it "should use the _method query params for #{method.to_s.upcase} when it came in as a POST" do Merb::Request.parse_multipart_params = false request = fake_request(:request_method => "POST", :query_string => "_method=#{method}") request.method.should == method end [:get, :head, :put, :delete].each do |meth| it "should return #{method == meth} when calling #{meth}? and the method is :#{method}" do request = fake_request({:request_method => method.to_s}) request.send("#{meth}?").should == (method == meth) end end end it "should not try to parse the request body as JSON on GET" do request = fake_request({:request_method => "GET", :content_type => "application/json"}, :req => "") lambda { request.params }.should_not raise_error(JSON::ParserError) request.params.should == {} end it "should return an empty hash when XML is not parsable" do request = fake_request({:content_type => "application/xml"}, :req => '') lambda { request.params }.should_not raise_error request.params.should == {} end it "should default to POST if the _method is not defined" do request = fake_request({:request_method => "POST"}, :post_body => "_method=zed") request.method.should == :post end it "should raise an error if an unknown method is used" do request = fake_request({:request_method => "foo"}) running {request.method}.should raise_error end end describe Merb::Request, " query and body params" do before(:all) { Merb::BootLoader::Dependencies.enable_json_gem } TEST_PARAMS = { "foo=bar&baz=bat" => {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "bat"}, "foo=bar&foo=baz" => {"foo" => "baz"}, "foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz" => {"foo" => ["bar", "baz"]}, "foo[][bar]=1&foo[][bar]=2" => {"foo" => [{"bar" => "1"},{"bar" => "2"}]}, "foo[bar][][baz]=1&foo[bar][][baz]=2" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1"},{"baz" => "2"}]}}, "foo[1]=bar&foo[2]=baz" => {"foo" => {"1" => "bar", "2" => "baz"}}, "foo[bar][baz]=1&foo[bar][zot]=2&foo[bar][zip]=3&foo[bar][buz]=4" => {"foo" => {"bar" => {"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2", "zip" => "3", "buz" => "4"}}}, "foo[bar][][baz]=1&foo[bar][][zot]=2&foo[bar][][zip]=3&foo[bar][][buz]=4" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2", "zip" => "3", "buz" => "4"}]}}, "foo[bar][][baz]=1&foo[bar][][zot]=2&foo[bar][][baz]=3&foo[bar][][zot]=4" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2"},{"baz" => "3", "zot" => "4"}]}}, "foo[bar][][baz]=1&foo[bar][][zot]=2&foo[bar][][fuz]=A&foo[bar][][baz]=3&foo[bar][][zot]=4&foo[bar][][fuz]=B" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2", "fuz" => "A"},{"baz" => "3", "zot" => "4", "fuz" => "B"}]}}, "foo[bar][][baz]=1&foo[bar][][zot]=2&foo[bar][][fuz]=A&foo[bar][][baz]=3&foo[bar][][zot]=4&foo[bar][][foz]=C" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2", "fuz" => "A"},{"baz" => "3", "zot" => "4", "foz" => "C"}]}}, "foo[bar][][baz]=1&foo[bar][][zot]=2&foo[bar][][fuz]=A&foo[bar][][baz]=3&foo[bar][][zot]=4" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2", "fuz" => "A"},{"baz" => "3", "zot" => "4"}]}}, "foo[bar][][baz]=1&foo[bar][][zot]=2&foo[bar][][fuz]=A&foo[bar][][baz]=3&foo[bar][][zot]=4&foo[bar][][fuz]=B&foo[bar][][foz]=C" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2", "fuz" => "A"},{"baz" => "3", "zot" => "4", "fuz" => "B", "foz" => "C"}]}}, "foo[][bar][][baz]=1&foo[][bar][][zot]=2&foo[][bar][][fuz]=A&foo[][bar][][baz]=3&foo[][bar][][zot]=4&foo[][bar][][fuz]=B&foo[][bar][][foz]=C" => {"foo" => {"bar" => [{"baz" => "1", "zot" => "2", "fuz" => "A"},{"baz" => "3", "zot" => "4", "fuz" => "B", "foz" => "C"}]}} } TEST_PARAMS.each do |query, parse| it "should convert #{query.inspect} to #{parse.inspect} in the query string" do request = fake_request({:query_string => query}) request.params.should == parse end it "should convert #{query.inspect} to #{parse.inspect} in the post body" do request = fake_request({}, :post_body => query) request.params.should == parse end end it "should support JSON params" do request = fake_request({:content_type => "application/json"}, :req => %{{"foo": "bar"}}) request.params.should == {"foo" => "bar"} end it "should populated the inflated_object parameter if JSON params do not inflate to a hash" do request = fake_request({:content_type => "application/json"}, :req => %{["foo", "bar"]}) request.params.should have_key(:inflated_object) request.params[:inflated_object].should eql(["foo", "bar"]) end it "should support XML params" do request = fake_request({:content_type => "application/xml"}, :req => %{}) request.params.should == {"foo" => {"baz" => nil, "bar" => "baz"}} end end describe Merb::Request, "#remote_ip" do it "should be able to get the remote IP of a request with X_FORWARDED_FOR" do request = fake_request({:http_x_forwarded_for => ""}) request.remote_ip.should == "" end it "should be able to get the remote IP when some of the X_FORWARDED_FOR are local" do request = fake_request({:http_x_forwarded_for => ",,"}) request.remote_ip.should == "" end it "should be able to get the remote IP when it's in REMOTE_ADDR" do request = fake_request({:remote_addr => ""}) request.remote_ip.should == "" end end describe Merb::Request, "#cookies" do it "should take cookies in the HTTP_COOKIE environment variable" do request = fake_request({:http_cookie => "merb=canhascookie; version=1"}) request.cookies.should == {"merb" => "canhascookie", "version" => "1"} end it "should handle badly formatted cookies" do request = fake_request({:http_cookie => "merb=; ; also=hats"}) request.cookies.should == {"merb" => "", "also" => "hats"} end end describe Merb::Request, " misc" do it "should know if a request is an XHR" do request = fake_request({:http_x_requested_with => "XMLHttpRequest"}) request.should be_xhr end it "should know if the protocol is http or https (when HTTPS is on)" do request = fake_request({:https => "on"}) request.protocol.should == "https" request.should be_ssl end it "should know if the protocol is http or https (when HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO is https)" do request = fake_request({:http_x_forwarded_proto => "https"}) request.protocol.should == "https" request.should be_ssl end it "should know if the protocol is http or https (when it's regular HTTP)" do request = fake_request({}) request.protocol.should == "http" end it "should get the content-length" do request = fake_request({:content_length => "300"}) request.content_length.should == 300 end it "should be able to get the path from the URI (stripping trailing /)" do request = fake_request({:request_uri => "foo/bar/baz/?bat"}) request.path.should == "foo/bar/baz" end it "should be able to get the path from the URI (joining multiple //)" do request = fake_request({:request_uri => "foo/bar//baz/?bat"}) request.path.should == "foo/bar/baz" end it "should get the remote port" do request = fake_request({:server_port => "80"}) request.port.should == 80 end it "should get the parts of the remote subdomain" do request = fake_request({:http_host => ""}) request.subdomains.should == ["zoo", "boom"] end it "should get the parts of the remote subdomain when there's an irregular TLD number" do request = fake_request({:http_host => ""}) request.subdomains(2).should == ["foo"] end it "should get the full domain (not including subdomains and not including the port)" do request = fake_request({:http_host => ""}) request.domain.should == "" end it "should get the full domain from an irregular TLD" do request = fake_request({:http_host => ""}) request.domain(2).should == "" end it "should get the host (with X_FORWARDED_HOST)" do request = fake_request({:http_x_forwarded_host => ""}) == "" end it "should get the host (without X_FORWARDED_HOST)" do request = fake_request({:http_host => ""}) == "" end {:http_referer => ["referer", ""], :request_uri => ["uri", ""], :http_user_agent => ["user_agent", "mozilla"], :server_name => ["server_name", "apache"], :http_accept_encoding => ["accept_encoding", "application/json"], :script_name => ["script_name", "foo"], :http_cache_control => ["cache_control", "no-cache"], :http_accept_language => ["accept_language", "en"], :server_software => ["server_software", "apache"], :http_keep_alive => ["keep_alive", "300"], :http_accept_charset => ["accept_charset", "UTF-8"], :http_version => ["version", "1.1"], :gateway_interface => ["gateway", "CGI/1.2"], :http_connection => ["connection", "keep-alive"], :path_info => ["path_info", "foo/bar/baz"], }.each do |env, vars| it "should be able to get the #{env.to_s.upcase}" do request = fake_request({env => vars[1]}) request.send(vars[0]).should == vars[1] end end end describe Merb::Request, "#if_none_match" do it 'returns value of If-None-Match request header' do fake_request(Merb::Const::HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH => "dc1562a133").if_none_match.should == "dc1562a133" end end describe Merb::Request, "#if_modified_since" do it 'returns value of If-Modified-Since request header' do t = '05 Sep 2008 22:00:27 GMT' fake_request(Merb::Const::HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE => t).if_modified_since.should == Time.rfc2822(t) end end