#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/indirector/queue' class Puppet::Indirector::Queue::TestClient end class FooExampleData attr_accessor :name def self.json_create(json) new(json['data'].to_sym) end def initialize(name = nil) @name = name if name end def render(format = :json) to_json end def to_json(*args) {:json_class => self.class.to_s, :data => name}.to_json(*args) end end describe Puppet::Indirector::Queue do confine "JSON library is missing; cannot test queueing" => Puppet.features.json? before :each do @model = mock 'model' @indirection = stub 'indirection', :name => :my_queue, :register_terminus_type => nil, :model => @model Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.stubs(:instance).with(:my_queue).returns(@indirection) @store_class = Class.new(Puppet::Indirector::Queue) do def self.to_s 'MyQueue::MyType' end end @store = @store_class.new @subject_class = FooExampleData @subject = @subject_class.new @subject.name = :me Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).returns("bogus setting data") Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:queue_type).returns(:test_client) Puppet::Util::Queue.stubs(:queue_type_to_class).with(:test_client).returns(Puppet::Indirector::Queue::TestClient) @request = stub 'request', :key => :me, :instance => @subject end it "should require JSON" do Puppet.features.expects(:json?).returns false lambda { @store_class.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should use the correct client type and queue' do @store.queue.should == :my_queue @store.client.should be_an_instance_of(Puppet::Indirector::Queue::TestClient) end describe "when saving" do it 'should render the instance using json' do @subject.expects(:render).with(:json) @store.client.stubs(:send_message) @store.save(@request) end it "should send the rendered message to the appropriate queue on the client" do @subject.expects(:render).returns "myjson" @store.client.expects(:send_message).with(:my_queue, "myjson") @store.save(@request) end it "should catch any exceptions raised" do @store.client.expects(:send_message).raises ArgumentError lambda { @store.save(@request) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end describe "when subscribing to the queue" do before do @store_class.stubs(:model).returns @model end it "should use the model's Format support to intern the message from json" do @model.expects(:convert_from).with(:json, "mymessage") @store_class.client.expects(:subscribe).yields("mymessage") @store_class.subscribe {|o| o } end it "should yield each interned received message" do @model.stubs(:convert_from).returns "something" @subject_two = @subject_class.new @subject_two.name = :too @store_class.client.expects(:subscribe).with(:my_queue).multiple_yields(@subject, @subject_two) received = [] @store_class.subscribe do |obj| received.push(obj) end received.should == %w{something something} end it "should log but not propagate errors" do @store_class.client.expects(:subscribe).yields("foo") @store_class.expects(:intern).raises ArgumentError Puppet.expects(:err) @store_class.subscribe {|o| o } end end end