--- title: Where to go tagline: Fasten Your Way date: 2022-11-03 00:00:00 +100 description: > Welcome to the info pages of J1 Theme. A good decision to get on that page first. Certainly, there is no better place to learn what J1 Theme can do and what pages are available to experience more. keywords: > Jekyll, Theme, JekyllOne, Info, Introduction, Rocketstart, Roundtrip, categories: [ Info ] tags: [ Introduction ] image: path: /assets/images/modules/attics/1920x1280/alexander-redl.jpg width: 1920 height: 1280 alt: Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash fab_menu_id: default regenerate: false permalink: /pages/public/learn/where_to_go/ resources: [ animate, comments ] resource_options: - attic: padding_top: 600 slides: - url: /assets/images/modules/attics/1920x1280/alexander-redl.jpg alt: Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash badge: type: unsplash author: Alexander Redl href: https://unsplash.com/@alexanderredl --- // Page Initializer // ============================================================================= // Enable the Liquid Preprocessor :page-liquid: // Set (local) page attributes here // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // :page--attr: :url-j1-jupyter-notebooks--where-to-go: /pages/public/jupyter/where-to-go/ // Load Liquid procedures // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% capture load_attributes %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/attributes_loader.proc{%endcapture%} // Load page attributes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% include {{load_attributes}} scope="global" %} // Page content // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [role="dropcap"] Welcome to the info pages of J1 Theme. A good decision to get on that page first. Certainly, there is no better place to learn what J1 Theme can do and what pages are available to experience more. // Include sub-documents (if any) (if any) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crucial first step in finding your way to Jekyll is done. Congratulations. The *Learn* section contains all you need to learn what Jekyll and J1 can do for your website, for your new static web - if you like. Roundtrip:: In this section, you’ll find a tour to show some of the main features of the J1 theme. This trip covers how image data can be managed using J1, some background of the Theme's typography, discuss extensions, and what J1 can do in general. The roundtrip is a visual tour, no technical stuff, nothing academic. See what you will get as an overview of some of the top features of J1. If you're interested what J1 Theme can do, continue by walking through the roundtrip examples by starting an inspiring tour link:{url-j1-roundtrip--present-images}[from here]. Rocketstart:: J1 Theme is fully JAM-Stack ready. If you're interested in creating and deploying an amazing J1 based site on the Internet in minutes without installing any software locally on your PC, go for Netlify's One-Click-Deploy. Rocketstart took about fifteen minutes and guides you through this easy 3-step-process. Fire your rocket now at link:{url-j1--rocketstart}[Rocketstart, {browser-window--new}]. Site Development:: The tutorial link:{url-j1--devstart}[Site Development, {browser-window--new}] accompanies you to learn how to set up a development environment for Jekyll and J1 Theme to manage and create your first website locally on your PC in minutes. J1 Theme comes with a built-in Web, a skeleton for a new website created using Jekyll. This website is called the `Starter Web`, a general-purpose scaffold for modifying a new site for your needs. J1 in a Day:: The workshop `J1 in a Day` is a tutorial learning to create modern websites using _Jekyll_ and the J1 Theme. This Tutorial focuses on the basics of _Jekyll_ and J1, which all people need to know for a successful way to a modern static website. Jekyll (and JekyllOne) is quite different from classic Content Management Systems (CMS). If you would like to learn more about the use of Jekyll and J1 Theme, the tutorials present what you need to know: * The basics of modern static webs * Creating an awesome Site * Development System * Project Management * Create Content It sounds much, spending a whole day to get Jekyll and J1 to know. Yes, it is much. But it makes sense to get a full overview of what can be achieved by modern static websites. To experience what's possible today using modern websites static webs, go for link:{url-j1-web-in-a-day--meet-and-greet}[J1 in a Day, {browser-window--new}].