cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xgetting startedqNXconfiguring mathjaxqNX obtaining and installing mathjaxqNXgetting-startedq KXlinking mathjax into a web pageq NX!putting mathematics in a web pageq NXtex and latex inputq NX subversionq KXwhere to go from here?qNXtex-and-latex-inputqKXmathjax download pageqKX mathml inputqNuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUid1qhUconfiguring-mathjaxqhU obtaining-and-installing-mathjaxqh Ugetting-startedqh Ulinking-mathjax-into-a-web-pageqh U!putting-mathematics-in-a-web-pageq h Uid2q!h U subversionq"hUwhere-to-go-from-hereq#hUtex-and-latex-inputq$hUmathjax-download-pageq%hU mathml-inputq&uUchildrenq']q((cdocutils.nodes target q))q*}q+(U rawsourceq,X.. _getting-started:q-Uparentq.hUsourceq/cdocutils.nodes reprunicode q0XO/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/start.rstq1q2}q3bUtagnameq4Utargetq5U attributesq6}q7(Uidsq8]q9Ubackrefsq:]q;Udupnamesq<]q=Uclassesq>]q?Unamesq@]qAUrefidqBhuUlineqCKUdocumentqDhh']qEubcdocutils.nodes section qF)qG}qH(h,Uh.hh/h2Uexpect_referenced_by_nameqI}qJh h*sh4UsectionqKh6}qL(h<]qMh>]qNh:]qOh8]qP(hheh@]qQ(hh euhCKhDhUexpect_referenced_by_idqR}qShh*sh']qT(cdocutils.nodes title qU)qV}qW(h,XGetting StartedqXh.hGh/h2h4UtitleqYh6}qZ(h<]q[h>]q\h:]q]h8]q^h@]q_uhCKhDhh']q`cdocutils.nodes Text qaXGetting Startedqbqc}qd(h,hXh.hVubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph qe)qf}qg(h,XMathJax allows you to include mathematics in your web pages, either using TeX and LaTeX notation, or as MathML. To use MathJax, you will need to do the following things:qhh.hGh/h2h4U paragraphqih6}qj(h<]qkh>]qlh:]qmh8]qnh@]qouhCKhDhh']qphaXMathJax allows you to include mathematics in your web pages, either using TeX and LaTeX notation, or as MathML. To use MathJax, you will need to do the following things:qqqr}qs(h,hhh.hfubaubcdocutils.nodes enumerated_list qt)qu}qv(h,Uh.hGh/h2h4Uenumerated_listqwh6}qx(UsuffixqyU.h8]qzh:]q{h<]q|Uprefixq}Uh>]q~h@]qUenumtypeqUarabicquhCK hDhh']q(cdocutils.nodes list_item q)q}q(h,X?Obtain a copy of MathJax and make it available on your server. qh.huh/h2h4U list_itemqh6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCNhDhh']qhe)q}q(h,X>Obtain a copy of MathJax and make it available on your server.qh.hh/h2h4hih6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCK h']qhaX>Obtain a copy of MathJax and make it available on your server.qq}q(h,hh.hubaubaubh)q}q(h,X2Configure MathJax to suit the needs of your site. qh.huh/h2h4hh6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCNhDhh']qhe)q}q(h,X1Configure MathJax to suit the needs of your site.qh.hh/h2h4hih6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCK h']qhaX1Configure MathJax to suit the needs of your site.qq}q(h,hh.hubaubaubh)q}q(h,XALink MathJax into the web pages that are to include mathematics. qh.huh/h2h4hh6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCNhDhh']qhe)q}q(h,X@Link MathJax into the web pages that are to include mathematics.qh.hh/h2h4hih6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCKh']qhaX@Link MathJax into the web pages that are to include mathematics.qDžq}q(h,hh.hubaubaubh)q}q(h,XDPut mathematics into your web pages so that MathJax can display it. qh.huh/h2h4hh6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCNhDhh']qhe)q}q(h,XCPut mathematics into your web pages so that MathJax can display it.qh.hh/h2h4hih6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCKh']qhaXCPut mathematics into your web pages so that MathJax can display it.qޅq}q(h,hh.hubaubaubeubhe)q}q(h,X Each of these steps is described briefly below, with links to more detailed explanations. This page gives the quickest and easiest ways to get MathJax up and running on your web site, but you may want to read the details in order to customize the setup for your pages.qh.hGh/h2h4hih6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCKhDhh']qhaX Each of these steps is described briefly below, with links to more detailed explanations. This page gives the quickest and easiest ways to get MathJax up and running on your web site, but you may want to read the details in order to customize the setup for your pages.q녁q}q(h,hh.hubaubhF)q}q(h,Uh.hGh/h2h4hKh6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qhah@]qhauhCKhDhh']q(hU)q}q(h,X Obtaining and Installing MathJaxqh.hh/h2h4hYh6}q(h<]qh>]qh:]qh8]qh@]quhCKhDhh']rhaX Obtaining and Installing MathJaxrr}r(h,hh.hubaubhe)r}r(h,X\The easiest way to set up MathJax is to obtain the ```` archive from the `MathJax download page `_. This includes both the MathJax code and the MathJax webfonts, so this is the only file you need. (This is different from the beta releases, which had the fonts separate from the rest of the code).rh.hh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]r h:]r h8]r h@]r uhCKhDhh']r (haX3The easiest way to set up MathJax is to obtain the rr}r(h,X3The easiest way to set up MathJax is to obtain the rh.jubcdocutils.nodes literal r)r}r(h,X````rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXMathJax-v1.0.ziprr}r(h,Uh.jubah4Uliteralr ubhaX archive from the r!r"}r#(h,X archive from the r$h.jubcdocutils.nodes reference r%)r&}r'(h,X;`MathJax download page `_r(h6}r)(Unamer*XMathJax download pager+Urefurir,X]r.h:]r/h<]r0h>]r1h@]r2uh.jh']r3haXMathJax download pager4r5}r6(h,Uh.j&ubah4U referencer7ubh))r8}r9(h,X# r:h6}r;(Urefurir<j-h8]r=h%ah:]r>h<]r?h>]r@h@]rAhauh.jh']rBh4h5ubhaX. This includes both the MathJax code and the MathJax webfonts, so this is the only file you need. (This is different from the beta releases, which had the fonts separate from the rest of the code).rCrD}rE(h,X. This includes both the MathJax code and the MathJax webfonts, so this is the only file you need. (This is different from the beta releases, which had the fonts separate from the rest of the code).rFh.jubeubhe)rG}rH(h,XUnpack the ```` archive and place the resulting MathJax folder onto your web server at a convenient location where you can include it into your web pages. For example, making ``MathJax`` a top-level directory on your server would be one natural way to do this. That would let you refer to the main MathJax file via the URL ``/MathJax/MathJax.js`` from within any page on your server.rIh.hh/h2h4hih6}rJ(h<]rKh>]rLh:]rMh8]rNh@]rOuhCK$hDhh']rP(haX Unpack the rQrR}rS(h,X Unpack the rTh.jGubj)rU}rV(h,X````rWh6}rX(h<]rYh>]rZh:]r[h8]r\h@]r]uh.jGh']r^haXMathJax-v1.0.zipr_r`}ra(h,Uh.jUubah4j ubhaX archive and place the resulting MathJax folder onto your web server at a convenient location where you can include it into your web pages. For example, making rbrc}rd(h,X archive and place the resulting MathJax folder onto your web server at a convenient location where you can include it into your web pages. For example, making reh.jGubj)rf}rg(h,X ``MathJax``rhh6}ri(h<]rjh>]rkh:]rlh8]rmh@]rnuh.jGh']rohaXMathJaxrprq}rr(h,Uh.jfubah4j ubhaX a top-level directory on your server would be one natural way to do this. That would let you refer to the main MathJax file via the URL rsrt}ru(h,X a top-level directory on your server would be one natural way to do this. That would let you refer to the main MathJax file via the URL rvh.jGubj)rw}rx(h,X``/MathJax/MathJax.js``ryh6}rz(h<]r{h>]r|h:]r}h8]r~h@]ruh.jGh']rhaX/MathJax/MathJax.jsrr}r(h,Uh.jwubah4j ubhaX% from within any page on your server.rr}r(h,X% from within any page on your server.rh.jGubeubhe)r}r(h,X>Note: While this is the easiest way to set up MathJax initially, there is a better way to do it if you want to be able to keep your copy of MathJax up-to-date easily. That uses the `subversion `_ program, and is described in the :ref:`Installing MathJax ` document.rh.hh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCK,hDhh']r(haXNote: While this is the easiest way to set up MathJax initially, there is a better way to do it if you want to be able to keep your copy of MathJax up-to-date easily. That uses the rr}r(h,XNote: While this is the easiest way to set up MathJax initially, there is a better way to do it if you want to be able to keep your copy of MathJax up-to-date easily. That uses the rh.jubj%)r}r(h,X-`subversion `_rh6}r(UnamerX subversionrj,X]rh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX subversionrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j7ubh))r}r(h,X rh6}r(Urefurirjh8]rh"ah:]rh<]rh>]rh@]rh auh.jh']rh4h5ubhaX" program, and is described in the rr}r(h,X" program, and is described in the rh.jubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref r)r}r(h,X/:ref:`Installing MathJax `rh.jh4U pending_xrefrh6}r(UreftyperXrefrU reftargetrXgetting-mathjax-svnrU refdomainrXstdrh8]rh:]rU refexplicitrh<]rh>]rh@]rUrefdocrUstartruhCK,h']rcdocutils.nodes emphasis r)r}r(h,jh6}r(h<]rh>]r(UxrefrjXstd-refreh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXInstalling MathJaxrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4UemphasisrubaubhaX document.rr}r(h,X document.rh.jubeubhe)r}r(h,XOnce you have MathJax set up on your server, you can test it using the files in the ``MathJax/test`` directory. Load them in your browser using its web address rather than opening them locally (i.e., use an ``http://`` URL rather than a ``file://`` URL). When you view the ``index.html`` file, after a few moments you should see a message that MathJax appears to be working. If not, check that the files have been transferred to the server completely and that the permissions allow the server to access the files and folders that are part of the MathJax directory. (Be sure to verify the MathJax folder's permissions as well.) Check the server log files for any errors that pertain to the MathJax installation; this may help locate problems in the permission or locations of files.rh.hh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCK2hDhh']r(haXTOnce you have MathJax set up on your server, you can test it using the files in the rr}r(h,XTOnce you have MathJax set up on your server, you can test it using the files in the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X``MathJax/test``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX MathJax/testrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaXl directory. Load them in your browser using its web address rather than opening them locally (i.e., use an rr}r(h,Xl directory. Load them in your browser using its web address rather than opening them locally (i.e., use an rh.jubj)r}r(h,X ``http://``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXhttp://rr}r (h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX URL rather than a r r }r (h,X URL rather than a r h.jubj)r}r(h,X ``file://``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXfile://rr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX URL). When you view the rr}r(h,X URL). When you view the rh.jubj)r}r (h,X``index.html``r!h6}r"(h<]r#h>]r$h:]r%h8]r&h@]r'uh.jh']r(haX index.htmlr)r*}r+(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX file, after a few moments you should see a message that MathJax appears to be working. If not, check that the files have been transferred to the server completely and that the permissions allow the server to access the files and folders that are part of the MathJax directory. (Be sure to verify the MathJax folder's permissions as well.) Check the server log files for any errors that pertain to the MathJax installation; this may help locate problems in the permission or locations of files.r,r-}r.(h,X file, after a few moments you should see a message that MathJax appears to be working. If not, check that the files have been transferred to the server completely and that the permissions allow the server to access the files and folders that are part of the MathJax directory. (Be sure to verify the MathJax folder's permissions as well.) Check the server log files for any errors that pertain to the MathJax installation; this may help locate problems in the permission or locations of files.r/h.jubeubeubhF)r0}r1(h,Uh.hGh/h2h4hKh6}r2(h<]r3h>]r4h:]r5h8]r6hah@]r7hauhCKAhDhh']r8(hU)r9}r:(h,XConfiguring MathJaxr;h.j0h/h2h4hYh6}r<(h<]r=h>]r>h:]r?h8]r@h@]rAuhCKAhDhh']rBhaXConfiguring MathJaxrCrD}rE(h,j;h.j9ubaubhe)rF}rG(h,XWhen you include MathJax into your web pages as described below, it will load the file ``config/MathJax.js`` (i.e., the file named ``MathJax.js`` in the ``config`` folder of the main ``MathJax`` folder). This file contains the configuration parameters that control how MathJax operates. There are comments in it that explain each of the parameters, and you can edit the file to suit your needs.rHh.j0h/h2h4hih6}rI(h<]rJh>]rKh:]rLh8]rMh@]rNuhCKChDhh']rO(haXWWhen you include MathJax into your web pages as described below, it will load the file rPrQ}rR(h,XWWhen you include MathJax into your web pages as described below, it will load the file rSh.jFubj)rT}rU(h,X``config/MathJax.js``rVh6}rW(h<]rXh>]rYh:]rZh8]r[h@]r\uh.jFh']r]haXconfig/MathJax.jsr^r_}r`(h,Uh.jTubah4j ubhaX (i.e., the file named rarb}rc(h,X (i.e., the file named rdh.jFubj)re}rf(h,X``MathJax.js``rgh6}rh(h<]rih>]rjh:]rkh8]rlh@]rmuh.jFh']rnhaX MathJax.jsrorp}rq(h,Uh.jeubah4j ubhaX in the rrrs}rt(h,X in the ruh.jFubj)rv}rw(h,X ``config``rxh6}ry(h<]rzh>]r{h:]r|h8]r}h@]r~uh.jFh']rhaXconfigrr}r(h,Uh.jvubah4j ubhaX folder of the main rr}r(h,X folder of the main rh.jFubj)r}r(h,X ``MathJax``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jFh']rhaXMathJaxrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX folder). This file contains the configuration parameters that control how MathJax operates. There are comments in it that explain each of the parameters, and you can edit the file to suit your needs.rr}r(h,X folder). This file contains the configuration parameters that control how MathJax operates. There are comments in it that explain each of the parameters, and you can edit the file to suit your needs.rh.jFubeubhe)r}r(h,XThe default settings are appropriate for pages that use TeX as the input language, but you might still want to adjust some settings; for example, you might want to include some additional extensions such as the ``AMSmath`` and ``AMSsymbols`` extensions. The comments in the file should help you do this, but more detailed instructions are included in the :ref:`Configuring MathJax ` document. There are also ways to configure MathJax other than by using the ``config/MathJax.js`` file; these are descibed on that page as well.rh.j0h/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKKhDhh']r(haXThe default settings are appropriate for pages that use TeX as the input language, but you might still want to adjust some settings; for example, you might want to include some additional extensions such as the rr}r(h,XThe default settings are appropriate for pages that use TeX as the input language, but you might still want to adjust some settings; for example, you might want to include some additional extensions such as the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X ``AMSmath``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXAMSmathrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX and rr}r(h,X and rh.jubj)r}r(h,X``AMSsymbols``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX AMSsymbolsrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaXs extensions. The comments in the file should help you do this, but more detailed instructions are included in the rr}r(h,Xs extensions. The comments in the file should help you do this, but more detailed instructions are included in the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X*:ref:`Configuring MathJax `rh.jh4jh6}r(UreftyperXrefrjX configurationrU refdomainrXstdrh8]rh:]rU refexplicitrh<]rh>]rh@]rjjuhCKKh']rj)r}r(h,jh6}r(h<]rh>]r(jjXstd-refreh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXConfiguring MathJaxrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4jubaubhaXL document. There are also ways to configure MathJax other than by using the rr}r(h,XL document. There are also ways to configure MathJax other than by using the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X``config/MathJax.js``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXconfig/MathJax.jsrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX/ file; these are descibed on that page as well.rr}r(h,X/ file; these are descibed on that page as well.rh.jubeubeubhF)r}r(h,Uh.hGh/h2h4hKh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rhah@]rh auhCKVhDhh']r(hU)r}r(h,XLinking MathJax into a web pagerh.jh/h2h4hYh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]r h8]r h@]r uhCKVhDhh']r haXLinking MathJax into a web pager r}r(h,jh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,X3You can include MathJax in your web page by puttingrh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKXhDhh']rhaX3You can include MathJax in your web page by puttingrr}r(h,jh.jubaubcdocutils.nodes literal_block r)r}r(h,XIr h.jh/h2h4U literal_blockr!h6}r"(Ulinenosr#Ulanguager$Xhtmlr%U xml:spacer&Upreserver'h8]r(h:]r)h<]r*h>]r+h@]r,uhCK]hDhh']r-haXIr.r/}r0(h,Uh.jubaubhe)r1}r2(h,Xin your document's ```` block. Here, ``path-to-MathJax`` should be replaced by the URL for the main MathJax directory, so if you have put the ``MathJax`` directory at the top level of you server's web site, you could user3h.jh/h2h4hih6}r4(h<]r5h>]r6h:]r7h8]r8h@]r9uhCK^hDhh']r:(haXin your document's r;r<}r=(h,Xin your document's r>h.j1ubj)r?}r@(h,X ````rAh6}rB(h<]rCh>]rDh:]rEh8]rFh@]rGuh.j1h']rHhaXrIrJ}rK(h,Uh.j?ubah4j ubhaX block. Here, rLrM}rN(h,X block. Here, rOh.j1ubj)rP}rQ(h,X``path-to-MathJax``rRh6}rS(h<]rTh>]rUh:]rVh8]rWh@]rXuh.j1h']rYhaXpath-to-MathJaxrZr[}r\(h,Uh.jPubah4j ubhaXV should be replaced by the URL for the main MathJax directory, so if you have put the r]r^}r_(h,XV should be replaced by the URL for the main MathJax directory, so if you have put the r`h.j1ubj)ra}rb(h,X ``MathJax``rch6}rd(h<]reh>]rfh:]rgh8]rhh@]riuh.j1h']rjhaXMathJaxrkrl}rm(h,Uh.jaubah4j ubhaXC directory at the top level of you server's web site, you could usernro}rp(h,XC directory at the top level of you server's web site, you could userqh.j1ubeubj)rr}rs(h,XBrth.jh/h2h4j!h6}ru(j#j$Xhtmlrvj&j'h8]rwh:]rxh<]ryh>]rzh@]r{uhCKfhDhh']r|haXBr}r~}r(h,Uh.jrubaubhe)r}r(h,XEto load MathJax in your page. For example, your page could look likerh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKghDhh']rhaXEto load MathJax in your page. For example, your page could look likerr}r(h,jh.jubaubj)r}r(h,X ... ... rh.jh/h2h4j!h6}r(j#j$Xhtmlrj&j'h8]rh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]ruhCKthDhh']rhaX ... ... rr}r(h,Uh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,X>Although it is possible to load MathJax from a site other than your own web server, there are issues involved in doing so that you need to take into consideration. See the :ref:`Notes About Shared Servers ` for more details. Please do **not** link to the copy of MathJax at ````, as we do not have the resources to act as a web service for all the sites on the web that would like to display mathematics. If you are able to run MathJax from your own server, please do so (this will probably give you better response time in any case).rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKuhDhh']r(haXAlthough it is possible to load MathJax from a site other than your own web server, there are issues involved in doing so that you need to take into consideration. See the rr}r(h,XAlthough it is possible to load MathJax from a site other than your own web server, there are issues involved in doing so that you need to take into consideration. See the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X8:ref:`Notes About Shared Servers `rh.jh4jh6}r(UreftyperXrefrjXcross-domain-linkingrU refdomainrXstdrh8]rh:]rU refexplicitrh<]rh>]rh@]rjjuhCKuh']rj)r}r(h,jh6}r(h<]rh>]r(jjXstd-refreh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXNotes About Shared Serversrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4jubaubhaX for more details. Please do rr}r(h,X for more details. Please do rh.jubcdocutils.nodes strong r)r}r(h,X**not**rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXnotrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4UstrongrubhaX link to the copy of MathJax at rr}r(h,X link to the copy of MathJax at rh.jubj)r}r(h,X````rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXwww.mathjax.orgrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX, as we do not have the resources to act as a web service for all the sites on the web that would like to display mathematics. If you are able to run MathJax from your own server, please do so (this will probably give you better response time in any case).rr}r(h,X, as we do not have the resources to act as a web service for all the sites on the web that would like to display mathematics. If you are able to run MathJax from your own server, please do so (this will probably give you better response time in any case).rh.jubeubeubhF)r}r(h,Uh.hGh/h2h4hKh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh ah@]rh auhCKhDhh']r(hU)r}r(h,X!Putting mathematics in a web pagerh.jh/h2h4hYh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']rhaX!Putting mathematics in a web pagerr}r(h,jh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,X:To put mathematics in your web page, you can use either TeX and LaTeX notation, or MathML notation (or both); the configuration file tells MathJax which you want to use, and how you plan to indicate the mathematics when you are using TeX notation. The following sections tell you how to use each of these formats.rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]r h:]r h8]r h@]r uhCKhDhh']r haX:To put mathematics in your web page, you can use either TeX and LaTeX notation, or MathML notation (or both); the configuration file tells MathJax which you want to use, and how you plan to indicate the mathematics when you are using TeX notation. The following sections tell you how to use each of these formats.rr}r(h,jh.jubaubh))r}r(h,X.. _tex-and-latex-input:rh.jh/h2h4h5h6}r(h8]rh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]rhBh$uhCKhDhh']rubhF)r}r(h,Uh.jh/h2hI}rhjsh4hKh6}r(h<]rh>]r h:]r!h8]r"(h$h!eh@]r#(h heuhCKhDhhR}r$h$jsh']r%(hU)r&}r'(h,XTeX and LaTeX inputr(h.jh/h2h4hYh6}r)(h<]r*h>]r+h:]r,h8]r-h@]r.uhCKhDhh']r/haXTeX and LaTeX inputr0r1}r2(h,j(h.j&ubaubhe)r3}r4(h,XTo process mathematics that is written in :term:`TeX` or :term:`LaTeX` format, include ``"input/TeX"`` in your configuration's `jax` array, and add ``"tex2jax.js"`` to the `extensions` array so that MathJax will look for TeX-style math delimiters to identify the mathematics on the page.r5h.jh/h2h4hih6}r6(h<]r7h>]r8h:]r9h8]r:h@]r;uhCKhDhh']r<(haX*To process mathematics that is written in r=r>}r?(h,X*To process mathematics that is written in r@h.j3ubj)rA}rB(h,X :term:`TeX`rCh.j3h4jh6}rD(UreftyperEXtermrFjXtexrGU refdomainrHXstdrIh8]rJh:]rKU refexplicitrLh<]rMh>]rNh@]rOjjuhCKh']rPj)rQ}rR(h,jCh6}rS(h<]rTh>]rU(jjIXstd-termrVeh:]rWh8]rXh@]rYuh.jAh']rZhaXTeXr[r\}r](h,Uh.jQubah4jubaubhaX or r^r_}r`(h,X or rah.j3ubj)rb}rc(h,X :term:`LaTeX`rdh.j3h4jh6}re(UreftyperfXtermrgjXlatexrhU refdomainriXstdrjh8]rkh:]rlU refexplicitrmh<]rnh>]roh@]rpjjuhCKh']rqj)rr}rs(h,jdh6}rt(h<]ruh>]rv(jjjXstd-termrweh:]rxh8]ryh@]rzuh.jbh']r{haXLaTeXr|r}}r~(h,Uh.jrubah4jubaubhaX format, include rr}r(h,X format, include rh.j3ubj)r}r(h,X``"input/TeX"``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.j3h']rhaX "input/TeX"rr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX in your configuration's rr}r(h,X in your configuration's rh.j3ubcdocutils.nodes title_reference r)r}r(h,X`jax`rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.j3h']rhaXjaxrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4Utitle_referencerubhaX array, and add rr}r(h,X array, and add rh.j3ubj)r}r(h,X``"tex2jax.js"``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.j3h']rhaX "tex2jax.js"rr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX to the rr}r(h,X to the rh.j3ubj)r}r(h,X `extensions`rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.j3h']rhaX extensionsrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4jubhaXg array so that MathJax will look for TeX-style math delimiters to identify the mathematics on the page.rr}r(h,Xg array so that MathJax will look for TeX-style math delimiters to identify the mathematics on the page.rh.j3ubeubj)r}r(h,XBextensions: ["tex2math.js"], jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"]rh.jh/h2h4j!h6}r(j#j$X javascriptrj&j'h8]rh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']rhaXBextensions: ["tex2math.js"], jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"]rr}r(h,Uh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,XNote that the default math delimiters are ``$$...$$`` and ``\[...\]`` for displayed mathematics, and ``\(...\)`` for in-line mathematics. In particular, the ``$...$`` in-line delimiters are **not** used by default. That is because dollar signs appear too often in non-mathematical settings, which could cause some text to be treated as mathematics unexpectedly. For example, with single-dollar delimiters, "... the cost is $2.50 for the first one, and $2.00 for each additional one ..." would cause the phrase "2.50 for the first one, and" to be treated as mathematics since it falls between dollar signs. For this reason, if you want to use single-dollars for in-line math mode, you must enable that explicitly in your configuration:rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']r(haX*Note that the default math delimiters are rr}r(h,X*Note that the default math delimiters are rh.jubj)r}r(h,X ``$$...$$``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX$$...$$rr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX and rr}r(h,X and rh.jubj)r}r(h,X ``\[...\]``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX\[...\]rr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX for displayed mathematics, and rr}r(h,X for displayed mathematics, and rh.jubj)r}r(h,X ``\(...\)``r h6}r (h<]r h>]r h:]r h8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX\(...\)rr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX- for in-line mathematics. In particular, the rr}r(h,X- for in-line mathematics. In particular, the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X ``$...$``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]r uh.jh']r!haX$...$r"r#}r$(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX in-line delimiters are r%r&}r'(h,X in-line delimiters are r(h.jubj)r)}r*(h,X**not**r+h6}r,(h<]r-h>]r.h:]r/h8]r0h@]r1uh.jh']r2haXnotr3r4}r5(h,Uh.j)ubah4jubhaX used by default. That is because dollar signs appear too often in non-mathematical settings, which could cause some text to be treated as mathematics unexpectedly. For example, with single-dollar delimiters, "... the cost is $2.50 for the first one, and $2.00 for each additional one ..." would cause the phrase "2.50 for the first one, and" to be treated as mathematics since it falls between dollar signs. For this reason, if you want to use single-dollars for in-line math mode, you must enable that explicitly in your configuration:r6r7}r8(h,X used by default. That is because dollar signs appear too often in non-mathematical settings, which could cause some text to be treated as mathematics unexpectedly. For example, with single-dollar delimiters, "... the cost is $2.50 for the first one, and $2.00 for each additional one ..." would cause the phrase "2.50 for the first one, and" to be treated as mathematics since it falls between dollar signs. For this reason, if you want to use single-dollars for in-line math mode, you must enable that explicitly in your configuration:r9h.jubeubj)r:}r;(h,X1tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]}r<h.jh/h2h4j!h6}r=(j#j$X javascriptr>j&j'h8]r?h:]r@h<]rAh>]rBh@]rCuhCKhDhh']rDhaX1tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]}rErF}rG(h,Uh.j:ubaubhe)rH}rI(h,XSee the ``config/MathJax.js`` file, or the :ref:`tex2jax configuration options ` page, for additional configuration parameters that you can specify for the ``tex2jax`` preprocessor.rJh.jh/h2h4hih6}rK(h<]rLh>]rMh:]rNh8]rOh@]rPuhCKhDhh']rQ(haXSee the rRrS}rT(h,XSee the rUh.jHubj)rV}rW(h,X``config/MathJax.js``rXh6}rY(h<]rZh>]r[h:]r\h8]r]h@]r^uh.jHh']r_haXconfig/MathJax.jsr`ra}rb(h,Uh.jVubah4j ubhaX file, or the rcrd}re(h,X file, or the rfh.jHubj)rg}rh(h,X8:ref:`tex2jax configuration options `rih.jHh4jh6}rj(UreftyperkXrefrljXconfigure-tex2jaxrmU refdomainrnXstdroh8]rph:]rqU refexplicitrrh<]rsh>]rth@]rujjuhCKh']rvj)rw}rx(h,jih6}ry(h<]rzh>]r{(jjoXstd-refr|eh:]r}h8]r~h@]ruh.jgh']rhaXtex2jax configuration optionsrr}r(h,Uh.jwubah4jubaubhaXL page, for additional configuration parameters that you can specify for the rr}r(h,XL page, for additional configuration parameters that you can specify for the rh.jHubj)r}r(h,X ``tex2jax``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jHh']rhaXtex2jaxrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX preprocessor.rr}r(h,X preprocessor.rh.jHubeubhe)r}r(h,XHere is a complete sample page containing TeX mathematics (which assumes that ``config/MathJax.js`` is configured as described above):rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']r(haXNHere is a complete sample page containing TeX mathematics (which assumes that rr}r(h,XNHere is a complete sample page containing TeX mathematics (which assumes that rh.jubj)r}r(h,X``config/MathJax.js``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXconfig/MathJax.jsrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX# is configured as described above):rr}r(h,X# is configured as described above):rh.jubeubj)r}r(h,X MathJax TeX Test Page When \(a \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$ rh.jh/h2h4j!h6}r(j#j$Xhtmlrj&j'h8]rh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']rhaX MathJax TeX Test Page When \(a \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$ rr}r(h,Uh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,XThere are a number of extensions for the TeX input processor that you might want to add to the `extensions` array. These include:rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']r(haX_There are a number of extensions for the TeX input processor that you might want to add to the rr}r(h,X_There are a number of extensions for the TeX input processor that you might want to add to the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X `extensions`rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX extensionsrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4jubhaX array. These include:rr}r(h,X array. These include:rh.jubeubcdocutils.nodes bullet_list r)r}r(h,Uh.jh/h2h4U bullet_listrh6}r(UbulletrX-h8]rh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']r(h)r}r(h,XF`TeX/AMSmath.js`, which defines the AMS math environments and macros, rh.jh/h2h4hh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCNhDhh']rhe)r}r(h,XE`TeX/AMSmath.js`, which defines the AMS math environments and macros,rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKh']r(j)r}r(h,X`TeX/AMSmath.js`rh6}r(h<]r h>]r h:]r h8]r h@]r uh.jh']rhaXTeX/AMSmath.jsrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4jubhaX5, which defines the AMS math environments and macros,rr}r(h,X5, which defines the AMS math environments and macros,rh.jubeubaubh)r}r(h,X^`TeX/AMSsymbols.js`, which defines the macros for the symbols in the msam10 and msbm10 fonts, rh.jh/h2h4hh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCNhDhh']rhe)r }r!(h,X]`TeX/AMSsymbols.js`, which defines the macros for the symbols in the msam10 and msbm10 fonts,r"h.jh/h2h4hih6}r#(h<]r$h>]r%h:]r&h8]r'h@]r(uhCKh']r)(j)r*}r+(h,X`TeX/AMSsymbols.js`r,h6}r-(h<]r.h>]r/h:]r0h8]r1h@]r2uh.j h']r3haXTeX/AMSsymbols.jsr4r5}r6(h,Uh.j*ubah4jubhaXJ, which defines the macros for the symbols in the msam10 and msbm10 fonts,r7r8}r9(h,XJ, which defines the macros for the symbols in the msam10 and msbm10 fonts,r:h.j ubeubaubh)r;}r<(h,X`TeX/noErrors.js`, which shows the original TeX code rather than an error message when there is a problem processing the TeX, and r=h.jh/h2h4hh6}r>(h<]r?h>]r@h:]rAh8]rBh@]rCuhCNhDhh']rDhe)rE}rF(h,X`TeX/noErrors.js`, which shows the original TeX code rather than an error message when there is a problem processing the TeX, andrGh.j;h/h2h4hih6}rH(h<]rIh>]rJh:]rKh8]rLh@]rMuhCKh']rN(j)rO}rP(h,X`TeX/noErrors.js`rQh6}rR(h<]rSh>]rTh:]rUh8]rVh@]rWuh.jEh']rXhaXTeX/noErrors.jsrYrZ}r[(h,Uh.jOubah4jubhaXp, which shows the original TeX code rather than an error message when there is a problem processing the TeX, andr\r]}r^(h,Xp, which shows the original TeX code rather than an error message when there is a problem processing the TeX, andr_h.jEubeubaubh)r`}ra(h,X`TeX/noUndefined.js`, which prevents undefined macros from producing an error message, and instead shows the macro name in red. rbh.jh/h2h4hh6}rc(h<]rdh>]reh:]rfh8]rgh@]rhuhCNhDhh']rihe)rj}rk(h,X`TeX/noUndefined.js`, which prevents undefined macros from producing an error message, and instead shows the macro name in red.rlh.j`h/h2h4hih6}rm(h<]rnh>]roh:]rph8]rqh@]rruhCKh']rs(j)rt}ru(h,X`TeX/noUndefined.js`rvh6}rw(h<]rxh>]ryh:]rzh8]r{h@]r|uh.jjh']r}haXTeX/noUndefined.jsr~r}r(h,Uh.jtubah4jubhaXk, which prevents undefined macros from producing an error message, and instead shows the macro name in red.rr}r(h,Xk, which prevents undefined macros from producing an error message, and instead shows the macro name in red.rh.jjubeubaubeubhe)r}r(h,X For example,rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']rhaX For example,rr}r(h,jh.jubaubj)r}r(h,Xuextensions: ["tex2math.js","TeX/noErrors.js","TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"]rh.jh/h2h4j!h6}r(j#j$X javascriptrj&j'h8]rh:]rh<]rh>]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']rhaXuextensions: ["tex2math.js","TeX/noErrors.js","TeX/noUndefined.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js","TeX/AMSsymbols.js"]rr}r(h,Uh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,XHloads all four extensions, in addition to the ``tex2math`` preprocessor.rh.jh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']r(haX.loads all four extensions, in addition to the rr}r(h,X.loads all four extensions, in addition to the rh.jubj)r}r(h,X ``tex2math``rh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXtex2mathrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4j ubhaX preprocessor.rr}r(h,X preprocessor.rh.jubeubeubhF)r}r(h,Uh.jh/h2h4hKh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh&ah@]rhauhCKhDhh']r(hU)r}r(h,X MathML inputrh.jh/h2h4hYh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCKhDhh']rhaX MathML inputrr}r(h,jh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,XTo process mathematics written in :term:`MathML`, include ``"input/MathML"`` in your configuration's `jax` array, and add ``"mml2jax.js"`` to the `extensions` array so that MathJax will locate the ```` elements in the page automatically.r��h.j��h/h2h4hih6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uhCKhDhh']r��(haX"���To process mathematics written in r��r��}r��(h,X"���To process mathematics written in r��h.j��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X���:term:`MathML`r��h.j��h4j��h6}r��(Ureftyper��X���termr��j��X���mathmlr��U refdomainr��X���stdr��h8]r��h:]r��U refexplicitr��h<]r��h>]r��h@]r��j��j��uhCKh']r��j��)r��}r��(h,j��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��(j��j��X���std-termr��eh:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.j��h']r��haX���MathMLr��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j��ubaubhaX ���, include r���r��}r��(h,X ���, include r��h.j��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X���``"input/MathML"``r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r ��h:]r ��h8]r ��h@]r ��uh.j��h']r ��haX���"input/MathML"r��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX��� in your configuration's r��r��}r��(h,X��� in your configuration's r��h.j��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X���`jax`r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.j��h']r��haX���jaxr��r ��}r!��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j��ubhaX��� array, and add r"��r#��}r$��(h,X��� array, and add r%��h.j��ubj��)r&��}r'��(h,X���``"mml2jax.js"``r(��h6}r)��(h<]r*��h>]r+��h:]r,��h8]r-��h@]r.��uh.j��h']r/��haX ���"mml2jax.js"r0��r1��}r2��(h,U�h.j&��ubah4j ��ubhaX��� to the r3��r4��}r5��(h,X��� to the r6��h.j��ubj��)r7��}r8��(h,X ���`extensions`r9��h6}r:��(h<]r;��h>]r<��h:]r=��h8]r>��h@]r?��uh.j��h']r@��haX ���extensionsrA��rB��}rC��(h,U�h.j7��ubah4j��ubhaX'��� array so that MathJax will locate the rD��rE��}rF��(h,X'��� array so that MathJax will locate the rG��h.j��ubj��)rH��}rI��(h,X ���````rJ��h6}rK��(h<]rL��h>]rM��h:]rN��h8]rO��h@]rP��uh.j��h']rQ��haX���rR��rS��}rT��(h,U�h.jH��ubah4j ��ubhaX$��� elements in the page automatically.rU��rV��}rW��(h,X$��� elements in the page automatically.rX��h.j��ubeubj��)rY��}rZ��(h,XD���extensions: ["mml2jax.js"], jax: ["input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS"]r[��h.j��h/h2h4j!��h6}r\��(j#��j$��X ���javascriptr]��j&��j'��h8]r^��h:]r_��h<]r`��h>]ra��h@]rb��uhCKhDhh']rc��haXD���extensions: ["mml2jax.js"], jax: ["input/MathML", "output/HTML-CSS"]rd��re��}rf��(h,U�h.jY��ubaubhe)rg��}rh��(h,X���With this configuration, you would mark your mathematics using standard ```` tags, where ```` represents displayed mathematics and ```` or just ```` represents in-line mathematics.ri��h.j��h/h2h4hih6}rj��(h<]rk��h>]rl��h:]rm��h8]rn��h@]ro��uhCKhDhh']rp��(haXH���With this configuration, you would mark your mathematics using standard rq��rr��}rs��(h,XH���With this configuration, you would mark your mathematics using standard rt��h.jg��ubj��)ru��}rv��(h,X ���````rw��h6}rx��(h<]ry��h>]rz��h:]r{��h8]r|��h@]r}��uh.jg��h']r~��haX���r��r��}r��(h,U�h.ju��ubah4j ��ubhaX ��� tags, where r��r��}r��(h,X ��� tags, where r��h.jg��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X���````r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.jg��h']r��haX���r��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX&��� represents displayed mathematics and r��r��}r��(h,X&��� represents displayed mathematics and r��h.jg��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X���````r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.jg��h']r��haX���r��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX ��� or just r��r��}r��(h,X ��� or just r��h.jg��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X ���````r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.jg��h']r��haX���r��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX ��� represents in-line mathematics.r��r��}r��(h,X ��� represents in-line mathematics.r��h.jg��ubeubhe)r��}r��(h,X��Note that this will work in HTML files, not just XHTML files (MathJax works with both), and that the web page need not be served with any special MIME-type. Also note that, unless you are using XHTML rather than HTML, you should not include a namespace prefix for your ```` tags; for example, you should not use ```` except in a file where you have tied the ``m`` namespace to the MathML DTD.r��h.j��h/h2h4hih6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uhCKhDhh']r��(haX��Note that this will work in HTML files, not just XHTML files (MathJax works with both), and that the web page need not be served with any special MIME-type. Also note that, unless you are using XHTML rather than HTML, you should not include a namespace prefix for your r��r��}r��(h,X��Note that this will work in HTML files, not just XHTML files (MathJax works with both), and that the web page need not be served with any special MIME-type. Also note that, unless you are using XHTML rather than HTML, you should not include a namespace prefix for your r��h.j��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X ���````r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.j��h']r��haX���r��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX'��� tags; for example, you should not use r��r��}r��(h,X'��� tags; for example, you should not use r��h.j��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X ���````r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.j��h']r��haX���r��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX*��� except in a file where you have tied the r��r��}r��(h,X*��� except in a file where you have tied the r��h.j��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X���``m``r��h6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r��h@]r��uh.j��h']r��haX���mr��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX��� namespace to the MathML DTD.r��r��}r��(h,X��� namespace to the MathML DTD.r��h.j��ubeubhe)r��}r��(h,X���Here is a complete sample page containing MathML mathematics (which assumes that ``config/MathJax.js`` is configured as described above):r��h.j��h/h2h4hih6}r��(h<]r��h>]r��h:]r��h8]r���h@]r��uhCKhDhh']r��(haXQ���Here is a complete sample page containing MathML mathematics (which assumes that r��r��}r��(h,XQ���Here is a complete sample page containing MathML mathematics (which assumes that r��h.j��ubj��)r��}r��(h,X���``config/MathJax.js``r ��h6}r ��(h<]r ��h>]r ��h:]r ��h8]r��h@]r��uh.j��h']r��haX���config/MathJax.jsr��r��}r��(h,U�h.j��ubah4j ��ubhaX#��� is configured as described above):r��r��}r��(h,X#��� is configured as described above):r��h.j��ubeubj��)r��}r��(h,X�� MathJax MathML Test Page When a0, there are two solutions to ax2 + bx + c = 0 and they are x = b ± b2 4ac 2a . rh.jh/h2h4j!h6}r(j#j$Xhtmlrj&j'h8]rh:]rh<]rh>]r h@]r!uhCMhDhh']r"haX MathJax MathML Test Page When a0, there are two solutions to ax2 + bx + c = 0 and they are x = b ± b2 4ac 2a . r#r$}r%(h,Uh.jubaubhe)r&}r'(h,XThe ``mml2jax`` has only a few configuration options; see the ``config/MathJax.js`` file or the :ref:`mml2jax configuration options ` page for more details.r(h.jh/h2h4hih6}r)(h<]r*h>]r+h:]r,h8]r-h@]r.uhCMhDhh']r/(haXThe r0r1}r2(h,XThe r3h.j&ubj)r4}r5(h,X ``mml2jax``r6h6}r7(h<]r8h>]r9h:]r:h8]r;h@]r<uh.j&h']r=haXmml2jaxr>r?}r@(h,Uh.j4ubah4j ubhaX/ has only a few configuration options; see the rArB}rC(h,X/ has only a few configuration options; see the rDh.j&ubj)rE}rF(h,X``config/MathJax.js``rGh6}rH(h<]rIh>]rJh:]rKh8]rLh@]rMuh.j&h']rNhaXconfig/MathJax.jsrOrP}rQ(h,Uh.jEubah4j ubhaX file or the rRrS}rT(h,X file or the rUh.j&ubj)rV}rW(h,X8:ref:`mml2jax configuration options `rXh.j&h4jh6}rY(UreftyperZXrefr[jXconfigure-mml2jaxr\U refdomainr]Xstdr^h8]r_h:]r`U refexplicitrah<]rbh>]rch@]rdjjuhCMh']rej)rf}rg(h,jXh6}rh(h<]rih>]rj(jj^Xstd-refrkeh:]rlh8]rmh@]rnuh.jVh']rohaXmml2jax configuration optionsrprq}rr(h,Uh.jfubah4jubaubhaX page for more details.rsrt}ru(h,X page for more details.rvh.j&ubeubeubeubhF)rw}rx(h,Uh.hGh/h2h4hKh6}ry(h<]rzh>]r{h:]r|h8]r}h#ah@]r~hauhCM hDhh']r(hU)r}r(h,XWhere to go from here?rh.jwh/h2h4hYh6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCM hDhh']rhaXWhere to go from here?rr}r(h,jh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,XIf you have followed the instructions above, you should now have MathJax installed and configured on your web server, and you should be able to use it to write web pages that include mathematics. At this point, you can start making pages that contain mathematical content!rh.jwh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCM"hDhh']rhaXIf you have followed the instructions above, you should now have MathJax installed and configured on your web server, and you should be able to use it to write web pages that include mathematics. At this point, you can start making pages that contain mathematical content!rr}r(h,jh.jubaubhe)r}r(h,X^You could also read more about the details of how to :ref:`customize MathJax `.rh.jwh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCM'hDhh']r(haX5You could also read more about the details of how to rr}r(h,X5You could also read more about the details of how to rh.jubj)r}r(h,X(:ref:`customize MathJax `rh.jh4jh6}r(UreftyperXrefrjX configurationrU refdomainrXstdrh8]rh:]rU refexplicitrh<]rh>]rh@]rjjuhCM'h']rj)r}r(h,jh6}r(h<]rh>]r(jjXstd-refreh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaXcustomize MathJaxrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4jubaubhaX.r}r(h,X.h.jubeubhe)r}r(h,XIf you are trying to use MathJax in blog or wiki software or in some other content-management system, you might want to read about :ref:`using MathJax in popular platforms `.rh.jwh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCM*hDhh']r(haXIf you are trying to use MathJax in blog or wiki software or in some other content-management system, you might want to read about rr}r(h,XIf you are trying to use MathJax in blog or wiki software or in some other content-management system, you might want to read about rh.jubj)r}r(h,X5:ref:`using MathJax in popular platforms `rh.jh4jh6}r(UreftyperXrefrjX platformsrU refdomainrXstdrh8]rh:]rU refexplicitrh<]rh>]rh@]rjjuhCM*h']rj)r}r(h,jh6}r(h<]rh>]r(jjXstd-refreh:]rh8]rh@]ruh.jh']rhaX"using MathJax in popular platformsrr}r(h,Uh.jubah4jubaubhaX.r}r(h,X.h.jubeubhe)r}r(h,XIf you are working on dynamic pages that include mathematics, you might want to read about the :ref:`MathJax Application Programming Interface ` (its API), so you know how to include mathematics in your interactive pages.rh.jwh/h2h4hih6}r(h<]rh>]rh:]rh8]rh@]ruhCM.hDhh']r(haX_If you are working on dynamic pages that include mathematics, you might want to read about the rr}r (h,X_If you are working on dynamic pages that include mathematics, you might want to read about the r h.jubj)r }r (h,X>:ref:`MathJax Application Programming Interface `r h.jh4jh6}r (Ureftyper Xrefr jX mathjax-apir U refdomainr Xstdr h8]r h:]r U refexplicitr h<]r h>]r h@]r jjuhCM.h']r j)r }r (h,j h6}r (h<]r h>]r (jj Xstd-refr eh:]r h8]r h@]r uh.j h']r haX)MathJax Application Programming Interfacer r }r (h,Uh.j ubah4jubaubhaXM (its API), so you know how to include mathematics in your interactive pages.r r }r! (h,XM (its API), so you know how to include mathematics in your interactive pages.r" h.jubeubhe)r# }r$ (h,XIf you are having trouble getting MathJax to work, you can read more about :ref:`installing MathJax `, or :ref:`loading and configuring MathJax `.r% h.jwh/h2h4hih6}r& (h<]r' h>]r( h:]r) h8]r* h@]r+ uhCM3hDhh']r, (haXKIf you are having trouble getting MathJax to work, you can read more about r- r. }r/ (h,XKIf you are having trouble getting MathJax to work, you can read more about r0 h.j# ubj)r1 }r2 (h,X(:ref:`installing MathJax `r3 h.j# h4jh6}r4 (Ureftyper5 Xrefr6 jX installationr7 U refdomainr8 Xstdr9 h8]r: h:]r; U refexplicitr< h<]r= h>]r> h@]r? jjuhCM3h']r@ j)rA }rB (h,j3 h6}rC (h<]rD h>]rE (jj9 Xstd-refrF eh:]rG h8]rH h@]rI uh.j1 h']rJ haXinstalling MathJaxrK rL }rM (h,Uh.jA ubah4jubaubhaX, or rN rO }rP (h,X, or rQ h.j# ubj)rR }rS (h,X0:ref:`loading and configuring MathJax `rT h.j# h4jh6}rU (UreftyperV XrefrW jXloadingrX U refdomainrY XstdrZ h8]r[ h:]r\ U refexplicitr] h<]r^ h>]r_ h@]r` jjuhCM3h']ra j)rb }rc (h,jT h6}rd (h<]re h>]rf (jjZ Xstd-refrg eh:]rh h8]ri h@]rj uh.jR h']rk haXloading and configuring MathJaxrl rm }rn (h,Uh.jb }rp (h,X.h.j# ubeubhe)rq }rr (h,XFinally, if you have questions or comments, or want to help support MathJax, you could visit the :ref:`MathJax community forums ` or the :ref:`MathJax bug tracker `.rs h.jwh/h2h4hih6}rt (h<]ru h>]rv h:]rw h8]rx h@]ry uhCM7hDhh']rz (haXaFinally, if you have questions or comments, or want to help support MathJax, you could visit the r{ r| }r} (h,XaFinally, if you have questions or comments, or want to help support MathJax, you could visit the r~ h.jq ubj)r }r (h,X2:ref:`MathJax community forums `r h.jq h4jh6}r (Ureftyper Xrefr jXcommunity-forumsr U refdomainr Xstdr h8]r h:]r U refexplicitr h<]r h>]r h@]r jjuhCM7h']r j)r }r (h,j h6}r (h<]r h>]r (jj Xstd-refr eh:]r h8]r h@]r uh.j h']r haXMathJax community forumsr r }r (h,Uh.j ubah4jubaubhaX or the r r }r (h,X or the r h.jq ubj)r }r (h,X.:ref:`MathJax bug tracker `r h.jq h4jh6}r (Ureftyper Xrefr jXcommunity-trackerr U refdomainr Xstdr h8]r h:]r U refexplicitr h<]r h>]r h@]r jjuhCM7h']r j)r }r (h,j h6}r (h<]r h>]r (jj Xstd-refr eh:]r h8]r h@]r uh.j h']r haXMathJax bug trackerr r }r (h,Uh.j ubah4jubaubhaX.r }r (h,X.h.jq ubeubeubeubeh,UU transformerr NU footnote_refsr }r Urefnamesr }r Usymbol_footnotesr ]r Uautofootnote_refsr ]r Usymbol_footnote_refsr ]r U citationsr ]r hDhU current_liner NUtransform_messagesr ]r (cdocutils.nodes system_message r )r }r (h,Uh6}r (h<]r Ulevelr Kh8]r h:]r Usourcer h2h>]r h@]r Uliner KUtyper UINFOr uh']r he)r }r (h,Uh6}r (h<]r h>]r h:]r h8]r h@]r uh.j h']r haX5Hyperlink target "getting-started" is not referenced.r r }r (h,Uh.j ubah4hiubah4Usystem_messager ubj )r }r (h,Uh6}r (h<]r Ulevelr Kh8]r h:]r Usourcer h2h>]r h@]r Uliner KUtyper j uh']r he)r }r (h,Uh6}r (h<]r h>]r h:]r h8]r h@]r uh.j h']r haX;Hyperlink target "mathjax download page" is not referenced.r r }r (h,Uh.j ubah4hiubah4j ubj )r }r (h,Uh6}r (h<]r Ulevelr Kh8]r h:]r Usourcer h2h>]r h@]r Uliner K,Utyper j uh']r he)r }r (h,Uh6}r (h<]r h>]r h:]r h8]r h@]r uh.j h']r haX0Hyperlink target "subversion" is not referenced.r r }r (h,Uh.j ubah4hiubah4j ubj )r }r (h,Uh6}r (h<]r Ulevelr! Kh8]r" h:]r# Usourcer$ h2h>]r% h@]r& Uliner' KUtyper( j uh']r) he)r* }r+ (h,Uh6}r, (h<]r- h>]r. h:]r/ h8]r0 h@]r1 uh.j h']r2 haX9Hyperlink target "tex-and-latex-input" is not referenced.r3 r4 }r5 (h,Uh.j* ubah4hiubah4j ubeUreporterr6 NUid_startr7 KU autofootnotesr8 ]r9 U citation_refsr: }r; Uindirect_targetsr< ]r= Usettingsr> (cdocutils.frontend Values r? or@ }rA (Ufootnote_backlinksrB KUrecord_dependenciesrC NU rfc_base_urlrD U U tracebackrF KUpep_referencesrG NUstrip_commentsrH NU toc_backlinksrI UentryrJ U language_coderK UenrL U datestamprM NU report_levelrN KU _destinationrO NU halt_levelrP KU strip_classesrQ NhYNUerror_encoding_error_handlerrR UbackslashreplacerS UdebugrT NUembed_stylesheetrU Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerrV UstrictrW U sectnum_xformrX KUdump_transformsrY NU docinfo_xformrZ KUwarning_streamr[ NUpep_file_url_templater\ Upep-%04dr] Uexit_status_levelr^ KUconfigr_ NUstrict_visitorr` NUcloak_email_addressesra Utrim_footnote_reference_spacerb Uenvrc NUdump_pseudo_xmlrd NUexpose_internalsre NUsectsubtitle_xformrf U source_linkrg NUrfc_referencesrh NUoutput_encodingri Uutf-8rj U source_urlrk NUinput_encodingrl U utf-8-sigrm U_disable_configrn NU id_prefixro UU tab_widthrp KUerror_encodingrq UUTF-8rr U_sourcers UO/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/start.rstrt U generatorru NUdump_internalsrv NU pep_base_urlrw U Uinput_encoding_error_handlerry jW Uauto_id_prefixrz Uidr{ Udoctitle_xformr| Ustrip_elements_with_classesr} NU _config_filesr~ ]r Ufile_insertion_enabledr KU raw_enabledr KU dump_settingsr NubUsymbol_footnote_startr KUidsr }r (h&jhhGhhh!jhhGh"jh%j8h jhjh$jhj0h#jwuUsubstitution_namesr }r h4hDh6}r (h<]r h8]r h:]r Usourcer h2h>]r h@]r uU footnotesr ]r Urefidsr }r (h$]r jah]r h*auub.