= DTR Changelog == release 1.1.0 * Provided new setup test environment strategy for supporting running tests in multi-processes on one machine. * DTR used to run setup agent environment command before runners started in same directory with runners. * New version split runners into different directory to run test. And run setup agent command after runner started. * Run 'rake db:drop db:create db:test:prepare' for runner to setup database environment before runner runs any test, when there is no agent setup environment command setted and there is 'config/database.yml.dtr' or 'config/database.yml' exists. If './config/database.yml.dtr' specified, it would be copy as ./config/database.yml for setup database. For Sqlite, there is no need to create a './config/database.yml.dtr' for dtr test task. The following is an example for mysql: development: database: development_<%= ENV['DTR_RUNNER_NAME'] %> adapter: mysql username: root password: host: localhost test: database: test_<%= ENV['DTR_RUNNER_NAME'] %> adapter: mysql username: root password: host: localhost * Moved all DTR options into configuration file '.dtr_env_pstore', including runners, agent environment setup command and working_env. * Removed dependence of Process.fork, so that agent works OS independent. * Output agent runners stats info after all test finished. == release 1.0.0 * support synchronizing codebase * lookup agents by broadcast * group agents for different project or environment usage * no need launch dtr rinda server anymore * agents log would be output into master process log == release 0.0.4 * added timeout for running test more stable the default timeout is 60 sec, can be changed by environment variable 'RUN_TEST_TIMEOUT' * output master process log into different log file with runners == release 0.0.3 * more stable and maintainable * added monitor command for monitoring the server status * provided development build grid example == release 0.0.2 * changed to rinda service model