#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib") require "poolparty" require "colors" require "mixins/printing" require 'git-style-binary/command' GitStyleBinary.primary do self.class.send :include, Printing @theme = :short version "PoolParty release: #{PoolParty.version}" banner <<-EOS Usage: #{$0} #{all_options_string} COMMAND [ARGS] The cloud subcommands commands are: \#{GitStyleBinary.pretty_known_subcommands(:short).join(" ")} See 'cloud help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command. EOS opt :clouds_dot_rb, "Set the clouds.rb file", :type => String, :default => "clouds.rb" opt :very_verbose, "Set very verbose mode on", :type => :boolean, :default => false opt :debug, "Debug the output", :type => :boolean, :default => false opt :very_debug, "Set very debug mode on", :type => :boolean, :default => false opt :name, "Name of the working cloud", :type => String, :default => nil before_run do |command| # Setup testing/debugging $TESTING = true if command[:verbose] $VERY_VERBOSE = true if command[:very_verbose] $DEBUGGING = true if command[:debug] $VERY_DEBUGGING = true if command[:very_debug] PoolParty::Pool.command = command @loaded_pool = PoolParty::Pool.find_and_load_default_clouds_dot_rb(command[:clouds_dot_rb]) @loaded_clouds = command[:name] ? [clouds[command[:name]]] : @loaded_pool.clouds.map {|name,cld|cld} @loaded_clouds.map do |cld| cld.verbose = command[:verbose] cld.debug = command[:debug] end end run do |command| subcommands = GitStyleBinary.list_subcommands puts "Usage: cloud COMMAND [ARGS] The cloud subcommands commands are: #{subcommands} See 'cloud help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command" end end