include_set Abstract::BsBadge format :html do view :core, cache: :never do standard_pointer_core end def stat_number card.item_count end def stat_label stat_number == 1 ? "item" : "items" end def standard_pointer_core with_paging do |paging_args| wrap_with :div, standard_pointer_items(paging_args), class: "pointer-list" end end def standard_pointer_items paging_args pointer_items paging_args.extract!(:limit, :offset) end view :closed_content do item_view = implicit_item_view item_view = item_view == "name" ? "name" : "link" wrap_with :div, class: "pointer-list" do # limit to first 10 items to optimize pointer_items(view: item_view, limit: 10, offset: 0).join ", " end end def wrap_item rendered, item_view %(
) end view :editor do _render_hidden_content_field + super() end def default_editor :list end view :list, cache: :never do list_input end def list_input args={} items = items_for_input args[:item_list] extra_class = "pointer-list-ul" ul_classes = classy "pointer-list-editor", extra_class haml :list_input, items: items, ul_classes: ul_classes end %i[autocomplete checkbox radio select multiselect].each do |editor_view| view(editor_view) { send "#{editor_view}_input" } end def autocomplete_input items = items_for_input haml :autocomplete_input, item: items.first, options_card: options_card_name end def checkbox_input haml :checkbox_input end def radio_input haml :radio_input end def select_input options = { "-- Select --" => "" }.merge card.options_hash select_tag("pointer_select-#{unique_id}", options_for_select(options, card.item_name), class: "pointer-select form-control") end def multiselect_input select_tag "pointer_multiselect-#{unique_id}", options_for_select(card.options_hash, card.item_names), multiple: true, class: "pointer-multiselect form-control" end private # currently only used by :list and :autocomplete. could be generalized? def items_for_input items=nil items ||= card.item_names context: :raw items.empty? ? [""] : items end end