require 'spec_helper' module Alchemy describe Admin::PicturesController do before do sign_in(admin_user) end describe "#index" do it "should always paginate the records" do expect(Picture).to receive(:find_paginated) get :index end context "when params[:filter] is set" do it "should filter the pictures collection by the given filter string." do expect(Picture).to receive(:filtered_by).with('recent').and_return(Picture.all) get :index, filter: 'recent' end end context "when params[:tagged_with] is set" do it "should filter the records by tags" do expect(Picture).to receive(:tagged_with).and_return(Picture.all) get :index, tagged_with: "red" end end context "when params[:content_id]" do context "is set" do before do allow(Element).to receive(:find).with('1', {:select => 'id'}).and_return(mock_model(Element)) end it "for html requests it renders the archive_overlay partial" do get :index, {element_id: 1} expect(response).to render_template(partial: '_archive_overlay') end it "for ajax requests it renders the archive_overlay template" do xhr :get, :index, {element_id: 1} expect(response).to render_template(:archive_overlay) end end context "is not set" do it "should render the default index view" do get :index expect(response).to render_template(:index) end end end end describe '#new' do subject { get :new, params } let(:params) { } context 'if inside of archive overlay' do let(:params) { {element_id: 1, content_id: 1} } let(:element) { mock_model('Element') } let(:content) { mock_model('Content') } before do expect(Content).to receive(:select).and_return(double(find_by: content)) expect(Element).to receive(:select).and_return(double(find_by: element)) end it "assigns lots of instance variables" do subject expect(assigns(:options)).to eq({}) expect(assigns(:while_assigning)).to be_truthy expect(assigns(:content)).to eq(content) expect(assigns(:element)).to eq(element) expect(assigns(:page)).to eq(1) expect(assigns(:per_page)).to eq(9) end end context 'with size param given' do let(:params) { {size: '200x200'} } before { subject } it { expect(assigns(:size)).to eq('200x200') } end context 'without size param given' do let(:params) { {size: nil} } before { subject } it { expect(assigns(:size)).to eq('medium') } end end describe '#create' do subject { post :create, params } let(:params) { {picture: {name: ''}} } let(:picture) { mock_model('Picture', humanized_name: 'Cute kittens', to_jq_upload: {}) } context 'with passing validations' do before do expect(Picture).to receive(:new).and_return(picture) expect(picture).to receive(:name=).and_return('Cute kittens') expect(picture).to receive(:name).and_return('Cute kittens') expect(picture).to receive(:save).and_return(true) end context 'if inside of archive overlay' do let(:params) { {picture: {name: ''}, element_id: 1} } let(:element) { mock_model('Element') } let(:content) { mock_model('Content') } before do expect(Content).to receive(:select).and_return(double(find_by: content)) expect(Element).to receive(:select).and_return(double(find_by: element)) end it "assigns lots of instance variables" do subject expect(assigns(:options)).to eq({}) expect(assigns(:while_assigning)).to be_truthy expect(assigns(:content)).to eq(content) expect(assigns(:element)).to eq(element) expect(assigns(:page)).to eq(1) expect(assigns(:per_page)).to eq(9) end end context 'with size param given' do let(:params) { {picture: {name: ''}, size: '200x200'} } before { subject } it { expect(assigns(:size)).to eq('200x200') } end context 'without size param given' do let(:params) { {picture: {name: ''}, size: nil} } before { subject } it { expect(assigns(:size)).to eq('medium') } end it "renders json response with success message" do subject expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json') expect(response.status).to eq(201) json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json).to have_key('growl_message') expect(json).to have_key('files') end end context 'without passing validations' do it "renders json response with error message" do subject expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json') expect(response.status).to eq(422) json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json).to have_key('growl_message') expect(json).to have_key('files') end end end describe '#edit_multiple' do let(:pictures) { [mock_model('Picture', tag_list: 'kitten')] } before { expect(Picture).to receive(:where).and_return(pictures) } it 'assigns pictures instance variable' do get :edit_multiple expect(assigns(:pictures)).to eq(pictures) end it 'assigns tags instance variable' do get :edit_multiple expect(assigns(:tags)).to include('kitten') end end describe '#update' do subject { put :update, picture: {name: ''} } let(:picture) { mock_model('Picture', name: 'Cute kitten') } before do expect(Picture).to receive(:find).and_return(picture) end context 'with passing validations' do before do expect(picture).to receive(:update_attributes).and_return(true) end it "sets success notice" do subject expect(flash[:notice]).not_to be_blank end it "redirects to index path" do redirect_to admin_pictures_path end end context 'with failing validations' do before do expect(picture).to receive(:update_attributes).and_return(false) end it "sets error notice and redirects to index path" do subject expect(flash[:error]).not_to be_blank end it "redirects to index path" do redirect_to admin_pictures_path end end end describe '#update_multiple' do let(:picture) { build_stubbed(:picture) } let(:pictures) { [picture] } before do expect(Picture).to receive(:find).and_return(pictures) expect(picture).to receive(:save!).and_return(true) end it "loads and assigns pictures" do post :update_multiple expect(assigns(:pictures)).to eq(pictures) end end describe "#delete_multiple" do subject { delete :delete_multiple, picture_ids: picture_ids } let(:deletable_picture) { mock_model('Picture', name: 'pic of the pig', deletable?: true) } let(:not_deletable_picture) { mock_model('Picture', name: 'pic of the chick', deletable?: false) } context "no picture_ids given" do let(:picture_ids) { '' } it "should give a warning about not deleting any pictures" do subject expect(flash[:warn]).to match('Could not delete Pictures') end end context "picture_ids given" do context "all are deletable" do let(:picture_ids) { "#{}" } before do allow(Picture).to receive(:find).and_return([deletable_picture]) end it "should delete the pictures give a notice about deleting them" do subject expect(flash[:notice]).to match('successfully') end end context "deletable and not deletable" do let(:picture_ids) { "#{},#{}" } before do allow(Picture).to receive(:find).and_return([deletable_picture, not_deletable_picture]) end it "should give a warning for the non deletable pictures and delete the others" do expect(deletable_picture).to receive(:destroy) subject expect(flash[:warn]).to match('could not be deleted') end end context 'with error happening' do let(:picture_ids) { "#{}" } before do expect(Picture).to receive(:find).and_raise('yada') end it "sets error message" do subject expect(flash[:error]).not_to be_blank end it "redirects to index" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to admin_pictures_path end end end end describe '#destroy' do let(:picture) { mock_model('Picture', name: 'Cute kitten') } before do expect(Picture).to receive(:find).and_return(picture) end it "destroys the picture and sets and success message" do expect(picture).to receive(:destroy) delete :destroy expect(assigns(:picture)).to eq(picture) expect(flash[:notice]).not_to be_blank end context 'if an error happens' do before do expect(picture).to receive(:destroy).and_raise('yada') end it "shows error notice" do delete :destroy expect(flash[:error]).not_to be_blank end it "redirects to index" do delete :destroy expect(response).to redirect_to admin_pictures_path end end end describe '#flush' do it "removes the complete pictures cache" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with(Rails.root.join('public', '', 'pictures')) xhr :post, :flush end end describe '#pictures_per_page_for_size' do subject { controller.send(:pictures_per_page_for_size, size) } before do expect(controller).to receive(:in_overlay?).and_return(true) end context 'with params[:size] set to medium' do let(:size) { 'medium' } it { eq(9) } end context 'with params[:size] set to small' do let(:size) { 'small' } it { eq(25) } end context 'with params[:size] set to large' do let(:size) { 'large' } it { eq(4) } end end end end