require 'spec_helper' describe 'CLI' do before do `rm -rf #{folder}` end after do `rm -rf #{folder}` end def folder "/tmp/parallel_tests_tests" end def write(file, content) path = "#{folder}/#{file}" `mkdir -p #{File.dirname(path)}` unless File.exist?(File.dirname(path)), 'w'){|f| f.write content } path end def bin_folder "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/../bin" end def executable "#{bin_folder}/parallel_test" end def run_tests(options={}) `cd #{folder} && #{executable} --chunk-timeout 999 -t #{options[:type] || 'spec'} -n #{options[:processes]||2} #{options[:add]} 2>&1` end it "runs tests in parallel" do write 'spec/xxx_spec.rb', 'describe("it"){it("should"){puts "TEST1"}}' write 'spec/xxx2_spec.rb', 'describe("it"){it("should"){puts "TEST2"}}' result = run_tests # test ran and gave their puts result.should include('TEST1') result.should include('TEST2') # all results present result.scan('1 example, 0 failure').size.should == 2 # 2 results result.scan('2 examples, 0 failures').size.should == 1 # 1 summary result.scan(/Finished in \d+\.\d+ seconds/).size.should == 2 result.scan(/Took \d+\.\d+ seconds/).size.should == 1 # parallel summary $?.success?.should == true end it "does not run any tests if there are none" do write 'spec/xxx_spec.rb', '1' result = run_tests result.should include('No examples found') result.should include('Took') end it "fails when tests fail" do write 'spec/xxx_spec.rb', 'describe("it"){it("should"){puts "TEST1"}}' write 'spec/xxx2_spec.rb', 'describe("it"){it("should"){1.should == 2}}' result = run_tests result.scan('1 example, 1 failure').size.should == 1 result.scan('1 example, 0 failure').size.should == 1 result.scan('2 examples, 1 failure').size.should == 1 $?.success?.should == false end it "can exec given commands with ENV['TEST_ENV_NUM']" do result = `#{executable} -e 'ruby -e "print ENV[:TEST_ENV_NUMBER.to_s].to_i"' -n 4` result.gsub('"','').split('').sort.should == %w[0 2 3 4] end it "can exec given command non-parallel" do result = `#{executable} -e 'ruby -e "sleep(rand(10)/100.0); puts ENV[:TEST_ENV_NUMBER.to_s].inspect"' -n 4 --non-parallel` result.split("\n").should == %w["" "2" "3" "4"] end it "exists with success if all sub-processes returned success" do system("#{executable} -e 'cat /dev/null' -n 4").should == true end it "exists with failure if any sub-processes returned failure" do system("#{executable} -e 'test -e xxxx' -n 4").should == false end it "can run through parallel_spec / parallel_cucumber" do version = `#{executable} -v` `#{bin_folder}/parallel_spec -v`.should == version `#{bin_folder}/parallel_cucumber -v`.should == version end it "runs faster with more processes" do 2.times{|i| write "spec/xxx#{i}_spec.rb", 'describe("it"){it("should"){sleep 5}}; $stderr.puts ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"]' } t = run_tests(:processes => 2) expected = 10 ( - t).should <= expected end it "can can with given files" do write "spec/x1_spec.rb", "puts '111'" write "spec/x2_spec.rb", "puts '222'" write "spec/x3_spec.rb", "puts '333'" result = run_tests(:add => 'spec/x1_spec.rb spec/x3_spec.rb') result.should include('111') result.should include('333') result.should_not include('222') end it "can run with test-options" do write "spec/x1_spec.rb", "111" write "spec/x2_spec.rb", "111" result = run_tests(:add => "--test-options ' --version'", :processes => 2) result.should =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*\d+\.\d+\.\d+/m # prints version twice end context "Test::Unit" do it "runs" do write "test/x1_test.rb", "require 'test/unit'; class XTest < Test::Unit::TestCase; def test_xxx; end; end" result = run_tests(:type => :test) result.should include('1 test') $?.success?.should == true end it "passes test options" do write "test/x1_test.rb", "require 'test/unit'; class XTest < Test::Unit::TestCase; def test_xxx; end; end" result = run_tests(:type => :test, :add => '--test-options "-v"') result.should include('test_xxx') # verbose output of every test end end context "Cucumber" do it "passes TEST_ENV_NUMBER when running with pattern (issue #86)" do write "features/good1.feature", "Feature: xxx\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER" write "features/good2.feature", "Feature: xxx\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER" write "features/b.feature", "Feature: xxx\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I FAIL" write "features/steps/a.rb", "Given('I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER'){ puts \"YOUR TEST ENV IS \#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}!\" }" result = run_tests :type => 'features', :add => '--pattern good' $?.success?.should == true result.should include('YOUR TEST ENV IS 2!') result.should include('YOUR TEST ENV IS !') result.should_not include('I FAIL') end it "runs each feature once when there are more processes then features (issue #89)" do write "features/steps/a.rb", "Given('I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER'){ puts \"YOUR TEST ENV IS \#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}!\" }" 2.times{|i| write "features/good#{i}.feature", "Feature: xxx\n Scenario: xxx\n Given I print TEST_ENV_NUMBER" } result = run_tests :type => 'features', :add => '-n 3' $?.success?.should == true result.scan(/YOUR TEST ENV IS \d?!/).sort.should == ["YOUR TEST ENV IS !", "YOUR TEST ENV IS 2!"] end end end