#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "fileutils" require "rubygems" require "thor" require "open-uri" require "yaml" class TextmateInstaller < Thor # CHANGED: renamed list to remote. Could there be a better name? desc "remote [SEARCH]", "Lists all the matching remote bundles" def remote(search_term = "") search_term = Regexp.new(".*#{search_term}.*", "i") remote_bundle_locations.each do |name,location| puts "\n" << name.to_s << " Remote Bundles\n" << name.to_s.gsub(/./,'-') << '---------------' results = case location[:scm] when :svn %x[svn list #{e_sh location[:url]}].map {|x| x.split(".")[0]}.select {|x| x =~ search_term}.join("\n") when :git 'git remotes not implemented yet' when :github find_github_bundles(search_term).map{|result| normalize_github_repo_name(result['name']).split('.').first} end puts results end end desc "list [SEARCH]", "lists all the bundles installed locally" def list(search_term = "") search_term = Regexp.new(".*#{search_term}.*", "i") local_bundle_paths.each do |name,bundles_path| puts "\n" << name.to_s << " Bundles\n" << name.to_s.gsub(/./,'-') << '--------' puts Dir["#{e_sh bundles_path}/*.tmbundle"].map {|x| x.split("/").last.split(".").first}. select {|x| x =~ search_term}.join("\n") end end desc "install NAME [SOURCE]", "install a bundle" def install(bundle_name, remote_bundle_location_name=nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p install_bundles_path puts "Checking out #{bundle_name}..." # CHANGED: It's faster to just try and fail for each repo than to search them all first installed=false remote_bundle_locations.each do |remote_name,location| next unless remote_name.to_s.downcase.include? remote_bundle_location_name.to_s.downcase if remote_bundle_location_name cmd = case location[:scm] when :git 'echo "git remotes not implemented yet"' when :svn %[svn co #{e_sh location[:url]}/#{e_sh bundle_name}.tmbundle #{e_sh install_bundles_path}/#{e_sh bundle_name}.tmbundle 2>&1] when :github repo = find_github_bundles(denormalize_github_repo_name(bundle_name)).first %[git clone #{e_sh repo['url'].sub('http', 'git') + '.git'} #{e_sh install_bundles_path}/#{e_sh bundle_name}.tmbundle 2>&1] end res = %x{#{cmd}} puts cmd, res.gsub(/^/,' ') installed=true and break if res =~ /Checked out revision|Initialized empty Git repository/ end abort 'Not Installed' unless installed reload :verbose => true end desc "uninstall NAME", "uninstall a bundle" def uninstall(bundle_name) puts "Removing bundle..." # When moving to the trash, maybe move the bundle into a trash/disabled_bundles subfolder # named as the bundles_path key. Just in case there are multiple versions of # the same bundle in multiple bundle paths local_bundle_paths.each do |name,bundles_path| bundle_path = "#{bundles_path}/#{bundle_name}.tmbundle" if File.exist? bundle_path %x[osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to move the POSIX file "#{bundle_path}" to trash'] end end reload :verbose => true end desc "reload", "Reloads TextMate Bundles" method_options :verbose => :boolean def reload(opts = {}) puts "Reloading bundles..." if opts[:verbose] %x[osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'] puts "Done." if opts[:verbose] end private def remote_bundle_locations { :'Macromates Trunk' => {:scm => :svn, :url => 'http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles'}, :'Macromates Review' => {:scm => :svn, :url => 'http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles'}, # :'Bunch of Git Bundles' => {:scm => :git, :url => 'git://NotImplemented'}, :'GitHub' => {:scm => :github, :url => 'http://github.com/search?q=tmbundle'}, } end def local_bundle_paths { :Application => '/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles', :User => "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles", :System => '/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles', :'User Pristine' => "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles", :'System Pristine' => '/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles', } end def install_bundles_path local_bundle_paths[:'User Pristine'] end # Copied from http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Support/lib/escape.rb # escape text to make it useable in a shell script as one “word” (string) def e_sh(str) str.to_s.gsub(/(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\/\-\x7F-\xFF\n])/, '\\').gsub(/\n/, "'\n'").sub(/^$/, "''") end CAPITALIZATION_EXCEPTIONS = %w[tmbundle on] # Convert a GitHub repo name into a "normal" TM bundle name # e.g. ruby-on-rails-tmbundle => Ruby on Rails.tmbundle def normalize_github_repo_name(name) name = name.gsub("-", " ").split.each{|part| part.capitalize! unless CAPITALIZATION_EXCEPTIONS.include? part}.join(" ") name[-9] = ?. if name =~ / tmbundle$/ name end # Does the opposite of normalize_github_repo_name def denormalize_github_repo_name(name) name += " tmbundle" unless name =~ / tmbundle$/ name.split(' ').each{|part| part.downcase!}.join(' ').gsub(' ', '-') end def find_github_bundles(search_term) YAML.load(open('http://github.com/api/v1/yaml/search/tmbundle'))['repositories'].find_all{|result| result['name'].match(search_term)} end end # TODO: create a "monument to personal cleverness" by class-izing everything? # class TextMateBundle # def self.find_local(bundle_name) # # end # # def self.find_remote(bundle_name) # # end # attr_reader :name # attr_reader :location # attr_reader :scm # def initialize(name, location, scm) # @name = name # @location = location # @scm = scm # end # # def install! # # end # # def uninstall! # # end # # # def installed? # # List all the installed versions, and where they're at # end # # # TODO: dirty? method to show if there are any deltas # end TextmateInstaller.start