# encoding: utf-8 Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'shellwords' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require_relative 'lib/helpers/redis' require_relative 'lib/helpers/ec2' require_relative 'lib/helpers/init' require_relative 'lib/helpers/rehash' DH = Gaptool::Data EC2 = Gaptool::EC2 $stdout.sync = true def sys(cmd) IO.popen(cmd) do |f| until f.eof? puts f.gets end end $?.to_i end Dir.glob('tasks/*.rb').each { |r| load r} unless File.exists?('/.dockerenv') desc "Start the shell" task :shell do exec "racksh #{Shellwords.join(ARGV[1..-1])}" end task :sh => :shell desc "Start the HTTP server" task :server do exec "puma -p 3000 --preload -t 8:32 -w 3 #{Shellwords.join(ARGV[1..-1])}" end desc "Bump the version" task :bump do version = File.read('VERSION').strip nver = version.next f = File.open('VERSION', 'w') f.write(nver) f.close puts "Bumped #{version} => #{nver}" exec "git commit -m 'Bump version to v#{nver}' VERSION" Rake::Task["tag"].invoke Rake::Task["gem:build"].invoke end desc "Tag git with VERSION" task :tag do exec "git tag v$(cat VERSION)" end desc "Push the git tag and the gem version" task :push => :tag do exec "git push origin v$(cat VERSION)" Rake::Task["gem:push"].invoke end end task :help do puts "Available tasks" exec "rake -T" end RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new :test do |task| task.pattern = Dir['test/*_test.rb'] end task :default => :help