#Elastic Email REST API
#This API is based on the REST API architecture, allowing the user to easily manage their data with this resource-based approach. Every API call is established on which specific request type (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) will be used. The API has a limit of 20 concurrent connections and a hard timeout of 600 seconds per request. To start using this API, you will need your Access Token (available here). Remember to keep it safe. Required access levels are listed in the given request’s description. Downloadable library clients can be found in our Github repository here
The version of the OpenAPI document: 4.0.0
Contact: support@elasticemail.com
Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech
Generator version: 7.7.0
require 'spec_helper'
require 'json'
# Unit tests for ElasticEmail::CampaignsApi
# Automatically generated by openapi-generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
# Please update as you see appropriate
describe 'CampaignsApi' do
before do
# run before each test
@api_instance = ElasticEmail::CampaignsApi.new
after do
# run after each test
describe 'test an instance of CampaignsApi' do
it 'should create an instance of CampaignsApi' do
expect(@api_instance).to be_instance_of(ElasticEmail::CampaignsApi)
# unit tests for campaigns_by_name_delete
# Delete Campaign
# Delete the specific campaign. This does not cancel in progress email, see Cancel In Progress. Required Access Level: ModifyCampaigns
# @param name Name of Campaign to delete
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [nil]
describe 'campaigns_by_name_delete test' do
it 'should work' do
# assertion here. ref: https://rspec.info/features/3-12/rspec-expectations/built-in-matchers/
# unit tests for campaigns_by_name_get
# Load Campaign
# Returns the specified campaign details. Required Access Level: ViewCampaigns
# @param name Name of Campaign to get
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [Campaign]
describe 'campaigns_by_name_get test' do
it 'should work' do
# assertion here. ref: https://rspec.info/features/3-12/rspec-expectations/built-in-matchers/
# unit tests for campaigns_by_name_put
# Update Campaign
# Updates a previously added campaign. Only Active and Paused campaigns can be updated. Required Access Level: ModifyCampaigns
# @param name Name of Campaign to update
# @param campaign JSON representation of a campaign
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [Campaign]
describe 'campaigns_by_name_put test' do
it 'should work' do
# assertion here. ref: https://rspec.info/features/3-12/rspec-expectations/built-in-matchers/
# unit tests for campaigns_get
# Load Campaigns
# Returns a list all of your campaigns. Limited to 1000 results. Required Access Level: ViewCampaigns
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :search Text fragment used for searching in Campaign name (using the 'contains' rule)
# @option opts [Integer] :offset How many items should be returned ahead.
# @option opts [Integer] :limit Maximum number of returned items.
# @return [Array]
describe 'campaigns_get test' do
it 'should work' do
# assertion here. ref: https://rspec.info/features/3-12/rspec-expectations/built-in-matchers/
# unit tests for campaigns_post
# Add Campaign
# Add a campaign for processing. Required Access Level: ModifyCampaigns
# @param campaign JSON representation of a campaign
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [Campaign]
describe 'campaigns_post test' do
it 'should work' do
# assertion here. ref: https://rspec.info/features/3-12/rspec-expectations/built-in-matchers/