# frozen_string_literal: true # ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2022, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/reference/measure_writing_guide/ # start the measure class CreateVariableSpeedRTU < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # human readable name def name return 'Create Variable Speed RTU' end # human readable description def description return "This measure examines the existing HVAC system(s) present in the current OpenStudio model. If a constant-speed system is found, the user can opt to have the measure replace that system with a variable-speed RTU. 'Variable speed' in this case means that the compressor will be operated using either two or four stages (user's choice). The user can choose between using a gas heating coil, or a direct-expansion (DX) heating coil. Additionally, the user is able to enter the EER (cooling) and COP (heating) values for each DX stage. This measure allows users to easily identify the impact of improved part-load efficiency." end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return "This measure loops through the existing airloops, looking for loops that have a constant speed fan. (Note that if an object such as an AirloopHVAC:UnitarySystem is present in the model, that the measure will NOT identify that loop as either constant- or variable-speed, since the fan is located inside the UnitarySystem object.) The user can designate which constant-speed airloop they'd like to apply the measure to, or opt to apply the measure to all airloops. The measure then replaces the supply components on the airloop with an AirloopHVAC:UnitarySystem object. Any DX coils added to the UnitarySystem object are of the type CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeed / CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeed, with the number of stages set to either two or four, depending on user input. If the user opts for a gas furnace, an 80% efficient CoilHeatingGas object is added. Fan properties (pressure rise and total efficiency) are transferred automatically from the existing (but deleted) constant speed fan to the new variable-speed fan. Currently, this measure is only applicable to the Standalone Retail DOE Prototype building model, but it has been structured to facilitate expansion to other models with a minimum of effort." end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # populate choice argument for air loops in the model air_loop_handles = OpenStudio::StringVector.new air_loop_display_names = OpenStudio::StringVector.new # putting air loop names into hash air_loop_args = model.getAirLoopHVACs air_loop_args_hash = {} air_loop_args.each do |air_loop_arg| air_loop_args_hash[air_loop_arg.name.to_s] = air_loop_arg end # looping through sorted hash of air loops air_loop_args_hash.sort.map do |air_loop_name, air_loop| air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |supply_comp| # find CAV fans if supply_comp.to_FanConstantVolume.is_initialized air_loop_handles << air_loop.handle.to_s air_loop_display_names << air_loop_name end end end # add building to string vector with air loops building = model.getBuilding air_loop_handles << building.handle.to_s air_loop_display_names << '*All CAV Air Loops*' # make an argument for air loops object = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('object', air_loop_handles, air_loop_display_names, true) object.setDisplayName('Choose an Air Loop to change from CAV to VAV.') object.setDefaultValue('*All CAV Air Loops*') # if no air loop is chosen this will run on all air loops args << object # make an argument for cooling type cooling_coil_options = OpenStudio::StringVector.new cooling_coil_options << 'Two-Stage Compressor' cooling_coil_options << 'Four-Stage Compressor' cooling_coil_type = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('cooling_coil_type', cooling_coil_options, true) cooling_coil_type.setDisplayName('Choose the type of cooling coil.') cooling_coil_type.setDefaultValue('Two-Stage Compressor') args << cooling_coil_type # make an argument for rated cooling coil EER rated_cc_eer = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('rated_cc_eer', false) rated_cc_eer.setDisplayName('Rated Cooling Coil EER') # rated_cc_eer.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << rated_cc_eer # make an argument for 75% cooling coil EER three_quarter_cc_eer = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('three_quarter_cc_eer', false) three_quarter_cc_eer.setDisplayName('Cooling Coil EER at 75% Capacity') # three_quarter_cc_eer.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << three_quarter_cc_eer # make an argument for 50% cooling coil EER half_cc_eer = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('half_cc_eer', false) half_cc_eer.setDisplayName('Cooling Coil EER at 50% Capacity') # half_cc_eer.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << half_cc_eer # make an argument for 25% cooling coil EER quarter_cc_eer = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('quarter_cc_eer', false) quarter_cc_eer.setDisplayName('Cooling Coil EER at 25% Capacity') # quarter_cc_eer.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << quarter_cc_eer # make an argument for heating type heating_coil_options = OpenStudio::StringVector.new heating_coil_options << 'Gas Heating Coil' heating_coil_options << 'Heat Pump' heating_coil_type = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('heating_coil_type', heating_coil_options, true) heating_coil_type.setDisplayName('Choose the type of heating coil.') heating_coil_type.setDefaultValue('Gas Heating Coil') args << heating_coil_type # make an argument for rated gas heating coil efficiency rated_hc_gas_efficiency = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('rated_hc_gas_efficiency', false) rated_hc_gas_efficiency.setDisplayName('Rated Gas Heating Coil Efficiency (0-1.00)') # rated_hc_gas_efficiency.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << rated_hc_gas_efficiency # make an argument for rated heating coil COP rated_hc_cop = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('rated_hc_cop', false) rated_hc_cop.setDisplayName('Rated Heating Coil COP') # rated_hc_cop.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << rated_hc_cop # make an argument for 75% heating coil COP three_quarter_hc_cop = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('three_quarter_hc_cop', false) three_quarter_hc_cop.setDisplayName('Heating Coil COP at 75% Capacity') # three_quarter_hc_cop.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << three_quarter_hc_cop # make an argument for 50% heating coil COP half_hc_cop = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('half_hc_cop', false) half_hc_cop.setDisplayName('Heating Coil COP at 50% Capacity') # half_hc_cop.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << half_hc_cop # make an argument for 25% heating coil COP quarter_hc_cop = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('quarter_hc_cop', false) quarter_hc_cop.setDisplayName('Heating Coil COP at 25% Capacity') # quarter_hc_cop.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << quarter_hc_cop return args end # end the arguments method # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # Use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end # Assign the user inputs to variables object = runner.getOptionalWorkspaceObjectChoiceValue('object', user_arguments, model) cooling_coil_type = runner.getStringArgumentValue('cooling_coil_type', user_arguments) rated_cc_eer = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('rated_cc_eer', user_arguments) three_quarter_cc_eer = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('three_quarter_cc_eer', user_arguments) half_cc_eer = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('half_cc_eer', user_arguments) quarter_cc_eer = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('quarter_cc_eer', user_arguments) heating_coil_type = runner.getStringArgumentValue('heating_coil_type', user_arguments) rated_hc_gas_efficiency = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('rated_hc_gas_efficiency', user_arguments) rated_hc_cop = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('rated_hc_cop', user_arguments) three_quarter_hc_cop = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('three_quarter_hc_cop', user_arguments) half_hc_cop = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('half_hc_cop', user_arguments) quarter_hc_cop = runner.getOptionalDoubleArgumentValue('quarter_hc_cop', user_arguments) if rated_cc_eer.empty? runner.registerError('User must enter a value for the rated capacity cooling coil EER.') return false elsif rated_cc_eer.to_f <= 0 runner.registerError("Invalid rated cooling coil EER value of #{rated_cc_eer} entered. EER must be >0.") return false end if three_quarter_cc_eer.empty? && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError('User must enter a value for 75% capacity cooling coil EER.') return false elsif three_quarter_cc_eer.to_f <= 0 && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError("Invalid 75% capacity cooling coil EER value of #{three_quarter_cc_eer} entered. EER must be >0.") return false end if half_cc_eer.empty? runner.registerError('User must enter a value for 50% capacity cooling coil EER.') return false elsif half_cc_eer.to_f <= 0 runner.registerError("Invalid 50% capacity cooling coil EER value of #{half_cc_eer} entered. EER must be >0.") return false end if quarter_cc_eer.empty? && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError('User must enter a value for 25% capacity cooling coil EER.') return false elsif quarter_cc_eer.to_f <= 0 && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError("Invalid 25% capacity cooling coil EER value of #{quarter_cc_eer} entered. EER must be >0.") return false end if rated_hc_gas_efficiency.empty? && heating_coil_type == 'Gas Heating Coil' runner.registerError('User must enter a value for the rated gas heating coil efficiency.') return false elsif rated_hc_gas_efficiency.to_f <= 0 && heating_coil_type == 'Gas Heating Coil' runner.registerError("Invalid rated heating coil efficiency value of #{rated_hc_gas_efficiency} entered. Value must be >0.") return false elsif rated_hc_gas_efficiency.to_f > 1 && heating_coil_type == 'Gas Heating Coil' runner.registerError("Invalid rated heating coil efficiency value of #{rated_hc_gas_efficiency} entered. Value must be between 0 and 1.") return false end if rated_hc_cop.empty? && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' runner.registerError('User must enter a value for the rated heating coil COP.') return false elsif rated_hc_cop.to_f <= 0 && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' runner.registerError("Invalid rated heating coil COP value of #{rated_hc_cop} entered. COP must be >0.") return false end if three_quarter_hc_cop.empty? && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError('User must enter a value for 75% capacity heating coil COP.') return false elsif half_hc_cop.to_f <= 0 && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError("Invalid 75% capacity heating coil COP value of #{three_quarter_hc_cop} entered. COP must be >0.") return false end if half_hc_cop.empty? && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' runner.registerError('User must enter a value for 50% capacity heating coil COP.') return false elsif half_hc_cop.to_f <= 0 && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' runner.registerError("Invalid 50% capacity heating coil COP value of #{half_hc_cop} entered. COP must be >0.") return false end if quarter_hc_cop.empty? && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError('User must enter a value for 25% capacity heating coil COP.') return false elsif quarter_hc_cop.to_f <= 0 && heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' runner.registerError("Invalid 25% capacity heating coil COP value of #{quarter_hc_cop} entered. COP must be >0.") return false end # Report initial condition of model initial_cav_airloops = 0 initial_vav_airloops = 0 model.getAirLoopHVACs.each do |air_loop| # Loop through all supply components on the airloop and find CAV and VAV fans air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |supply_comp| if supply_comp.to_FanConstantVolume.is_initialized initial_cav_airloops += 1 elsif supply_comp.to_FanVariableVolume.is_initialized initial_vav_airloops += 1 end end end runner.registerInitialCondition("The building started with #{initial_cav_airloops} CAV air loops and #{initial_vav_airloops} VAV air loops.") # Check the air loop selection apply_to_all_air_loops = false selected_airloop = nil if object.empty? handle = runner.getStringArgumentValue('object', user_arguments) if handle.empty? runner.registerError('No air loop was chosen.') else runner.registerError("The selected air loop with handle '#{handle}' was not found in the model. It may have been removed by another measure.") end return false else if !object.get.to_AirLoopHVAC.empty? selected_airloop = object.get.to_AirLoopHVAC.get elsif !object.get.to_Building.empty? apply_to_all_air_loops = true else runner.registerError('Script Error - argument not showing up as air loop.') return false end end # end of if object.empty? # Add selected airloops to an array selected_airloops = [] if apply_to_all_air_loops == true selected_airloops = model.getAirLoopHVACs else selected_airloops << selected_airloop end # Change CAV to VAV on the selected airloops, where applicable selected_airloops.each do |air_loop| changed_cav_to_vav = false # Make a new AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object air_loop_hvac_unitary_system = OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem.new(model) # Find CAV fan and replace with VAV fan air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |supply_comp| if supply_comp.to_FanConstantVolume.is_initialized # Preserve characteristics of the original fan cav_fan = supply_comp.to_FanConstantVolume.get fan_pressure_rise = cav_fan.pressureRise fan_efficiency = cav_fan.fanEfficiency motor_efficiency = cav_fan.motorEfficiency fan_availability_schedule = cav_fan.availabilitySchedule # Get the previous and next components on the loop prev_node = cav_fan.inletModelObject.get.to_Node.get next_node = cav_fan.outletModelObject.get.to_Node.get # Make the new vav_fan and transfer existing parameters to it vav_fan = OpenStudio::Model::FanVariableVolume.new(model, model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule) vav_fan.setPressureRise(fan_pressure_rise) vav_fan.setFanEfficiency(fan_efficiency) vav_fan.setMotorEfficiency(motor_efficiency) vav_fan.setAvailabilitySchedule(fan_availability_schedule) # Remove the supply fan supply_comp.remove # Get back the remaining node remaining_node = nil if prev_node.outletModelObject.is_initialized remaining_node = prev_node elsif next_node.inletModelObject.is_initialized remaining_node = next_node end # Add a new AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object to the node where the old fan was if remaining_node.nil? runner.registerError("Couldn't add the new AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object to the loop after removing existing CAV fan.") return false else air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.addToNode(remaining_node) end # Change the unitary system control type to setpoint to enable the VAV fan to ramp down. air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setString(2, 'Setpoint') # Add the VAV fan to the AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setSupplyFan(vav_fan) # Set the AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem fan placement air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setFanPlacement('BlowThrough') # Set the AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setSupplyAirFanOperatingModeSchedule(model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule) # let the user know that a change was made changed_cav_to_vav = true runner.registerInfo("AirLoop '#{air_loop.name}' was changed from CAV to VAV") end end # next supply component # Move on to the next air loop if no CAV to VAV change happened next if changed_cav_to_vav != true # initialize COP variables to make available in both multi-speed heating and cooling coils low_speed_cop = nil high_speed_cop = nil # Move the cooling coil to the AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |supply_comp| if supply_comp.to_CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed.is_initialized existing_cooling_coil = supply_comp.to_CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed.get # Add a new cooling coil object if cooling_coil_type == 'Two-Stage Compressor' new_cooling_coil = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeed.new(model) half_speed_cc_cop = half_cc_eer.to_f / 3.412 new_cooling_coil_data_1 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_cooling_coil_data_1.setGrossRatedCoolingCOP(half_speed_cc_cop.to_f) rated_speed_cc_cop = rated_cc_eer.to_f / 3.412 new_cooling_coil_data_2 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_cooling_coil_data_2.setGrossRatedCoolingCOP(rated_speed_cc_cop.to_f) new_cooling_coil.setFuelType('Electricity') new_cooling_coil.addStage(new_cooling_coil_data_1) new_cooling_coil.addStage(new_cooling_coil_data_2) air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setCoolingCoil(new_cooling_coil) elsif cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' new_cooling_coil = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeed.new(model) quarter_speed_cc_cop = quarter_cc_eer.to_f / 3.412 new_cooling_coil_data_1 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_cooling_coil_data_1.setGrossRatedCoolingCOP(quarter_speed_cc_cop.to_f) half_speed_cc_cop = half_cc_eer.to_f / 3.412 new_cooling_coil_data_2 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_cooling_coil_data_2.setGrossRatedCoolingCOP(half_speed_cc_cop.to_f) three_quarter_speed_cc_cop = three_quarter_cc_eer.to_f / 3.412 new_cooling_coil_data_3 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_cooling_coil_data_3.setGrossRatedCoolingCOP(three_quarter_speed_cc_cop.to_f) rated_speed_cc_cop = rated_cc_eer.to_f / 3.412 new_cooling_coil_data_4 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_cooling_coil_data_4.setGrossRatedCoolingCOP(rated_speed_cc_cop.to_f) new_cooling_coil.setFuelType('Electricity') new_cooling_coil.addStage(new_cooling_coil_data_1) new_cooling_coil.addStage(new_cooling_coil_data_2) new_cooling_coil.addStage(new_cooling_coil_data_3) new_cooling_coil.addStage(new_cooling_coil_data_4) air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setCoolingCoil(new_cooling_coil) end # Remove the existing cooling coil. existing_cooling_coil.remove end end # next supply component # Move the heating coil to the AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |supply_comp| if supply_comp.to_CoilHeatingGas.is_initialized existing_heating_coil = supply_comp.to_CoilHeatingGas.get # Remove the existing heating coil. existing_heating_coil.remove # Add a new heating coil object if heating_coil_type == 'Gas Heating Coil' new_heating_coil = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingGas.new(model) new_heating_coil.setGasBurnerEfficiency(rated_hc_gas_efficiency.to_f) air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setHeatingCoil(new_heating_coil) elsif heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' && cooling_coil_type == 'Two-Stage Compressor' new_heating_coil = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeed.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_1 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_1.setGrossRatedHeatingCOP(half_hc_cop.to_f) new_heating_coil_data_2 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_2.setGrossRatedHeatingCOP(rated_hc_cop.to_f) new_heating_coil.setFuelType('Electricity') new_heating_coil.addStage(new_heating_coil_data_1) new_heating_coil.addStage(new_heating_coil_data_2) air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setHeatingCoil(new_heating_coil) elsif heating_coil_type == 'Heat Pump' && cooling_coil_type == 'Four-Stage Compressor' new_heating_coil = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeed.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_1 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_1.setGrossRatedHeatingCOP(quarter_hc_cop.to_f) new_heating_coil_data_2 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_2.setGrossRatedHeatingCOP(half_hc_cop.to_f) new_heating_coil_data_3 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_3.setGrossRatedHeatingCOP(three_quarter_hc_cop.to_f) new_heating_coil_data_4 = OpenStudio::Model::CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData.new(model) new_heating_coil_data_4.setGrossRatedHeatingCOP(rated_hc_cop.to_f) new_heating_coil.setFuelType('Electricity') new_heating_coil.addStage(new_heating_coil_data_1) new_heating_coil.addStage(new_heating_coil_data_2) new_heating_coil.addStage(new_heating_coil_data_3) new_heating_coil.addStage(new_heating_coil_data_4) air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setHeatingCoil(new_heating_coil) end end end # next supply component # Find the supply outlet node for the current AirLoop airloop_outlet_node = air_loop.supplyOutletNode # Identify if there is a setpoint manager on the AirLoop outlet node if !airloop_outlet_node.setpointManagers.empty? setpoint_manager = airloop_outlet_node.setpointManagers[0] # runner.registerInfo("Setpoint manager on node '#{airloop_outlet_node.name}' is '#{setpoint_manager.name}'.") else runner.registerInfo("No setpoint manager on node '#{airloop_outlet_node.name}'.") end # Set the controlling zone location to the zone on the airloop air_loop.demandComponents.each do |demand_comp| if demand_comp.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctUncontrolled.is_initialized terminal_obj = demand_comp.to_AirTerminalSingleDuctUncontrolled.get # Record the zone that the terminal unit is in. # If zone cannot be determined, skip to next demand component # and warn user that this the associated zone could not be found term_zone = nil model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| zone.equipment.each do |equip| if equip == terminal_obj term_zone = zone end end end if term_zone.nil? runner.registerWarning("Could not determine the zone for terminal '#{new_vav_terminal.name}', cannot assign to AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object.") next else # Associate the zone with the AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object air_loop_hvac_unitary_system.setControllingZoneorThermostatLocation(term_zone) end end end end # Next selected airloop # Report final condition of model final_cav_airloops = 0 final_vav_airloops = 0 model.getAirLoopHVACs.each do |air_loop| # Loop through all supply components on the airloop and find CAV and VAV fans air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |supply_comp| if supply_comp.to_FanConstantVolume.is_initialized final_cav_airloops += 1 elsif supply_comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem.is_initialized final_vav_airloops += 1 end end end runner.registerFinalCondition("The building finished with #{final_cav_airloops} constant-speed RTUs and #{final_vav_airloops} multi-speed RTUs.") if final_cav_airloops == initial_cav_airloops runner.registerAsNotApplicable('This measure is not applicable; no variable speed RTUs were added.') end return true end # end the run method end # end the measure # register the measure to be used by the application CreateVariableSpeedRTU.new.registerWithApplication