require_relative 'blockBase' module Bake module Blocks class Library < BlockBase attr_reader :compileBlock, :archive_name def initialize(block, config, referencedConfigs, compileBlock) super(block,config, referencedConfigs) @compileBlock = compileBlock block.set_library(self) calcArtifactName end def calcArtifactName archiver = @block.tcs[:ARCHIVER] fileEnding = archiver[:ARCHIVE_FILE_ENDING] if not @config.artifactName.nil? and != "" baseFilename = else baseFilename = "lib#{@projectName}#{fileEnding}" end if !@config.artifactExtension.nil? && != "default" extension = ".#{}" if baseFilename.include?(".") baseFilename = baseFilename.split(".")[0...-1].join(".") end baseFilename += ".#{}" end @archive_name ||= File.join([@block.output_dir, baseFilename]) if Bake.options.abs_path_in @archive_name = File.expand_path(@archive_name, @projectDir) end return @archive_name end def calcCmdlineFile() File.expand_path(@archive_name + ".cmdline", @projectDir) end def ignore? Bake.options.linkOnly or Bake.options.prepro end def needed? Dir.mutex.synchronize do Dir.chdir(@projectDir) do # lib return "because library does not exist" if not File.exist?(@archive_name) aTime = File.mtime(@archive_name) # sources @objects.each do |obj| return "because object #{obj} does not exist" if not File.exist?(obj) return "because object #{obj} is newer than executable" if aTime < File.mtime(obj) end end end return false end def execute #Dir.chdir(@projectDir) do if !@block.prebuild @objects = @compileBlock.objects if @objects.empty? SyncOut.mutex.synchronize do puts "No source files, library won't be created" if Bake.options.verbose >= 2 end return true end else @objects = [] [:CPP, :C, :ASM].map do |t| @block.tcs[:COMPILER][t][:OBJECT_FILE_ENDING] end.uniq.each do |e| @objects.concat(Dir.glob_dir("#{@block.output_dir}/**/*#{e}", @projectDir)) end if @objects.empty? if !File.exist?(File.expand_path(@archive_name, @projectDir)) SyncOut.mutex.synchronize do puts "No object files, library won't be created" if Bake.options.verbose >= 2 end end return true end end cmdLineCheck = false cmdLineFile = calcCmdlineFile() return true if ignore? reason = needed? if not reason cmdLineCheck = true reason = config_changed?(cmdLineFile) end archiver = @block.tcs[:ARCHIVER] cmd = Utils.flagSplit(archiver[:PREFIX], true) cmd += Utils.flagSplit(archiver[:COMMAND], true) # ar onlyCmd = cmd cmd += Bake::Utils::flagSplit(archiver[:FLAGS],true) # --all_load cmd += archiver[:ARCHIVE_FLAGS].split(" ") if archiver[:ARCHIVE_FLAGS_SPACE] cmd << @archive_name else cmd[cmd.length-1] += @archive_name end cmd += @objects if cmdLineCheck and BlockBase.isCmdLineEqual?(cmd, cmdLineFile) success = true else SyncOut.startStream() begin success = true BlockBase.prepareOutput(File.expand_path(@archive_name, @projectDir), @block) BlockBase.writeCmdLineFile(cmd, cmdLineFile) consoleOutput = "" realCmd = Bake.options.fileCmd ? calcFileCmd(cmd, onlyCmd, @archive_name, archiver) : cmd printCmd(realCmd, "Creating #{@projectName} (#{}): #{@archive_name}", reason, false) SyncOut.flushOutput() success, consoleOutput =, false, false, nil, [0], @projectDir) if !Bake.options.dry process_result(realCmd, consoleOutput, archiver[:ERROR_PARSER], nil, reason, success) check_config_file() ensure SyncOut.stopStream() end end return success #end end def clean if @block.prebuild Dir.chdir(@projectDir) do @objects = [] [:CPP, :C, :ASM].map do |t| @block.tcs[:COMPILER][t][:OBJECT_FILE_ENDING] end.uniq.each do |e| @objects.concat(Dir.glob_dir("#{@block.output_dir}/**/*#{e}", @projectDir)) end if !@objects.empty? && File.exist?(@archive_name) puts "Deleting file #{@archive_name}" if Bake.options.verbose >= 2 if !Bake.options.dry FileUtils.rm_rf(@archive_name) end end end return true else return cleanProjectDir() end end end end end