module Remi class DataTarget::SftpFile < DataTarget def initialize(*args, **kargs, &block) super init_sftp_file(*args, **kargs, &block) end attr_reader :local_path attr_reader :remote_path # Public: Performs the load operation, regardless of whether it has # already executed. # # Returns true if the load operation was successful def load! "Uploading #{@local_path} to #{@credentials[:username]}@#{@credentials[:host]}: #{@remote_path}" connection do |sftp| retry_upload { sftp.upload! @local_path, @remote_path } end true end private def init_sftp_file(*args, credentials:, local_path:, remote_path: File.basename(local_path), **kargs, &block) @credentials = credentials @local_path = local_path @remote_path = remote_path init_df end def init_df parameter_df = local_path: Array(@local_path), remote_path: Array(@remote_path) ) self.df = parameter_df end def connection(&block) result = nil Net::SFTP.start(@credentials[:host], @credentials[:username], password: @credentials[:password], port: @credentials[:port] || '22') do |sftp| result = yield sftp end result end def retry_upload(ntry=2, &block) 1.upto(ntry).each do |itry| begin rescue RuntimeError => err raise err unless itry < ntry @logger.error "Upload failed with error: #{err.message}" @logger.error "Retry attempt #{itry}/#{ntry-1}" sleep(1) end end end end end