0.6.0 (2015-03-24) ----- * Fix stack level too deep when writing to ChunkStream * Use HTTP::Resonse::Status::REASONS table ( HTTP::Response::* deprecated in the HTTP gem ) * Use Timers 3.0.0 API * Case-insensitivity for header field names ( i.e. in case a proxy downcases them ) * Catch when openssl sometimes fires ECONNRESET, EPIPE, ETIMEDOUT, EHOSTUNREACH and as an error * Unused `optimize` socket modifications taken off all server implementations * Fixed 404 error in roundtrip example * Fixed "Reel::StateError: already processing a request" when client is killed * Numerous updates to rspec. * Switched to websocket/driver and improved websocket handling * Implement DriverEnvironment to fix websocket example * Refactored Server::HTTPS to be more idomatic * Fixed jRuby related test failures * Fixed "ArgumentError: Data object has already been freed" caused by underlying parser. * FINALLY! Support for UNIX Socket servers across all RVM's, as of jRuby 1.7.19 * Unified Server#run removes need for duplication of #run across all Server implementations. * Standardized method of rescuing exceptions unique to each type of Server in unified #run method. 0.5.0 (2014-04-15) ----- * Reel::Server(::SSL) renamed to Reel::Server::HTTP and Reel::Server::HTTPS * New Reel::Spy API for observing requests and responses from the server * Fixes to chunked encoding handling * Update websocket_parser gem to 0.1.6 * Update to "The HTTP Gem" 0.6.0 * Ensure response bodies are always closed * Support for passing a fixnum status to Connection#respond 0.4.0 (2013-09-14) ----- * Rack adapter moved to the reel-rack project * Pipelining support * Reel::Connection#each_request for iterating through keep-alive requests * Reel::Request#body now returns a Reel::RequestBody object instead of a String * New WebSocket API: obtain WebSockets through Reel::Request#websocket instead of through Reel::Connection#request. Allows processing of WebSockets through other means than the built-in WebSocket support * Allow Reel to stop cleanly * Remove `on_error` callback system * Increase buffer size * Remove Reel::App (unmaintained, sorry) * Reel::CODENAME added (0.4.0 is "Garbo") 0.3.0 (2013-02-01) ----- * Reel::App: Sinatra-like DSL for defining Reel apps using Octarine * Chunked upload support * Lots of additional work on the Rack adapter * Expose websockets through Rack as rack.websocket * Performance optimization work * Bugfix: Send CRLF after chunks * Bugfix: Increase TCP connection backlog to 1024 0.2.0 (2012-09-03) ----- * Initial WebSockets support via Reel::WebSocket * Experimental Rack adapter by Alberto Fernández-Capel * Octarine (Sinatra-like DSL) support by Grant Rodgers 0.1.0 (2012-07-12) ----- * Initial release