# Mediainfo Mediainfo is a class wrapping [the mediainfo CLI](http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net). ## Installation $ gem install mediainfo -s http://gemcutter.org ## Usage info = Mediainfo.new "/path/to/file" That will issue the system call to `mediainfo` and parse the output. You can specify an alternate path if necessary: Mediainfo.path = "/opt/local/bin/mediainfo" Once you've got an instance setup, you can call numerous methods to get a variety of information about a file. Some attributes may be present for some files where others are not, but any supported attribute should at least return `nil`. For a list of all possible attributes supported: Mediainfo.supported_attributes ## Requirements This requires at least the following version of the Mediainfo CLI: MediaInfo Command line, MediaInfoLib - v0.7.25 Previous versions of this gem(<= 0.5.1) worked against v0.7.11, which did not generate XML output, and is no longer supported. ## Contributors * Seth Thomas Rasmussen - [http://greatseth.com](http://greatseth.com) * Peter Vandenberk - [http://github.com/pvdb](http://github.com/pvdb)