#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 require 'aws-sdk-v1' require 'thor' require 'chronic' require 'progressbar' require 'active_support/time' require 'fileutils' require 'json' class S3download::Cli < Thor default_task :fetch attr_accessor :s3, :debug, :files_found, :range, :target, :bucket, :from, :to, :prefix desc 'fetch', 'Download S3 files by range (date)' class_option :bucket, :alias => 'b', :banner => 'S3 Bucket Name' class_option :prefix, :alias => 'f', :banner => 'Folder inside the specified bucket' class_option :from, :default => Chronic.parse('today at 00:00:00'), :desc => 'From in a natural language date/time like yesterday, \'last week\', etc...' class_option :to, :default => Chronic.parse('today at 23:59:59'), :desc => 'To in a natural language date/time like yesterday, \'last week\', etc...' class_option :save_to, :banner => 'Location of downloaded files' class_option :timezone, :default => 'UTC', :desc => 'timezone to filter files by date [UTC] ex: "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"' class_option :debug, :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean def fetch raise Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, 'You must supply an S3 bucket name' if options[:bucket].nil? raise Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError, 'You must supply a location where to save the downloaded files to' if options[:save_to].nil? if options[:prefix].nil? say "You did not pass a --prefix option, this will scan the entire bucket and can be very slow if there too many files in that bucket\n", color = :yellow say "If you're trying to script this and bypass this question, use --prefix '' (empty string)\n", color = :yellow response = ask "Continue without a prefix? (y/n)", color = :white exit 0 if response == 'n' self.prefix = '' else self.prefix = options[:prefix] end init ProgressBar.new("Looking for files: ", bucket.count) do |pbar| bucket.each do |object| if options[:verbose] say "timezone: #{options[:timezone]}" say "object last modified: #{object.last_modified}" say "object last modified in timezone: #{object.last_modified.in_time_zone(options[:timezone])}" say "object falls in range: #{self.range}? => #{self.range.cover?(object.last_modified.in_time_zone(options[:timezone]))}" end if self.range.cover?(object.last_modified.in_time_zone(options[:timezone])) self.files_found += 1 say("Downloading #{object.key} #{object.last_modified.in_time_zone(options[:timezone])}\n", color = :white) if options[:debug] FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{target}/#{object.key.match(/(.+)\//)[1]}" begin File.open("#{target}/#{object.key}", "w") do |f| f.write(object.read) end rescue Exception => e say "Unable to save file: #{e}", color = :red end end pbar.inc end end say "Total files downloaded from S3: #{self.files_found}", color = :yellow end desc 'list_timezones', 'list timezones' def list_timezones say JSON.pretty_generate(ActiveSupport::TimeZone::MAPPING), color = :white end map ["-v", "--version"] => :version desc "version", "version" def version say S3download::ABOUT end private def init aws_init self.debug = true if options[:verbose] self.bucket = self.s3.buckets[options[:bucket]].objects.with_prefix(self.prefix) self.from = Chronic.parse("#{options[:from]}").in_time_zone(options[:timezone]) self.to = Chronic.parse("#{options[:to]}").in_time_zone(options[:timezone]) self.range = self.from..self.to self.target = File.expand_path(options[:save_to]) self.files_found = 0 FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{self.target}" File.open("#{self.target}/download_info.txt", "w") {|f| f.write("#{Time.now} - Downloaded bucket #{options[:bucket]}/#{self.prefix} from: #{from} - to #{to}") } say "S3 Search & Download", color = :white say "--------------------\n", color = :white say "Bucket: #{options[:bucket]}", color = :cyan say "Prefix: #{self.prefix}", color = :cyan say "TimeZone: #{options[:timezone]}", color = :cyan say "From: #{from}", color = :cyan say "To: #{to}", color = :cyan say("Download target: #{options[:save_to]}/#{self.prefix}", color = :cyan) if options[:debug] say("Range: #{self.range}", color = :green) if options[:debug] end def aws_init config = { :access_key_id => ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'], :secret_access_key => ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'], :region => ENV['REGION'] || 'us-east-1' } if config[:access_key_id].nil? || config[:secret_access_key].nil? say "You must set your AWS Secret Key and AWS Access Key Id in your environment variables", color = :red say "export REGION='eu-west-1' (default to us-east-1)\nexport AWS_ACCESS_KEY=\"YOUR AWS KEY ID\"\nexport AWS_SECRET_KEY=\"YOUR AWS SECRET KEY\"", color = :green exit 1 end self.s3 = AWS::S3.new(config) end end