module Draper class CollectionDecorator include Enumerable include ViewHelpers attr_accessor :source, :options, :decorator_class alias_method :to_source, :source delegate :as_json, *(Array.instance_methods - Object.instance_methods), to: :decorated_collection # @param source collection to decorate # @param options [Hash] passed to each item's decorator (except # for the keys listed below) # @option options [Class,Symbol] :with the class used to decorate # items, or `:infer` to call each item's `decorate` method instead def initialize(source, options = {}) @source = source @decorator_class = options.delete(:with) || self.class.inferred_decorator_class @options = options end class << self alias_method :decorate, :new end def decorated_collection @decorated_collection ||= source.collect {|item| decorate_item(item) } end def find(*args, &block) if block_given? decorated_collection.find(*args, &block) else decorator_class.find(*args) end end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) source.send(method, *args, &block) end def respond_to?(method, include_private = false) super || source.respond_to?(method, include_private) end def kind_of?(klass) super || source.kind_of?(klass) end alias_method :is_a?, :kind_of? def ==(other) source == (other.respond_to?(:source) ? other.source : other) end def to_s "#" end def options=(options) each {|item| item.options = options } @options = options end protected def decorate_item(item) if decorator_class == :infer item.decorate(options) else decorator_class.decorate(item, options) end end def self.inferred_decorator_class decorator_name = "#{name.chomp("Decorator").singularize}Decorator" decorator_uninferrable if decorator_name == name decorator_name.constantize rescue NameError decorator_uninferrable end def self.decorator_uninferrable raise end end end