module Qa::Authorities::LocSubauthority # @todo Rename to reflect that this is a URI encoded url fragement used only for searching. def get_url_for_authority(authority) if authorities.include?(authority) then authority_base_url elsif vocabularies.include?(authority) then vocab_base_url elsif datatypes.include?(authority) then datatype_base_url elsif preservation.include?(authority) then vocab_preservation_base_url end end # @note The returned value is the root directory of the URL. The graphicMaterials sub-authority # has a "type" of vocabulary. # In some cases, this is plural and in others this is singular. # # @param authority [String] the LOC authority that matches one of the types # @return [String] # # @note there is a relationship between the returned value and the encoded URLs returned by # {#get_url_for_authority}. def root_fetch_slug_for(authority) validate_subauthority!(authority) return "authorities" if authorities.include?(authority) return "vocabulary" if vocabularies.include?(authority) return "datatype" if datatypes.include?(authority) return "vocabulary/preservation" if preservation.include?(authority) end def authorities [ "subjects", "names", "classification", "childrensSubjects", "genreForms", "performanceMediums" ] end def vocabularies # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength [ "graphicMaterials", "organizations", "relators", "countries", "ethnographicTerms", "geographicAreas", "languages", "iso639-1", "iso639-2", "iso639-5", "preservation", "actionsGranted", "agentType" ] end def datatypes ["edtf"] end def preservation # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength [ "contentLocationType", "copyrightStatus", "cryptographicHashFunctions", "environmentCharacteristic", "environmentPurpose", "eventRelatedAgentRole", "eventRelatedObjectRole", "eventType", "formatRegistryRole", "hardwareType", "inhibitorTarget", "inhibitorType", "objectCategory", "preservationLevelRole", "relationshipSubType", "relationshipType", "rightsBasis", "rightsRelatedAgentRole", "signatureEncoding", "signatureMethod", "softwareType", "storageMedium" ] end private def vocab_base_url "" end def authority_base_url "" end def datatype_base_url "" end def vocab_preservation_base_url "" end end