class ActiveRecord::Base def send_later(method,opts=nil,save=nil) raise"Method: #{method} doesn't exist in #{self.class}") unless self.respond_to?(method) data = { :model_class => self.class.to_s, :model_id =>, :method => method, } data[:save] = 1 if save data[:opts] = opts.to_yaml if opts jobopts = { :single => true, :mappers => 1, :map_data => [data], :name => "send_later #{self.class}##{method}", :map_name => "", :map_timeout => 60, :reduce_timeout => 60, :master_timeout => 60, :master_result_timeout => 1.minute, :map_reduce_class => Skynet::ActiveRecordAsync, :master_retry => 0, :map_retry => 0 } job = end end class < e error "Error in #{self} #{e.inspect}" end end return end end module ActiveRecord class Mapreduce BATCH_SIZE=1000 unless defined?(BATCH_SIZE) MAX_BATCHES_PER_JOB = 1000 unless defined?(MAX_BATCHES_PER_JOB) attr_accessor :find_args, :batch_size attr_reader :model_class delegate :primary_key, :table_name, :to => :model_klass delegate :execute, :select_all, :to => 'model_klass.connection' def initialize(options = {}) @find_args = options[:find_args] @batch_size = options[:batch_size] || BATCH_SIZE @model_class = options[:model_class] end def model_klass @model_klass ||= model_class.constantize end def model_class=(model_c) @model_class = model_c.to_s end def self.find(*args) if not args.first.is_a?(Hash) args.shift end if args.nil? or args.empty? args = {} else args = *args end new(:find_args => args, :batch_size => args.delete(:batch_size), :model_class => args.delete(:model_class)) end def log Skynet::Logger.get end def each_range(opts={}) opts = opts.clone opts[:id] || opts[:id] = 0 count = model_klass.count(:all,:conditions => opts[:conditions], :joins => opts[:joins]) if count <= batch_size return yield({"first" => 0, "last" => nil, "cnt" => 0}, 0) end rows = chunk_query(opts) # log.error "ROWS, #{rows.pretty_print_inspect}" ii = 0 if rows.empty? rows = [{"first" => 0, "last" => nil, "cnt" => ii}] end last_row = nil while rows.any? rows.each do |record| last_row = record yield record, ii end ii +=1 return if last_row["last"].nil? rows = chunk_query(opts.merge(:id => rows.last["last"])) end if last_row["last"] and (last_row["last"].to_i - last_row["first"].to_i) >= batch_size catchall_row = {"first" => last_row["last"].to_i+1, "last" => nil, "cnt" => ii} yield catchall_row, ii end end def chunk_query(opts={}) conditions = "#{table_name}.#{primary_key} > #{opts[:id]} AND ((@t1:=(@t1+1) % #{batch_size})=0)" opts = opts.clone if opts[:conditions].nil? or opts[:conditions].empty? opts[:conditions] = conditions else opts[:conditions] += " AND " unless opts[:conditions].empty? opts[:conditions] += conditions end limit = opts[:limit] ? "LIMIT #{opts[:limit]}" : nil # select @t2:=(@t2+1), @t3:=@t4, @t4:=id from profiles where ( ((@t1:=(@t1+1) % 1000)=0) or (((@t1+1) % 1000)=0) ) order by id LIMIT 100; # BEST # select @t1:=0, @t2:=0, @t3:=0, @t4:=0; # select @t2:=(@t2+1) as cnt, ((@t3:=@t4)+1) as first, @t4:=id as last from profiles where ((@t1:=(@t1+1) % 1000)=0) order by id LIMIT 100; # select (@t2:=(@t2+1) % 2) as evenodd, ((@t3:=@t4)+1) as first, @t4:=id as last from profiles where ((@t1:=(@t1+1) % 1000)=0) order by id LIMIT 100; execute('select @t1:=0, @t2:=-1, @t3:=0, @t4:=0') sql = "select @t2:=(@t2+1) as cnt, ((@t3:=@t4)+1) as first, @t4:=#{table_name}.#{primary_key} as last from #{table_name} #{opts[:joins]} where #{opts[:conditions]} ORDER BY #{table_name}.#{primary_key} #{limit}" # log.error "SQL #{sql}" select_all(sql) # mc.connection.select_values(mc.send(:construct_finder_sql, :select => "#{mc.table_name}.id", :joins => opts[:joins], :conditions => conditions, :limit => opts[:limit], :order => :id)) end def run_job_for_batch(batches,&block) jobopts = { :mappers => 20000, :map_data => batches, :name => "each #{model_class} MASTER", :map_name => "each #{model_class} MAP", :map_timeout => 60, :master_timeout => 12.hours, :master_result_timeout => 60, :master_retry => 0, :map_retry => 0 } job = nil if block_given? job = => block), :local_master => true) else job = => "#{self.class}")) end end def map(klass_or_method=nil,&block) klass_or_method ||= model_class log = Skynet::Logger.get batches = [] each_range(find_args) do |ids,ii| batch_item = [ ids['first'].to_i, ids['last'].to_i, find_args.clone, model_class ] if block_given? batch_item << block else batch_item << "#{klass_or_method}" end batches << batch_item if batches.size >= MAX_BATCHES_PER_JOB log.error "MAX BATCH SIZE EXCEEDED RUNNING: #{batches.size}" run_job_for_batch(batches) batches = [] end end run_job_for_batch(batches) end alias_method :each, :map alias_method :mapreduce, :map def model_class @model_class || self.class.model_class end def self.model_class(model_class) (class << self; self; end).module_eval do define_method(:model_class) {model_class} end end def self.log Skynet::Logger.get end def return unless datas and not datas.empty? datas.each do |data| next if (not data.is_a?(Array)) next if data.empty? model_class = data[3].constantize table_name = model_class.table_name conditions = "#{table_name}.#{model_class.primary_key} >= #{data[0]}" conditions += " AND #{table_name}.#{model_class.primary_key} <= #{data[1]}" if data[1] > data[0] conditions = "(#{conditions})" # conditions = "ID BETWEEN #{data[0]} and #{data[1]}" if not data[2] data[2] = {:conditions => conditions} elsif data[2].is_a?(Hash) and data[2].empty? data[2] = {:conditions => conditions} elsif data[2].is_a?(Hash) and (not data[2][:conditions] or data[2][:conditions].empty?) data[2][:conditions] = conditions else data[2][:conditions] += " AND #{conditions}" end data[2][:select] = "#{table_name}.*" # log.error "GETTING #{data.pretty_print_inspect}" models = model_class.find(:all, data[2]) # log.error "GOT MODELS: #{models.size}" models.each do |ar_object| begin if data[4].kind_of?(String) if ar_object.respond_to?(data[4].to_sym) # log.error "CALLING #{data[4]} on #{ar_object.class}:#{}" ar_object.send(data[4].to_sym) else begin data[4].constantize.each(ar_object) rescue NameError raise"#{data[4]} is not a class or an instance method in #{model_class}") end end else data[4].call(ar_object) end rescue Exception => e if data[4].kind_of?(String) log.error("Error in #{data[4]} #{e.inspect} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") else log.error("Error in #{self} with given block #{e.inspect} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end end end end nil end end end