en: ddr: batch: errors: prefix: "%{identifier}:" no_batches: "No %{type} batches found for your user account." web: action_names: procezz: "Process" restart: "Restart" retry: "Retry" validate: "Validate" batch_deletion_confirmation: "You are about to delete batch %{batch_id}. Continue?" column_names: action: "Action" checksum: "Checksum" checksum_type: "Checksum Type" creation_date: "Created" datastream: "Datastream" description: "Description" id: "ID" identifier: "Identifier" log: "Log" model: "Model" name: "Name" objects: "Objects" operation: "Operation" outcome: "Outcome" part_of_batch: "Part of Batch" payload: "Payload" payload_type: "Payload Type" pid: "PID" related_object: "Related Object" related_object_type: "Related Object Type" start: "Start" status: "Status" user: "User" value: "Value" value_type: "Value Type" verified: "Verified" verified_in_repository: "Verified in Repository?" headings: object_validation_errors: "Batch Object Validation Errors" page_titles: batch: "Batch %{id}" batches: "Batches" batch_object: "Batch Object %{id}" tabs: finished_batches: label: "Already Run" pending_batches: label: "Pending"