/* --- name: Browser description: The Browser Object. Contains Browser initialization, Window and Document, and the Browser Hash. license: MIT-style license. requires: [Array, Function, Number, String] provides: [Browser, Window, Document] ... */ (function(){ var document = this.document; var window = document.window = this; var UID = 1; this.$uid = (window.ActiveXObject) ? function(item){ return (item.uid || (item.uid = [UID++]))[0]; } : function(item){ return item.uid || (item.uid = UID++); }; $uid(window); $uid(document); var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(), UA = ua.match(/(opera|ie|firefox|chrome|version)[\s\/:]([\w\d\.]+)?.*?(safari|version[\s\/:]([\w\d\.]+)|$)/) || [null, 'unknown', 0], mode = UA[1] == 'ie' && document.documentMode; var Browser = this.Browser = { extend: Function.prototype.extend, name: (UA[1] == 'version') ? UA[3] : UA[1], version: mode || parseFloat((UA[1] == 'opera' && UA[4]) ? UA[4] : UA[2]), Platform: { name: ua.match(/ip(?:ad|od|hone)/) ? 'ios' : (ua.match(/(?:webos|android)/) || platform.match(/mac|win|linux/) || ['other'])[0] }, Features: { xpath: !!(document.evaluate), air: !!(window.runtime), query: !!(document.querySelector), json: !!(window.JSON) }, Plugins: {} }; Browser[Browser.name] = true; Browser[Browser.name + parseInt(Browser.version, 10)] = true; Browser.Platform[Browser.Platform.name] = true; // Request Browser.Request = (function(){ var XMLHTTP = function(){ return new XMLHttpRequest(); }; var MSXML2 = function(){ return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP'); }; var MSXML = function(){ return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }; return Function.attempt(function(){ XMLHTTP(); return XMLHTTP; }, function(){ MSXML2(); return MSXML2; }, function(){ MSXML(); return MSXML; }); })(); Browser.Features.xhr = !!(Browser.Request); // Flash detection var version = (Function.attempt(function(){ return navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'].description; }, function(){ return new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version'); }) || '0 r0').match(/\d+/g); Browser.Plugins.Flash = { version: Number(version[0] || '0.' + version[1]) || 0, build: Number(version[2]) || 0 }; // String scripts Browser.exec = function(text){ if (!text) return text; if (window.execScript){ window.execScript(text); } else { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.text = text; document.head.appendChild(script); document.head.removeChild(script); } return text; }; String.implement('stripScripts', function(exec){ var scripts = ''; var text = this.replace(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function(all, code){ scripts += code + '\n'; return ''; }); if (exec === true) Browser.exec(scripts); else if (typeOf(exec) == 'function') exec(scripts, text); return text; }); // Window, Document Browser.extend({ Document: this.Document, Window: this.Window, Element: this.Element, Event: this.Event }); this.Window = this.$constructor = new Type('Window', function(){}); this.$family = Function.from('window').hide(); Window.mirror(function(name, method){ window[name] = method; }); this.Document = document.$constructor = new Type('Document', function(){}); document.$family = Function.from('document').hide(); Document.mirror(function(name, method){ document[name] = method; }); document.html = document.documentElement; if (!document.head) document.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (document.execCommand) try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } catch (e){} /**/ if (this.attachEvent && !this.addEventListener){ var unloadEvent = function(){ this.detachEvent('onunload', unloadEvent); document.head = document.html = document.window = null; }; this.attachEvent('onunload', unloadEvent); } // IE fails on collections and ) var arrayFrom = Array.from; try { arrayFrom(document.html.childNodes); } catch(e){ Array.from = function(item){ if (typeof item != 'string' && Type.isEnumerable(item) && typeOf(item) != 'array'){ var i = item.length, array = new Array(i); while (i--) array[i] = item[i]; return array; } return arrayFrom(item); }; var prototype = Array.prototype, slice = prototype.slice; ['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift', 'concat', 'join', 'slice'].each(function(name){ var method = prototype[name]; Array[name] = function(item){ return method.apply(Array.from(item), slice.call(arguments, 1)); }; }); } /**/ //<1.2compat> if (Browser.Platform.ios) Browser.Platform.ipod = true; Browser.Engine = {}; var setEngine = function(name, version){ Browser.Engine.name = name; Browser.Engine[name + version] = true; Browser.Engine.version = version; }; if (Browser.ie){ Browser.Engine.trident = true; switch (Browser.version){ case 6: setEngine('trident', 4); break; case 7: setEngine('trident', 5); break; case 8: setEngine('trident', 6); } } if (Browser.firefox){ Browser.Engine.gecko = true; if (Browser.version >= 3) setEngine('gecko', 19); else setEngine('gecko', 18); } if (Browser.safari || Browser.chrome){ Browser.Engine.webkit = true; switch (Browser.version){ case 2: setEngine('webkit', 419); break; case 3: setEngine('webkit', 420); break; case 4: setEngine('webkit', 525); } } if (Browser.opera){ Browser.Engine.presto = true; if (Browser.version >= 9.6) setEngine('presto', 960); else if (Browser.version >= 9.5) setEngine('presto', 950); else setEngine('presto', 925); } if (Browser.name == 'unknown'){ switch ((ua.match(/(?:webkit|khtml|gecko)/) || [])[0]){ case 'webkit': case 'khtml': Browser.Engine.webkit = true; break; case 'gecko': Browser.Engine.gecko = true; } } this.$exec = Browser.exec; // })();