require 'base64' module Appium module Core module Device extend Forwardable # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength #### ## No argument #### # @!method launch_app # Start the simulator and application configured with desired capabilities # # @example # # @driver.launch_app # # @!method close_app # Close an app on device # # @example # # @driver.close_app # # @!method reset # Reset the device, relaunching the application. # # @example # # @driver.reset # # @!method shake # Cause the device to shake # # @example # # @driver.shake # # @!method unlock # Unlock the device # # @example # # @driver.unlock # # @!method device_locked? # Check current device status is weather locked or not # # @example # # @driver.device_locked? # # @!method device_time # Get the time on the device # # @return [String] # # @example # # @driver.device_time # #### ## With arguments #### # @!method install_app(path, replace: nil, timeout: nil, allow_test_packages: nil, use_sdcard: nil, grant_permissions: nil) # Install the given app onto the device # # @param [String] path The absolute local path or remote http URL to an .ipa or .apk file, or a .zip containing one of these. # @param [Boolean] replace: Only for Android. Whether to reinstall/upgrade the package if it is already present on the device under test. `true` by default # @param [Integer] timeout: Only for Android. How much time to wait for the installation to complete. 60000ms by default. # @param [Boolean] allow_test_packages: Only for Android. Whether to allow installation of packages marked as test in the manifest. `false` by default # @param [Boolean] use_sdcard: Only for Android. Whether to use the SD card to install the app. `false` by default # @param [Boolean] grant_permissions: Only for Android. whether to automatically grant application permissions on Android 6+ after the installation completes. `false` by default # # @example # # @driver.install_app("/path/to/test.apk") # @driver.install_app("/path/to/test.apk", replace: true, timeout: 20000, allow_test_packages: true, use_sdcard: false, grant_permissions: false) # # @!method remove_app(app_id, keep_data: nil, timeout: nil) # # @param [Strong] app_id BundleId for iOS or package name for Android # @param [Boolean] keep_data: Only for Android. Whether to keep application data and caches after it is uninstalled. `false` by default # @param [Integer] timeout: Only for Android. How much time to wait for the uninstall to complete. 20000ms by default. # # @example # # @driver.remove_app("io.appium.bundle") # @driver.remove_app("io.appium.bundle", keep_data: false, timeout, 10000) # # @!method app_installed?(app_id) # Check whether the specified app is installed on the device # @return [Boolean] # # @example # # @driver.app_installed?("io.appium.bundle") # # @!method terminate_app(app_id) # Terminate the specified app. # # @param [Strong] app_id BundleId for iOS or package name for Android # @param [Integer] timeout: Only for Android. How much time to wait for the application termination to complete. 500ms by default. # @return [Boolean] # # @example # # @driver.terminate_app("io.appium.bundle") # true # @driver.terminate_app("io.appium.bundle", timeout: 500) # # @!method activate_app(app_id) # Activate(Launch) the specified app. # @return [Hash] # # @example # # @driver.activate_app("io.appium.bundle") #=> {} # # Get the status of an existing application on the device. # State: # AppState::NOT_INSTALLED : The current application state cannot be determined/is unknown # AppState::NOT_RUNNING : The application is not running # AppState::RUNNING_IN_BACKGROUND_SUSPENDED : The application is running in the background and is suspended # AppState::RUNNING_IN_BACKGROUND : The application is running in the background and is not suspended # AppState::RUNNING_IN_FOREGROUND : The application is running in the foreground # # For more details: # # @param [String] bundle_id A target app's bundle id # @return [AppManagement::APP_STATE_NOT_INSTALLED|AppManagement::APP_STATE_NOT_RUNNING|APP_STATE_RUNNING_IN_BACKGROUND_SUSPEND|AppManagement::APP_STATE_RUNNING_IN_BACKGROUND|AppManagement::APP_STATE_RUNNING_IN_FOREGROUND] A number of the state # # @example # # @driver.app_state("io.appium.bundle") #=> 1 # # @!method app_strings(language = nil) # Return the hash of all localization strings. # @return [Hash] # # @example # # @driver.app_strings #=> "TransitionsTitle"=>"Transitions", "WebTitle"=>"Web" # # @!method lock(duration = nil) # Lock the device # @return [String] # # @example # # @driver.lock #=> Lock the device # @driver.lock(5) #=> Lock the device in 5 sec and unlock the device after 5 sec. # # Block other commands during locking the device. # # @!method background_app(duration = 0) # Backgrounds the app for a set number of seconds. # This is a blocking application # @param [Integer] duration How many seconds to background the app for. # @return [String] # # @example # # @driver.background_app # @driver.background_app(5) # @driver.background_app(-1) #=> the app never come back. # # @!method hide_keyboard(close_key = nil, strategy = nil) # Hide the onscreen keyboard # @param [String] close_key The name of the key which closes the keyboard. # Defaults to 'Done' for iOS(except for XCUITest). # @param [Symbol] strategy The symbol of the strategy which closes the keyboard. # XCUITest ignore this argument. # Default for iOS is `:pressKey`. Default for Android is `:tapOutside`. # # @example # # @driver.hide_keyboard # Close a keyboard with the 'Done' button # @driver.hide_keyboard('Finished') # Close a keyboard with the 'Finished' button # @driver.hide_keyboard(nil, :tapOutside) # Close a keyboard with tapping out side of keyboard # # @!method keyevent(key, metastate = nil) # Send keyevent on the device.(Only for Selendroid) # # @param [integer] key The key to press. # @param [String] metastate The state the metakeys should be in when pressing the key. # # @example # # @driver.keyevent 82 # # @!method press_keycode(key, metastate = nil) # Press keycode on the device. # # @param [integer] key The key to press. # @param [String] metastate The state the metakeys should be in when pressing the key. # # @example # # @driver.press_keycode 82 # # @!method long_press_keycode(key, metastate = nil) # Long press keycode on the device. # # @param [integer] key The key to long press. # @param [String] metastate The state the metakeys should be in when long pressing the key. # # @example # # @driver.long_press_keycode 82 # # @!method push_file(path, filedata) # Place a file in a specific location on the device. # @param [String] path The absolute path on the device to store data at. # @param [String] filedata Raw file data to be sent to the device. Converted to base64 in the method. # # @example # # @driver.push_file "/file/to/path", "data" # # @!method pull_file(path) # Retrieve a file from the device. This can retrieve an absolute path or # a path relative to the installed app (iOS only). # @param [String] path Either an absolute path OR, for iOS devices, a path relative to the app, as described. # # @example # # @driver.pull_file '/local/data/some/path' #=> Get the file at that path # @driver.pull_file '' #=> Get 'some/file' from the install location of # # @!method pull_folder(path) # Retrieve a folder from the device. # @param [String] path absolute path to the folder # # @example # # @driver.pull_folder '/data/local/tmp' #=> Get the folder at that path # # @!method get_settings # Get appium Settings for current test session # # @example # # @driver.pull_folder '/data/local/tmp' #=> Get the folder at that path # # @since 1.3.4 # @!method save_viewport_screenshot # Save screenshot except for status bar while `@driver.save_screenshot` save entire screen. # # @example # # @driver.save_viewport_screenshot 'path/to/save.png' #=> Get the File instance of viewport_screenshot # # @!method update_settings(settings) # Update Appium Settings for current test session # @param [Hash] settings Settings to update, keys are settings, values to value to set each setting to # # @example # # @driver.update_settings('allowInvisibleElements': true) # # @!method set_immediate_value(element, *value) # Set the value to element directly # # @example # # set_immediate_value element, 'hello' # # @!method replace_value(element, *value) # Replace the value to element directly # # @example # # replace_value element, 'hello' # # @!method ime_activate(ime_name) # Android only. Make an engine that is available active. # @param [String] ime_name The IME owning the activity [required] # # @example # # ime_activate engine: '' # # @!method ime_available_engines # Android only. List all available input engines on the machine. # # @example # # ime_available_engines #=> Get the list of IME installed in the target device # # @!method ime_active_engine # Android only. Get the name of the active IME engine. # # @example # # ime_active_engine #=> Get the current active IME such as '' # # @!method ime_activated # Android only. Indicates whether IME input is active at the moment (not if it is available). # # @example # # ime_activated #=> True if IME is activated # # @!method ime_deactivate # Android only. De-activates the currently-active IME engine. # # @example # # ime_deactivate #=> Deactivate current IME engine # # @!method set_context(context) # Change the context to the given context. # @param [String] context The context to change to # # @example # # @driver.set_context "NATIVE_APP" # # @!method current_context # @return [String] The context currently being used. # # @example # # @driver.current_context # # @!method available_contexts # @return [Array] All usable contexts, as an array of strings. # # @example # # @driver.available_contexts # # Perform a block within the given context, then switch back to the starting context. # @param [String] context The context to switch to for the duration of the block. # # @example # # result = @driver.within_context('NATIVE_APP') do # @driver.find_element :tag, "button" # end # The result of `find_element :tag, "button"` # # Change to the default context. This is equivalent to `set_context nil`. # # @example # # @driver.switch_to_default_context # # @!method take_element_screenshot(element, png_path) # @param [Selenium::WebDriver::Element] element A element you'd like to take screenshot. # @param [String] png_path A path to save the screenshot # @return [File] Path to the screenshot. # # @example # # @driver.take_element_screenshot(element, "fine_name.png") # # @!method stop_recording_screen(remote_path: nil, user: nil, pass: nil, method: 'PUT') # @param [String] remote_path: The path to the remote location, where the resulting video should be uploaded. # The following protocols are supported: http/https, ftp. # Null or empty string value (the default setting) means the content of resulting # file should be encoded as Base64 and passed as the endpoint response value. # An exception will be thrown if the generated media file is too big to # fit into the available process memory. # @param [String] user: The name of the user for the remote authentication. # @param [String] pass: The password for the remote authentication. # @param [String] method: The http multipart upload method name. The 'PUT' one is used by default. # # @example # # @driver.stop_recording_screen # @driver.stop_recording_screen remote_path: '', user: 'example', pass: 'pass', method: 'POST' # # @!method stop_and_save_recording_screen(file_path) # @param [String] file_path The path to save video decoded from base64 from Appium server. # # @example # # @driver.stop_and_save_recording_screen 'example.mp4' # # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength #### ## class << self #### class << self def extended(_mod) extend_webdriver_with_forwardable add_endpoint_method(:shake) do def shake execute :shake end end add_endpoint_method(:device_time) do def device_time execute :device_time end end add_endpoint_method(:hide_keyboard) do def hide_keyboard(close_key = nil, strategy = nil) option = {} option[:key] = close_key || 'Done' # default to Done key. option[:strategy] = strategy || :pressKey # default to pressKey execute :hide_keyboard, {}, option end end add_endpoint_method(:take_element_screenshot) do def take_element_screenshot(element, png_path) result = execute :take_element_screenshot, id: element.ref extension = File.extname(png_path).downcase if extension != '.png' ::Appium::Logger.warn 'name used for saved screenshot does not match file type. '\ 'It should end with .png extension' end, 'wb') { |f| f << result.unpack('m')[0] } end end add_endpoint_method(:set_immediate_value) do def set_immediate_value(element, *value) keys = ::Selenium::WebDriver::Keys.encode(value) execute :set_immediate_value, { id: element.ref }, value: Array(keys) end end add_endpoint_method(:replace_value) do def replace_value(element, *value) keys = ::Selenium::WebDriver::Keys.encode(value) execute :replace_value, { id: element.ref }, value: Array(keys) end end add_endpoint_method(:get_settings) do def get_settings execute :get_settings, {} end end add_endpoint_method(:update_settings) do def update_settings(settings) execute :update_settings, {}, settings: settings end end add_endpoint_method(:save_viewport_screenshot) do def save_viewport_screenshot(png_path) extension = File.extname(png_path).downcase if extension != '.png' ::Appium::Logger.warn 'name used for saved screenshot does not match file type. '\ 'It should end with .png extension' end viewport_screenshot_encode64 = execute_script('mobile: viewportScreenshot'), 'wb') { |f| f << viewport_screenshot_encode64.unpack('m')[0] } end end add_keyevent add_touch_actions add_ime_actions add_handling_context add_screen_recording add_app_management add_device_lock add_file_management end # def extended # @private def add_endpoint_method(method) block_given? ? create_bridge_command(method, & : create_bridge_command(method) delegate_driver_method method delegate_from_appium_driver method end # @private CoreBridge def extend_webdriver_with_forwardable return if ::Appium::Core::Base::Driver.is_a? Forwardable ::Appium::Core::Base::Driver.class_eval do extend Forwardable end end # @private def delegate_driver_method(method) return if ::Appium::Core::Base::Driver.method_defined? method ::Appium::Core::Base::Driver.class_eval { def_delegator :@bridge, method } end # @private def delegate_from_appium_driver(method, delegation_target = :driver) def_delegator delegation_target, method end # @private def create_bridge_command(method) ::Appium::Core::Base::Bridge::MJSONWP.class_eval do block_given? ? class_eval(& : define_method(method) { execute method } end ::Appium::Core::Base::Bridge::W3C.class_eval do block_given? ? class_eval(& : define_method(method) { execute method } end end def add_device_lock add_endpoint_method(:lock) do def lock(duration = nil) opts = duration ? { seconds: duration } : {} execute :lock, {}, opts end end add_endpoint_method(:device_locked?) do def device_locked? execute :device_locked? end end add_endpoint_method(:unlock) do def unlock execute :unlock end end end def add_file_management add_endpoint_method(:push_file) do def push_file(path, filedata) encoded_data = Base64.encode64 filedata execute :push_file, {}, path: path, data: encoded_data end end add_endpoint_method(:pull_file) do def pull_file(path) data = execute :pull_file, {}, path: path Base64.decode64 data end end add_endpoint_method(:pull_folder) do def pull_folder(path) data = execute :pull_folder, {}, path: path Base64.decode64 data end end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def add_app_management add_endpoint_method(:launch_app) do def launch_app execute :launch_app end end add_endpoint_method(:close_app) do def close_app execute :close_app end end add_endpoint_method(:close_app) do def close_app execute :close_app end end add_endpoint_method(:reset) do def reset execute :reset end end add_endpoint_method(:app_strings) do def app_strings(language = nil) opts = language ? { language: language } : {} execute :app_strings, {}, opts end end add_endpoint_method(:background_app) do def background_app(duration = 0) execute :background_app, {}, seconds: duration end end add_endpoint_method(:install_app) do def install_app(path, replace: nil, timeout: nil, allow_test_packages: nil, use_sdcard: nil, grant_permissions: nil) args = { appPath: path } args[:options] = {} unless options?(replace, timeout, allow_test_packages, use_sdcard, grant_permissions) args[:options][:replace] = replace unless replace.nil? args[:options][:timeout] = timeout unless timeout.nil? args[:options][:allowTestPackages] = allow_test_packages unless allow_test_packages.nil? args[:options][:useSdcard] = use_sdcard unless use_sdcard.nil? args[:options][:grantPermissions] = grant_permissions unless grant_permissions.nil? execute :install_app, {}, args end private def options?(replace, timeout, allow_test_packages, use_sdcard, grant_permissions) replace.nil? || timeout.nil? || allow_test_packages.nil? || use_sdcard.nil? || grant_permissions.nil? end end add_endpoint_method(:remove_app) do def remove_app(id, keep_data: nil, timeout: nil) # required: [['appId'], ['bundleId']] args = { appId: id } args[:options] = {} unless keep_data.nil? || timeout.nil? args[:options][:keepData] = keep_data unless keep_data.nil? args[:options][:timeout] = timeout unless timeout.nil? execute :remove_app, {}, args end end add_endpoint_method(:app_installed?) do def app_installed?(app_id) # required: [['appId'], ['bundleId']] execute :app_installed?, {}, bundleId: app_id end end add_endpoint_method(:activate_app) do def activate_app(app_id) # required: [['appId'], ['bundleId']] execute :activate_app, {}, bundleId: app_id end end add_endpoint_method(:terminate_app) do def terminate_app(app_id, timeout: nil) # required: [['appId'], ['bundleId']] # args = { appId: app_id } args[:options] = {} unless timeout.nil? args[:options][:timeout] = timeout unless timeout.nil? execute :terminate_app, {}, args end end add_endpoint_method(:app_state) do def app_state(app_id) # required: [['appId'], ['bundleId']] response = execute :app_state, {}, appId: app_id case response when 0 ::Appium::Core::Device::AppState::NOT_INSTALLED when 1 ::Appium::Core::Device::AppState::NOT_RUNNING when 2 ::Appium::Core::Device::AppState::RUNNING_IN_BACKGROUND_SUSPENDED when 3 ::Appium::Core::Device::AppState::RUNNING_IN_BACKGROUND when 4 ::Appium::Core::Device::AppState::RUNNING_IN_FOREGROUND else ::Appium::Logger.debug("Unexpected status in app_state: #{response}") response end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def add_keyevent # Only for Selendroid add_endpoint_method(:keyevent) do def keyevent(key, metastate = nil) args = { keycode: key } args[:metastate] = metastate if metastate execute :keyevent, {}, args end end add_endpoint_method(:press_keycode) do def press_keycode(key, metastate = nil) args = { keycode: key } args[:metastate] = metastate if metastate execute :press_keycode, {}, args end end add_endpoint_method(:long_press_keycode) do def long_press_keycode(key, metastate = nil) args = { keycode: key } args[:metastate] = metastate if metastate execute :long_press_keycode, {}, args end end end def add_touch_actions add_endpoint_method(:touch_actions) do def touch_actions(actions) actions = { actions: [actions].flatten } execute :touch_actions, {}, actions end end add_endpoint_method(:multi_touch) do def multi_touch(actions) execute :multi_touch, {}, actions: actions end end end def add_ime_actions add_endpoint_method(:ime_activate) do def ime_activate(ime_name) # from Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS execute :ime_activate_engine, {}, engine: ime_name end end add_endpoint_method(:ime_available_engines) do def ime_available_engines execute :ime_get_available_engines end end add_endpoint_method(:ime_active_engine) do # from Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS def ime_active_engine execute :ime_get_active_engine end end add_endpoint_method(:ime_activated) do # from Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS def ime_activated execute :ime_is_activated end end add_endpoint_method(:ime_deactivate) do # from Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS def ime_deactivate execute :ime_deactivate, {} end end end def add_handling_context add_endpoint_method(:within_context) do def within_context(context) existing_context = current_context set_context context if block_given? result = yield set_context existing_context result else set_context existing_context end end end add_endpoint_method(:switch_to_default_context) do def switch_to_default_context set_context nil end end add_endpoint_method(:current_context) do def current_context execute :current_context end end add_endpoint_method(:available_contexts) do def available_contexts # return empty array instead of nil on failure execute(:available_contexts, {}) || [] end end add_endpoint_method(:set_context) do def set_context(context = null) execute :set_context, {}, name: context end end end def add_screen_recording add_endpoint_method(:stop_recording_screen) do def stop_recording_screen(remote_path: nil, user: nil, pass: nil, method: 'PUT') option = remote_path: remote_path, user: user, pass: pass, method: method ).upload_option params = option.empty? ? {} : { options: option } execute(:stop_recording_screen, {}, params) end end add_endpoint_method(:stop_and_save_recording_screen) do def stop_and_save_recording_screen(file_path) base64data = execute(:stop_recording_screen, {}, {}), 'wb') { |f| f << Base64.decode64(base64data) } end end end end # class << self end # module Device end # module Core end # module Appium