module PoliciesHelper def profiles_selection return @scap_content.scap_content_profiles if @scap_content.present? return @policy.scap_content.scap_content_profiles if @policy.scap_content.present? return [] end def policy_profile_from_scap_content(policy) policy.scap_content_profile.nil? ? "Default" : policy.scap_content_profile.title end def deploy_by_radios(f, policy) do |tool| popover_block = popover("", config_inline_help(tool.inline_help)) label = label_tag('', :class => 'col-md-2 control-label') do tool.type.to_s.capitalize.html_safe + ' ' + popover_block.html_safe end radio = content_tag(:div, :class => "col-md-2") do f.radio_button(:deploy_by, tool.type, :disabled => !tool.available?, :checked => deploy_by_radio_checked(policy, tool)) end content_tag(:div, :class => "clearfix") do content_tag(:div, :class => "form-group") do label.html_safe + radio.html_safe end end end.join('').html_safe end def config_inline_help(help_hash) link = if help_hash[:route_helper_method] && respond_to?(help_hash[:route_helper_method]) link_to_if_authorized help_hash[:replace_text], public_send(help_hash[:route_helper_method]) else help_hash[:replace_text] end text = help_hash[:text] text = text.split(help_hash[:replace_text], 2).join(link) if help_hash.key?(:replace_text) text.html_safe end def deploy_by_radio_checked(policy, tool) type = policy.deploy_by ? policy.deploy_by.to_sym : :puppet tool.type == type end def effective_policy_profile(policy) policy.tailoring_file ? policy.tailoring_file_profile.title : policy_profile_from_scap_content(policy) end def scap_content_selector(form) scap_contents = ::ForemanOpenscap::ScapContent.authorized(:view_scap_contents).all if scap_contents.length > 1 select_f form, :scap_content_id, scap_contents, :id, :title, { :include_blank => _("Choose existing SCAP Content") }, { :label => _("SCAP Content"), :onchange => 'scap_content_selected(this);', :'data-url' => method_path('scap_content_selected') } else select_f form, :scap_content_id, scap_contents, :id, :title, { :label => _("SCAP Content"), :onchange => 'scap_content_selected(this);', :'data-url' => method_path('scap_content_selected') } end end def scap_content_profile_selector(form) if profiles_selection.length == 1 select_f form, :scap_content_profile_id, profiles_selection, :id, :title, { :selected => @policy.scap_content_profile_id }, { :label => _("XCCDF Profile"), :disabled => profiles_selection.empty? ? true : false, :help_inline => :indicator } else select_f form, :scap_content_profile_id, profiles_selection, :id, :title, { :selected => @policy.scap_content_profile_id, :include_blank => _("Default XCCDF profile") }, { :label => _("XCCDF Profile"), :disabled => profiles_selection.empty? ? true : false, :help_inline => :indicator } end end def tailoring_file_selector(form) select_f form, :tailoring_file_id, ForemanOpenscap::TailoringFile.all.authorized(:view_tailoring_files), :id, :name, { :include_blank => _('Choose Tailoring File') }, { :label => _('Tailoring File'), :onchange => 'tailoring_file_selected(this)', :'data-url' => method_path('tailoring_file_selected') } end def tailoring_file_profile_selector(form, tailoring_file) if tailoring_file select_f form, :tailoring_file_profile_id, tailoring_file.scap_content_profiles, :id, :title, { :selected => }, { :label => _("XCCDF Profile in Tailoring File"), :help_inline => _("This profile will be used to override the one from scap content") } else # to make sure tailoring profile id is nil when tailoring file is deselected form.hidden_field(:tailoring_file_profile_id, :value => nil) end end def submit_or_cancel_policy(form, overwrite = nil, args = {}) args[:cancel_path] ||= send("#{controller_name}_path") content_tag(:div, :class => "clearfix") do content_tag(:div, :class => "form-actions") do text = overwrite ? overwrite : _("Submit") options = { :class => "btn btn-primary" } previous = form.object.first_step? ? ' ' : previous_link(form) cancel_and_submit = content_tag(:div, :class => "pull-right") do link_to(_("Cancel"), args[:cancel_path], :class => "btn btn-default") + ' ' + form.submit(text, options) end (previous + cancel_and_submit).html_safe end end end def show_partial_wizard(step) @policy.current_step == step ? 'show-pane' : 'hide-pane' end def previous_link(form) previous = content_tag(:span, "", :class => 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left') content_tag(:div, :class => 'pull-left') do link_to(previous.html_safe, '#', :class => 'btn btn-default', :onclick => "previous_step('#{@policy.previous_step}')") end end def days_of_week_hash Hash[* { |day| [day.downcase, day] }.flatten] end def translate_steps(policy) { |step| _(step) } end def policy_breadcrumbs if @policy breadcrumbs(:resource_url => api_compliance_policies_path, :name_field => 'name', :items => [ { :caption => _('Policies'), :url => url_for(policies_path) }, { :caption =>, :url => (edit_policy_path(@policy) if authorized_for(hash_for_edit_policy_path(@policy))) } ]) end end end