import { getOwner } from 'ember-owner'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { get } from 'ember-metal'; import EmberError from '@ember/error'; const ALL_PERIODS_REGEX = /\./g; export function extractRouteArgs(args) { args = args.slice(); let possibleQueryParams = args[args.length - 1]; let queryParams; if (possibleQueryParams && possibleQueryParams.hasOwnProperty('queryParams')) { queryParams = args.pop().queryParams; } else { queryParams = {}; } let routeName = args.shift(); return { routeName, models: args, queryParams }; } export function getActiveTargetName(router) { let handlerInfos = router.activeTransition ? router.activeTransition.state.handlerInfos : router.state.handlerInfos; return handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length - 1].name; } export function stashParamNames(router, handlerInfos) { if (handlerInfos._namesStashed) { return; } // This helper exists because router.js/route-recognizer.js awkwardly // keeps separate a handlerInfo's list of parameter names depending // on whether a URL transition or named transition is happening. // Hopefully we can remove this in the future. let targetRouteName = handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length - 1].name; let recogHandlers = router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.handlersFor(targetRouteName); let dynamicParent = null; for (let i = 0; i < handlerInfos.length; ++i) { let handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i]; let names = recogHandlers[i].names; if (names.length) { dynamicParent = handlerInfo; } handlerInfo._names = names; let route = handlerInfo.handler; route._stashNames(handlerInfo, dynamicParent); } handlerInfos._namesStashed = true; } function _calculateCacheValuePrefix(prefix, part) { // calculates the dot separated sections from prefix that are also // at the start of part - which gives us the route name // given : prefix = site.article.comments, part = // - returns: site.article (use get(values[site.article], 'id') to get the dynamic part - used below) // given : prefix = site.article, part = // - returns: site.article. (use get(values[site.article], 'id') to get the dynamic part - used below) let prefixParts = prefix.split('.'); let currPrefix = ''; for (let i = 0; i < prefixParts.length; i++) { let currPart = prefixParts.slice(0, i + 1).join('.'); if (part.indexOf(currPart) !== 0) { break; } currPrefix = currPart; } return currPrefix; } /* Stolen from Controller */ export function calculateCacheKey(prefix, parts = [], values) { let suffixes = ''; for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { let part = parts[i]; let cacheValuePrefix = _calculateCacheValuePrefix(prefix, part); let value; if (values) { if (cacheValuePrefix && cacheValuePrefix in values) { let partRemovedPrefix = part.indexOf(cacheValuePrefix) === 0 ? part.substr(cacheValuePrefix.length + 1) : part; value = get(values[cacheValuePrefix], partRemovedPrefix); } else { value = get(values, part); } } suffixes += `::${part}:${value}`; } return prefix + suffixes.replace(ALL_PERIODS_REGEX, '-'); } /* Controller-defined query parameters can come in three shapes: Array queryParams: ['foo', 'bar'] Array of simple objects where value is an alias queryParams: [ { 'foo': 'rename_foo_to_this' }, { 'bar': 'call_bar_this_instead' } ] Array of fully defined objects queryParams: [ { 'foo': { as: 'rename_foo_to_this' }, } { 'bar': { as: 'call_bar_this_instead', scope: 'controller' } } ] This helper normalizes all three possible styles into the 'Array of fully defined objects' style. */ export function normalizeControllerQueryParams(queryParams) { let qpMap = {}; for (let i = 0; i < queryParams.length; ++i) { accumulateQueryParamDescriptors(queryParams[i], qpMap); } return qpMap; } function accumulateQueryParamDescriptors(_desc, accum) { let desc = _desc; let tmp; if (typeof desc === 'string') { tmp = {}; tmp[desc] = { as: null }; desc = tmp; } for (let key in desc) { if (!desc.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return; } let singleDesc = desc[key]; if (typeof singleDesc === 'string') { singleDesc = { as: singleDesc }; } tmp = accum[key] || { as: null, scope: 'model' }; assign(tmp, singleDesc); accum[key] = tmp; } } /* Check if a routeName resembles a url instead @private */ export function resemblesURL(str) { return typeof str === 'string' && (str === '' || str[0] === '/'); } /* Returns an arguments array where the route name arg is prefixed based on the mount point @private */ export function prefixRouteNameArg(route, args) { let routeName = args[0]; let owner = getOwner(route); let prefix = owner.mountPoint; // only alter the routeName if it's actually referencing a route. if (owner.routable && typeof routeName === 'string') { if (resemblesURL(routeName)) { throw new EmberError( 'Programmatic transitions by URL cannot be used within an Engine. Please use the route name instead.' ); } else { routeName = `${prefix}.${routeName}`; args[0] = routeName; } } return args; } export function shallowEqual(a, b) { let k; let aCount = 0; let bCount = 0; for (k in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (a[k] !== b[k]) { return false; } aCount++; } } for (k in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(k)) { bCount++; } } return aCount === bCount; }