/* Welcome to Susy. Use this file to define screen styles. * Import this file using the following HTML or equivalent: * */ // Imports --------------------------------------------------------------*/ @import "defaults"; /* Layout --------------------------------------------------------------*/ @include susy; // change '#page' to match your HTML container element(s) #page { @include container; //@include show-grid("grid.png"); @include sans-family; } // show-grid loads a 64+16x24 grid image by default // For other grid settings, run `compass grid-img 30+10x20` // Where 30 is the column width, 10 is the gutter width, // and 20 is the (optional) line-height. /* Styles --------------------------------------------------------------*/ header#site-header { @include full; @include leader(6,32px); @include trailer(2,32px); #logo { @include columns(2,12); img { width: 64px; height: auto; } } #site-title { @include columns(5,12); h1{ @include adjust-font-size-to(24px); color: black; } } #site-description { @include columns(5,12); h2 { @include adjust-font-size-to(24px); color: #ddd; } } nav { @include trailer(1,32px); @include prefix(2); ul { @include inline-block-list(12px); li { @include slab-family; } } } } #access { @include skip-link(); } section#main { @include full; header#page_title { h1, h2 { @include adjust-font-size-to(48px); color: #aaa; @include prefix(2); } } section#content { min-height: 320px; @include prefix(0); @include columns(12,12); @include leader(1,32px); h1, h2 { @include adjust-font-size-to(24px); } article { @include trailer(2,32px); aside { color: #aaa; a { color: #999; } } } } aside#sidebar { @include columns(2,12); ul { @include no-style-list; } } } footer { @include prefix(2); @include full; @include slab-family; } section.subsection { @include columns(12,12); aside.submenu { @include columns(2,12); ul { @include no-style-list; @include adjust-font-size-to(12px); } } section.subpage { @include columns(9,12); } } .page { iframe { @include columns(12,12); height: 580px; @include rhythm-borders(8px); border-color: #eee; padding: 0px; scroll: none; } } .page.thin_page { iframe { @include columns(10,10); height: 580px; @include rhythm-borders(8px); border-color: #eee; padding: 0px; scroll: none; } } .thin_page { @include prefix(2); } #testing { background-color: red; } section#errors { background-color: #ffdddd; padding: 0.5em; h2 { @include adjust-font-size-to(16px); color: #882222; } .reason { display: none; } }