import { get } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { RSVP } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { Route } from '@ember/-internals/routing'; import { QueryParamTestCase, moduleFor } from 'internal-test-helpers'; // These tests mimic what happens with lazily loaded Engines. moduleFor( 'Query Params - async get handler', class extends QueryParamTestCase { get routerOptions() { let fetchedHandlers = (this.fetchedHandlers = []); return { location: 'test', init() { this._super(...arguments); this._seenHandlers = Object.create(null); this._handlerPromises = Object.create(null); }, setupRouter() { this._super(...arguments); let { _handlerPromises: handlerPromises, _seenHandlers: seenHandlers } = this; let getRoute = this._routerMicrolib.getRoute; this._routerMicrolib.getRoute = function(routeName) { fetchedHandlers.push(routeName); // Cache the returns so we don't have more than one Promise for a // given handler. return ( handlerPromises[routeName] || (handlerPromises[routeName] = new RSVP.Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { let handler = getRoute(routeName); seenHandlers[routeName] = handler; resolve(handler); }, 10); })) ); }; }, _getQPMeta(routeInfo) { let handler = this._seenHandlers[]; if (handler) { return get(handler, '_qp'); } }, }; } ['@test can render a link to an asynchronously loaded route without fetching the route']( assert ) { assert.expect(4); { this.route('post', { path: '/post/:id' }); }); this.setSingleQPController('post'); let setupAppTemplate = () => { this.addTemplate( 'application', ` {{link-to 'Post' 'post' 1337 (query-params foo='bar') class='post-link is-1337'}} {{link-to 'Post' 'post' 7331 (query-params foo='boo') class='post-link is-7331'}} {{outlet}} ` ); }; setupAppTemplate(); return this.visitAndAssert('/').then(() => { assert.equal( this.$('').attr('href'), '/post/1337?foo=bar', 'renders correctly with default QP value' ); assert.equal( this.$('').attr('href'), '/post/7331?foo=boo', 'renders correctly with non-default QP value' ); assert.deepEqual( this.fetchedHandlers, ['application', 'index'], `only fetched the handlers for the route we're on` ); }); } ['@test can transitionTo to an asynchronously loaded route with simple query params'](assert) { assert.expect(6); { this.route('post', { path: '/post/:id' }); this.route('posts'); }); this.setSingleQPController('post'); let postController; return this.visitAndAssert('/') .then(() => { postController = this.getController('post'); return this.transitionTo('posts').then(() => { this.assertCurrentPath('/posts'); }); }) .then(() => { return this.transitionTo('post', 1337, { queryParams: { foo: 'boo' }, }).then(() => { assert.equal( postController.get('foo'), 'boo', 'simple QP is correctly set on controller' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1337?foo=boo'); }); }) .then(() => { return this.transitionTo('post', 1337, { queryParams: { foo: 'bar' }, }).then(() => { assert.equal( postController.get('foo'), 'bar', 'simple QP is correctly set with default value' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1337'); }); }); } ['@test can transitionTo to an asynchronously loaded route with array query params'](assert) { assert.expect(5); { this.route('post', { path: '/post/:id' }); }); this.setSingleQPController('post', 'comments', []); let postController; return this.visitAndAssert('/') .then(() => { postController = this.getController('post'); return this.transitionTo('post', 1337, { queryParams: { comments: [1, 2] }, }).then(() => { assert.deepEqual( postController.get('comments'), [1, 2], 'array QP is correctly set with default value' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1337?comments=%5B1%2C2%5D'); }); }) .then(() => { return this.transitionTo('post', 1338).then(() => { assert.deepEqual( postController.get('comments'), [], 'array QP is correctly set on controller' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1338'); }); }); } ['@test can transitionTo to an asynchronously loaded route with mapped query params'](assert) { assert.expect(7); { this.route('post', { path: '/post/:id' }, function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); }); this.setSingleQPController('post'); this.setMappedQPController('post.index', 'comment', 'note'); let postController; let postIndexController; return this.visitAndAssert('/') .then(() => { postController = this.getController('post'); postIndexController = this.getController('post.index'); return this.transitionTo('post.index', 1337, { queryParams: { note: 6, foo: 'boo' }, }).then(() => { assert.equal( postController.get('foo'), 'boo', 'simple QP is correctly set on controller' ); assert.equal( postIndexController.get('comment'), 6, 'mapped QP is correctly set on controller' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1337?foo=boo¬e=6'); }); }) .then(() => { return this.transitionTo('post', 1337, { queryParams: { foo: 'bar' }, }).then(() => { assert.equal( postController.get('foo'), 'bar', 'simple QP is correctly set with default value' ); assert.equal( postIndexController.get('comment'), 6, 'mapped QP retains value scoped to model' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1337?note=6'); }); }); } ['@test can transitionTo with a URL'](assert) { assert.expect(7); { this.route('post', { path: '/post/:id' }, function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); }); this.setSingleQPController('post'); this.setMappedQPController('post.index', 'comment', 'note'); let postController; let postIndexController; return this.visitAndAssert('/') .then(() => { postController = this.getController('post'); postIndexController = this.getController('post.index'); return this.transitionTo('/post/1337?foo=boo¬e=6').then(() => { assert.equal( postController.get('foo'), 'boo', 'simple QP is correctly deserialized on controller' ); assert.equal( postIndexController.get('comment'), 6, 'mapped QP is correctly deserialized on controller' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1337?foo=boo¬e=6'); }); }) .then(() => { return this.transitionTo('/post/1337?note=6').then(() => { assert.equal( postController.get('foo'), 'bar', 'simple QP is correctly deserialized with default value' ); assert.equal( postIndexController.get('comment'), 6, 'mapped QP retains value scoped to model' ); this.assertCurrentPath('/post/1337?note=6'); }); }); } ["@test undefined isn't serialized or deserialized into a string"](assert) { assert.expect(4); { this.route('example'); }); this.addTemplate( 'application', "{{link-to 'Example' 'example' (query-params foo=undefined) id='the-link'}}" ); this.setSingleQPController('example', 'foo', undefined, { foo: undefined, }); this.add( 'route:example', Route.extend({ model(params) { assert.deepEqual(params, { foo: undefined }); }, }) ); return this.visitAndAssert('/').then(() => { assert.equal( this.$('#the-link').attr('href'), '/example', 'renders without undefined qp serialized' ); return this.transitionTo('example', { queryParams: { foo: undefined }, }).then(() => { this.assertCurrentPath('/example'); }); }); } } );