IntercomRails.config do |config|
  # == Intercom app_id
  config.app_id = ENV["INTERCOM_APP_ID"] || "<%= @app_id %>"

  # == Intercom secret key 
  # This is reuqired to enable secure mode, you can find it on your Intercom 
  # "security" configuration page.
  <%- if @api_secret -%>
  config.api_secret = "<%= @api_secret %>"
  <%- else -%>
  # config.api_secret = "..."
  <%- end -%>

  # == Intercom API Key
  # This is required for some Intercom rake tasks like importing your users;
  # you can generate one at
  <%- if @api_key -%>
  config.api_key = "<%= @api_key %>"
  <%- else -%>
  # config.api_key = "..."
  <%- end -%>

  # == Curent user name
  # The method/variable that contains the logged in user in your controllers.
  # If it is `current_user` or `@user`, then you can ignore this
  # config.user.current = { current_user }
  # == User model class
  # The class which defines your user model
  # config.user.model = { User }

  # == User Custom Data
  # A hash of additional data you wish to send about your users.
  # You can provide either a method name which will be sent to the current
  # user object, or a Proc which will be passed the current user.
  # config.user.custom_data = {
  #   :plan => { |current_user| },
  #   :favorite_color => :favorite_color
  # }

  <%- if @app_id == 'tx2p130c' -%>
  # == User -> Company association
  # A Proc that given a user returns an array of companies
  # that the user belongs to.
  # config.user.company_association = { |user| user.companies.to_a }
  # config.user.company_association = { |user| [] }

  # == Current company name
  # The method/variable that contains the current company for the current user,
  # in your controllers. 'Companies' are generic groupings of users, so this 
  # could be a company, app or group.
  # = { @app }

  # == Company Custom Data
  # A hash of additional data you wish to send about a company.
  # This works the same as User custom data above.
  # = {
  #   :number_of_messages => { |app| app.messages.count },
  #   :is_interesting => :is_interesting?
  # }
  <%- end -%>
  # == Inbox Style
  # This enables the Intercom inbox which allows your users to read their
  # past conversations with your app, as well as start new ones. It is 
  # disabled by default.
  #   * :default shows a small tab with a question mark icon on it
  #   * :custom attaches the inbox open event to an anchor with an
  #             id of #Intercom.
  # = :default 
  # = :custom

  # == Inbox Counter
  # If you're using the custom inbox style, you can request that Intercom
  # insert an `em` element into your anchor with the count of unread messages
  # config.inbox.counter = true
