# IMPORTANT: This file is generated by cucumber-rails - edit at your own peril. # It is recommended to regenerate this file in the future when you upgrade to a # newer version of cucumber-rails. Consider adding your own code to a new file # instead of editing this one. Cucumber will automatically load all features/**/*.rb # files. ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = File.expand_path('../../../Gemfile', __FILE__) require 'rubygems' require "bundler" Bundler.setup ENV["RAILS"] ||= "3.0.0" ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "cucumber" ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] = File.expand_path("../../../spec/rails/rails-#{ENV["RAILS"]}", __FILE__) # Create the test app if it doesn't exists unless File.exists?(ENV['RAILS_ROOT']) system 'rake setup' end require ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] + '/config/environment' # Setup autoloading of ActiveAdmin and the load path $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) autoload :ActiveAdmin, 'active_admin' require 'cucumber/formatter/unicode' # Remove this line if you don't want Cucumber Unicode support require 'cucumber/rails/world' require 'cucumber/rails/active_record' require 'cucumber/web/tableish' require 'capybara/rails' require 'capybara/cucumber' require 'capybara/session' require 'cucumber/rails/capybara_javascript_emulation' # Lets you click links with onclick javascript handlers without using @culerity or @javascript # Capybara defaults to XPath selectors rather than Webrat's default of CSS3. In # order to ease the transition to Capybara we set the default here. If you'd # prefer to use XPath just remove this line and adjust any selectors in your # steps to use the XPath syntax. Capybara.default_selector = :css # If you set this to false, any error raised from within your app will bubble # up to your step definition and out to cucumber unless you catch it somewhere # on the way. You can make Rails rescue errors and render error pages on a # per-scenario basis by tagging a scenario or feature with the @allow-rescue tag. # # If you set this to true, Rails will rescue all errors and render error # pages, more or less in the same way your application would behave in the # default production environment. It's not recommended to do this for all # of your scenarios, as this makes it hard to discover errors in your application. ActionController::Base.allow_rescue = false # If you set this to true, each scenario will run in a database transaction. # You can still turn off transactions on a per-scenario basis, simply tagging # a feature or scenario with the @no-txn tag. If you are using Capybara, # tagging with @culerity or @javascript will also turn transactions off. # # If you set this to false, transactions will be off for all scenarios, # regardless of whether you use @no-txn or not. # # Beware that turning transactions off will leave data in your database # after each scenario, which can lead to hard-to-debug failures in # subsequent scenarios. If you do this, we recommend you create a Before # block that will explicitly put your database in a known state. Cucumber::Rails::World.use_transactional_fixtures = false # How to clean your database when transactions are turned off. See # http://github.com/bmabey/database_cleaner for more info. if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) begin require 'database_cleaner' require 'database_cleaner/cucumber' DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation rescue LoadError => ignore_if_database_cleaner_not_present end end # Create the test app if it doesn't exists unless File.exists?(ENV['RAILS_ROOT']) system 'rake setup' end # Remove all our constants Before do # We are cachine classes, but need to manually clear references to # the controllers. If they aren't clear, the router stores references ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear # Reload Active Admin ActiveAdmin.unload! ActiveAdmin.load! end